Background Check

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By Lynna Clark

So, what’s your story? Where have you been? When was the first time you realized that you couldn’t be good enough to earn Heaven? Who helped you understand that you needed a Savior, Someone to cover the unsightly details of your life when you stand before a holy God?

Let me give you a little peek into my story. I was brought up in church, but didn’t get the whole “You need a Savior” business. I figured I was decent enough. Once when we were headed home from church, we passed the Baptist parking lot. They were gettin’ outa Dodge, and we nearly got run over. My dad said, with his dry humor, “You have ta watch out for them Baptist. They think they know where they’re going when they die!” I never dreamed it was true. Who could know such a thing?

One night, my boyfriend asked me to a youth meeting at a friend’s home. Lame, I thought. Oh well, there’s nothing better to do on a Thursday night. So sitting on a carpet square, singing “Give me unction in my gumption, let me function, function, function,” and … all together now, “Give me wax on my board, keep me surfin’ for the Lord…”, I understood for the first time that I actually needed Jesus to stand for me before His holy Father. The youth pastor, with a gentleness I had never heard, explained 1st John 5:13, and I knew for the first time that I could know… just because I asked Him to save me. So I did. While guitars played, and some dude thumped a cord hooked to a pole on a washtub, I raised my hand to say that, yes, I am trusting. I want to be Yours dear Lord. And with that, I became his daughter forever.

Thank the good Lord, my then boyfriend, later became my now husband, and we have skipped happily through life together ever since! … Well except for the skipping part. So anyway, are you willing to tell your story? Someone needs to hear it. The section in Nehemiah we covered yesterday gave a few stories in all those numbers. That’s the interesting part. You have a story and you are loved. The Lord is honored when we tell what He has brought us through. And, it helps us know He will get us through whatever comes next, because we are His. Consider telling or writing your story this week. You’ll be surprised how it will help you speak to others about the Lord. Today, ask the Lord how to use your unique background to praise Him.

Lord, strengthen me to be honest about my past. I bring my hurts, and victories, to You, and ask You to turn them into praise. Strengthen me to continue my story for Your glory.

More: 1 John 5:13; John 20:31; Titus 3:5,6

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!” –Psalm 107:1 KJV

“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will give us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who His children really are!” -Romans 8:18,19

Knowing God’s Will

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By Lynna Clark

Yesterday we noticed in Nehemiah 8:9 that as the people heard the Word of God they were weeping. It seems that as the Word was read and explained, they understood God’s desires toward them. Maybe they understood His love. Maybe they realized their sinfulness. Maybe they were overwhelmed by His provision and care, especially in light of all He had just accomplished through them.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “The Word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are.” WOW. God’s Word is so powerful! It will reveal to us exactly what God wants us to know and do and feel. It will show us the junk we need to be rid of, and the stuff we need to hang onto to use for His glory. Then we can have a Psalm 32 experience:

“Oh, what joy for those whose rebellion is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of sin, whose lives are lived in complete honesty! Verse 8: “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Do you ever struggle with knowing the will of God? What to do, what to do? These verses offer a key to understanding. Give it up. Confess and get rid of whatever the Word reveals is blocking your friendship with your beloved Father. Draw so near that it is not a strain to call Him “Abba,” Daddy. There is nothing worth hanging onto at the expense of losing your closeness with Him. He longs to bless you. But sometimes we are just too far away to hear His voice, His sweet invitation to dinner, His gentle reminder that He loves us like the son or daughter we are.

We were invited to our former pastor’s home for the week-end. They had moved to another state and we had kinda lost touch with these once very close friends. I really didn’t want to go. Don’t tell anyone, but I snore like a freight train. It’s so loud that I am afraid that those people they interview after a tornado that say with that deep hick accent, “It sounded jes like a frate trane!!!” actually did not experience a tornado. They probably just live within a two mile radius of me. Aannnyyyyway… we went for our visit. We had been going through so many trials, I had just about shut down emotionally; stuff too hard to recount here. Our beloved friends got us talking. They comforted us and listened without judgment or advice. They just took care of us and fed us some really good food. We came away wondering why we had ever lost touch. Why had I dreaded the trip? Why did I wait so long? They helped bear this awful load and lifted us back to the land of the living. My joy was restored!

