One of Us

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By Lynna Clark

My husband’s mom is one of the sweetest, funniest, most determined people I have ever met. When her son & I married, she hugged me and called me her “other daughter,” stating matter of fact, that “daughter-in-law” was not a term that fit our relationship. How kind. And she has never treated me less than her very own daughter. Her hugs are like those of her son. She wraps me in her arms and locks down so tightly that I am left breathless; partly because I am overwhelmed with being loved so much, and partly because she is squeezing the life out of me. How rare are hugs like that?

We were in the family car between the funeral home and the cemetery on the way to bury her husband. As we drove by the Krispy Kreme, she noticed the “HOT NOW” light was on. She suggested to the driver that we lead the funeral procession through the drive through. There was no disrespect to her husband of over 50 years. He was certainly used to her off-beat humor. It was her way of making us feel better.

Did I mention that she is stubborn? That is actually an understatement. Because she is in her eighties, we worry that she will do something that will hurt herself, since she doesn’t know she is too old to climb in the attic or down into the creek. She has at least enough wisdom to ask someone to come “watch her” while she puts a ladder on the creek bank so she can climb back up after situating the rocks so that water won’t pool. One spring, her son asked her several times not to climb her rickety attic stairs to retrieve seasonal items. We noticed one day, that Easter had been taken up, and summer was upon us in the decorating sense. So he went over while she was gone and put screws into the attic door so that she could not get the steps down. On the string hanging from the door, he attached a note saying, “Pull all you want. They are not coming down. Call me if you need something.” He is a lot like his mom.

She told us one day, that her favorite word in life is steadfast. She says in that word is expressed all she strives to be. And yes she is, steadfast. Throughout her life of 86 years so far, she has always been faithful, steady, strong, loving, but unwavering on the things that matter. And funny trumps stubborn any day! She goes to a contemporary church on Saturday night. If the band is especially good, they get the OK sign with a little wink that says, “Well done!” Then on Sunday mornings, she attends her traditional church and enjoys their fine choir. She loves both. I respect so much that she is wise enough to understand that we are not in competition. And she never lets age, or the opinions of others hold her back!

You may feel that because of your age, you do not have anything to give. YES YOU DO! YOU MATTER TO THE BODY OF CHRIST! Put your unique background, experience, and expertise to work for Him! And again, someone really needs to hear your story!

Lord, help us look at people like You do, each one having great worth, no matter their stage in life. Help us, no matter our age, health, or background, to realize that You have a job for us to do. Strengthen us to be steadfast, and to faithfully carry out our part in Your great plan!

More: Psalm 92:14; Job 42:12; Isaiah 46:4; Jeremiah 29:11

1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV- “Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

PS: Our beloved Nina remained steadfast until she walked right into the arms of her Savior. Though she is no longer my neighbor, I will always think of her as one of my favorite people. She taught me so much about life and love. I miss her every day.

I’m With Him

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By Lynna Clark

Do you have a Charlie in your church? Charlie in our church faithfully made coffee for every service. And he’d be on a mower in the heat of summer, taking care of the church yard, no matter how bad his health got. We had a week-end message where no volunteers were used, except for kids club, just to show how much we need each other. Charlie was all in a tither because he did not want us going without coffee.

Nehemiah 7:2 says “I gave the responsibility of governing Jerusalem to my brother Hanani,… for he was a faithful man who feared God more than most.”

Faithful. Do you know someone like that, always faithful, no matter what? Some people you can just count on. Like the one who sets up tables and cleans up after a meeting; others work on making the sound the best it can be; some keep the nursery or work with kids club; [there’s a golden crown in Heaven for those brave souls!] Some practice hard to make the music just right; and then there are those who smile a big ol’ smile and greet you like you are somebody. You always feel better when they’re around! Are you looking for your name in that list? Consider it there! Your church is full of faithful people just like you.

Where was Charlie before church? If I remember correctly, he was outside one day at his house. Not a lot of good