The Lord is looking forward to lightening your load, and restoring your joy, if you let Him. James 4:8 reminds me to draw close to Him & He will draw close to me! Why in the world would I put it off?

Prayer for today: Dear sweet Abba Father, strengthen us to look daily in Your Word, so we can clearly see Your BEST pathway for our lives. Point out anything that is blocking our friendship with You. Draw us so close that we experience the deepest love we have ever known. We want to be the best we can be for You.

More: Psalm 32; Hebrews 4:12-16; Romans 12:1,2; Romans 8:15


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By Lynna Clark

I’ve been thinking about a word I saw in Scripture, and praying it for my husband and me. You see, we’ve just let go of a lot of security and left jobs we had at the same school for the past twenty years. Yep. We are that crazy. Anyway, he was a middle school teacher [math, Bible, & culinary] and I was the school secretary. And we really loved it. But the Lord kept nudging us to step out of the boat and do a little wave walking.

A while back I heard a teaching series through the book of Nehemiah. The pastor said. “Don’t allow fear to be bigger than your God.” It was at that point that I had real confirmation that God wanted us to do something more. That was in January. So in March, when it was time to sign contracts for the next year, God gave us both peace and assurance that we needed to be done there. And we let go.

One day I was reading and came across the word equip. It’s contained in a prayer at the end of Hebrews. Chapter 13:20 says, “And now, may the God of peace, Who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing His will.” Since we are definitely old dogs in need of new tricks, equipping by God sounds like a great request. So this has become my prayer for us. Today, I saw an interesting commentary on that word. The writer, Dennis Fisher, says it is the same word used in several contexts. Stay with me, this is pretty cool. Ephesians 4:12 uses it to describe what pastors and teachers do for us as they bring us God’s Word. Galatians 6:1 speaks of restoring [equipping] a fallen brother. And my favorite is in Matthew 4:21. Mending [nets] is the same word.

God is so practical. He never asks us to do anything without equipping us to do it. And if we fall, and odds are pretty good we will, He reaches out His hand for us. And when we need mending, He’ll do that too. People may think we are not worth the effort, but God never gives up on us. And the coolest part of all is that the power He uses to equip us is the same power He used to RAISE CHRIST FROM THE DEAD! Ephesians 1:19-“I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead!” Strong stuff! Makes me think we can do anything He asks!

So the prayer for today is for equipping. Lord, strengthen us with the tools we need to build Your church. Put in our hearts what You want us to do. Then give us the knowhow, stamina, and understanding to do the things You want done. Help us remember that we cannot rely on ourselves. Then strengthen us to stay so close to You, that when the waves get big, we instantly call to you like Peter did when he stepped out on the water. Hold us by Your strong and mighty right hand! Equip us to do great things we’ve never done before!

More: Psalm 18:16-20; Matthew 14:22-33; Isaiah 43:2; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Isaiah 48:17- “The LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says, I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good and leads you along the paths you should follow. Oh that you had listened to my commands! Then you would have had peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling like waves.”

Joy Ahead

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By Lynna Clark

One of my favorite passages of all times, Nehemiah 8:10-12 says “Go and celebrate with a feast of choice foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength! And the Levites too, quieted the people telling them, ‘Hush! Don’t weep! For this is a sacred day.’ So the people went away to eat and drink at a festive meal, to share gifts of food, and to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God’s words and understood them.”

As Soloman says in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven…. A time to tear down, a time to rebuild; A time to cry and a time to laugh; A time to grieve and a time to dance. Hard junk; Good junk; Sad stuff; Happy stuff; Days to hurt; Days to boogie… Joy is much sweeter AFTER the sorrow.

Some well-meaning Christians have the idea that we are to live in giddy oblivion, somehow mindlessly skipping through trials with a happy face. Could it be that God knows we are living in a real world, with real heartache? Do you imagine that He is aware of how hard life is?

Yesterday, when I was using the verse about calling Him Abba, Father, I went to to find the reference. It was interesting to see that Jesus, when praying in the garden, that the cross and all its shame would somehow disappear, called His Father “Abba.” He was as close to Him then as ever. Yet He knew our sin would be laid on His back on the cross. Did He go skipping up Golgotha? Scripture says that as He prayed in the garden, His sweat was like great drops of blood. What anguish of soul He experienced.

Look at Hebrews 12:2 KJV- Speaking of Jesus it says, “Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” He DESPISED the shame. However, for the joy to come, He endured the cross. What’s even more incredible is that saving ME is part of the joy to come. Amazing!

Is it God’s will that we always be happy? Sorry. Should we at least pretend? Nope. Here’s the scoop. Life is hard. But God is good. And no matter how heavy the crap storm we are caught in, there is a joy set before us. We may despise the circumstances, but Heaven is waiting. It is THAT joy that is our strength; the wonderful assurance that no matter what we go through here, it is temporary! Are your eyes fixed on Jesus, the One Who has been here and done this? There’s your joy and your strength. You can make it. He will carry you through the nights of weeping and deliver you to a joyous new morning!

Dear Lord today, we ask for joy. We ask for real understanding of what You’ve done for us. We ask that You remind us continually today that You are in charge and nothing enters our lives that You don’t allow. Make us strong for You. Make our church strong enough to share that joy with others. Thank You for Your great sacrifice at Calvary, because You love us that much!

More: Mark 14:36; Hebrews 12:1,2; Psalm 30:5

A Tiny Offering

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By Lynna Clark

Back to Nehemiah 7:70. The Lord gives us another list of numbers and people. “Some of the family leaders gave gifts for the work.” Then he tells who gave what. Gifts ranged from 19 pounds of gold, which sounds huge, until you get to the 1.3 metric tons given. What beautiful generosity! The Lord also gives details of those who gave useful things like basins and robes for the priests. Cool. This little paragraph, verses 70-72, looks almost like an “Oh, by the way, some people gave.” It came so naturally.

We attended a revival meeting in Charlotte one time when we were so poor that there was nothing in our pockets. And there sure wasn’t anything in the checkbook. The renowned evangelist bellowed from up front, “As the ushers come by, if they notice you don’t put anything in the offering, they will assume you have nothing and they will hand you something to give!” I could have literally crawled under the pew. I was almost sick on my stomach with worry as the ushers approached us. The dude in the beautiful suit had no idea what we were going through. Kinda makes me bitter just recalling the event. People have a way of tainting our hearts when it comes to giving.

Scripture speaks to us about money in a different tone. The Lord already knows what we have, and what we don’t. Remember the story of the little widow who dropped in her last coin? Jesus was so pleased to point her out to His friends, because He knew how poor she was. At that time in history, rich people were assumed to be granted immediate access to Heaven and favor with God. In the story of the rich young ruler, who went away sorrowful, Jesus says, “Sure is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom.” The disciples say, “Well if the rich can’t enter, who can?” It’s then that Jesus points out that the ones who give up houses, friends, riches, etc. are the ones rewarded a hundred times more!

In the story of the guys given money to invest for their boss, the reminder at the end says, “Faithful in little things, ruler over many.” What is the little thing? It’s money. Money is such a big thing to us. It gets us stuff. To the Lord though, it’s a little thing.

“…ruler over many.” Ruler where? What’s He talking about? Do you think He saves us so we can float on clouds? I’m not well versed on prophesy. But I do know He speaks often of the Kingdom. Even in the Lord’s prayer, He tells us to ask for it to come. Maybe we’ll be rulers there? Just a thought.

Money; it’s a test of faithfulness; a trust monitor; an opportunity to bless; a proof of our love; a way to build His kingdom; a tool to reach others. And of course you are familiar with the verse that reveals that the “Love of $$ is the root of all kinds of evil.” So it sounds like we need to pay attention to what is important, lest we end up on the wrong side of money. Some gave a bunch, some gave less, but the people in Nehemiah’s day were wise enough to recognize God’s faithfulness in rebuilding their lives and homes. And they returned a blessing to Him. Are we there yet?

Dear Lord, keep us from turning our hearts off when we are prompted to give. Help us think of money like You do… “such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary.” Help us to know how to use all You have blessed us with to honor You. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.

More: Luke 18:18-30; 1 Timothy 6:10,17-19; Malachi 3:10; Luke19:11-27; Luke 21:1-4

Party Time

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By Lynna Clark

Nehemiah 8: 10-12- Very loosely paraphrased:

PARTY TIME!!! Break out the paper plates, not those flimsy, use 3 or 4, and hope the beans don’t leak through and run down your elbow kind. Buy the sturdy ones and the heavy cutlery. Everyone bring a covered dish, or two or three just to make sure there’s plenty! Something yummy like your grandma would’ve made. Don’t forget the sweat tea! And real fried chicken- crispy on the outside and juicy in the middle! Macaroni and cheese so thick you have to bang the side of the pan to get it off the serving spoon. While you’re at it churn up some ice cream for on top of the hot cobbler. Yummmm………..!

Nothing says celebrate like great food! They had worked so hard. Then came the worship. Next was repentance. Then thanksgiving. Now PAR-TAAY!

Hard work; Sacrifice; Giving; God’s Word; Worship; Repentance; Thanksgiving; Sharing; Preparing; Planning; Food; Fellowship; Joy; Strength; all because some people got together and cared about what God wanted, and prayed.

It’s a picture of us and our churches too!

If you’re in any church or close relationship very long, you know there will be short comings. If you hang tough and stay strong, you will experience the joy of family done well. Something about weathering storms together always draws us closer to each other. And we are definitely better together!

Dear God, please hold our church safely in Your everlasting arms. Carry us when we have no strength. Give us great joy in You. Help us to love each other so much that You are blessed. But when we get weary, and You know that we will, help us love You way more than any petty grievance that would separate us from each other. Thank You so much for the wonderful joy of knowing You, and for all the folks in our sweet church!


“Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Keep away from every kind of evil.” -1 Thess. 5:16-22

Prayer List

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By Lynna Clark

I hope you’ve had fun on the Nehemiah Bus. I know. I wish it had been a ’67 Camaro too. Here’s a little list to help us remember things to pray for our churches and families. Maybe print it out and stick it in your Bible to bring to the Lord as you pray. What if we continued to pray for one of these per day, as in number 1 on the 1st of each month etc.? I wonder if God might be pleased with that?

  1. Growth; Expand our territory
  2. Blessing and wisdom like never before
  3. Success so great it impresses the lost
  4. Favor in our communities
  5. Our Leadership: great ideas for reaching others
  6. Your service, your life, your work to be an offering of praise
  7. Encouragement and positive speech
  8. Victory against evil
  9. Strength in the work
  10. Financial wisdom & blessing; generous giving
  11. Great harvest of souls
  12. Greater love for the Lord and others
  13. Protection against evil
  14. God’s wisdom and guidance
  15. Time management
  16. Successful testimony in our community
  17. Forgiveness & love for each other
  18. Faithfulness in little and large things
  19. Equipping of our people
  20. Creativity and resources
  21. Numbers; Multiply us for His glory
  22. Care for each other
  23. Steadfastness
  24. Honorable, generous giving
  25. Leadership- protection, blessings & strength
  26. Strong relationship with the Lord
  27. Joy & strength
  28. Protection for our church
  29. Intentional, thankful remembering
  30. Future and hope*
    “For I know the plans I have for you says the LORD. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen!” Jeremiah 29:11

May God sweetly bless each of you as you continue to pray with purpose and anticipation!

When Did This Happen?

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By Lynna Clark

Just yesterday I graduated from high school. David and I took our new ten speed bikes to the beach and rode for miles. Never once did I think of the consequences of forgetting sunscreen on the tops of my legs. Well… until that night when I couldn’t sleep for the pounding of my pulse through my broiled thighs.
You know, I never planned to get old. Yet here I am, 49 years later and surprisingly…mature. So many things I want to do but can’t anymore. When did this happen? I shouldn’t be surprised. The Lord has been gently telling me for quite a while now that things would not remain the same as they were in my youth. And even though I have sense enough to apply 946 SPF sunscreen, I no longer have the strength to ride a bike on the beach.
Heavy sigh.
But look at this! Psalm 92:14 is speaking of those who love the Lord and seek to serve Him.
“Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.”
I may not look vital… or green… or even able to produce a significant amount of fruit. But according to the Word of God, He hasn’t given up on me yet. In fact I think he kinda favors old people. Some of those who were used to show off His power were waaay past their prime. Look at Abraham and Sarah; and Elizabeth and Zechariah. Both produced sons in their old age. Side note: I gave David an anniversary gift in a bag that had baby clothes on the outside. I didn’t notice what was on it, okay? But he sure did. “Are you trying to tell me something?” he asked. We got a good laugh out of that but only because it was such a ridiculous thought. That’s probably how the old couples above felt, only the joke was on them. Apparently the Lord has a great sense of humor. Or maybe… He was telling future generations that He likes using old people to accomplish His great purposes.
Folks like me.
Maybe you too. Are you feeling a little past your usefulness? May the Lord give you strength to share a little fruit with those around you today. God knows you still have a lot to give.

Just a Thought

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By Lynna Clark

My mom was not the nurturing sort. She tended to be a no-nonsense kind of gal. She was so smart and capable especially about practical things. Though she had great respect for the Lord, I began to notice a warmth in her relationship with Him when I was away at college. She would write long letters about important things; like how to bake a turkey for Thanksgiving; with reminders to remove the giblet bag before baking. Huh. Who knew? One of those letters in her neat flowing script included this verse. “In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul.” -Psalm 94:19. It was the first time I remember her quoting Scripture. But that verse became so dear to me later in life, especially regarding my mother. You see, eventually she lost the ability to reason.
As I mentioned, she was a very smart, meticulous individual… until she wasn’t. We started noticing changes in her behavior that were so opposite of her personality. Only two months after the first episode, she lost her life to a rare brain disease. I can’t tell you what that single verse in Psalm 94 meant to me, though she had shared it thirty years earlier.
“In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul.”
I’m so glad God’s truth never fails. His comfort and peace ushered her into His presence, where she will never be confused or frightened again. In fact, it’s good to think on those comforts every day. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7
May the Lord encourage your heart as you think on Him today.

Dear Sweet Lord, sometimes it feels as if the world around me hast gone completely crazy… and therefore so have I. So many thoughts and fears pound on my heart. Only You can offer the comfort I need. Please Father, I ask that You lift my thinking even to the point of delight in You. Perhaps infuse enough joy to bring others along. Please turn the crashing waves of fear into a peaceful river flowing from Your throne. In You alone I place my trust. Amen

Party Time

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By Lynna Clark

Nehemiah 8: 10-12- Very loosely paraphrased:

PARTY TIME!!! Break out the paper plates, not those flimsy, use 3 or 4, and hope the beans don’t leak through and run down your elbow kind. Buy the sturdy ones and the heavy cutlery. Everyone bring a covered dish, or two or three just to make sure there’s plenty! Something yummy like your grandma would’ve made. Don’t forget the sweat tea! And real fried chicken- crispy on the outside and juicy in the middle! Macaroni and cheese so thick you have to bang the side of the pan to get it off the serving spoon. While you’re at it churn up some ice cream for on top of the hot cobbler. Yummmm………..!

Nothing says celebrate like great food! They had worked so hard. Then came the worship. Next was repentance. Then thanksgiving. Now PAR-TAAY!

Hard work; Sacrifice; Giving; God’s Word; Worship; Repentance; Thanksgiving; Sharing; Preparing; Planning; Food; Fellowship; Joy; Strength; all because some people got together and cared about what God wanted, and prayed.

It’s a picture of us and our churches too!

If you’re in any church or close relationship very long, you know there will be short comings. If you hang tough and stay strong, you will experience the joy of family done well. Something about weathering storms together always draws us closer to each other. And we are definitely better together!

Dear God, please hold our church safely in Your everlasting arms. Carry us when we have no strength. Give us great joy in You. Help us to love each other so much that You are blessed. But when we get weary, and You know that we will, help us love You way more than any petty grievance that would separate us from each other. Thank You so much for the wonderful joy of knowing You, and for all the folks in our sweet church!


“Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Keep away from every kind of evil.” -1 Thess. 5:16-22

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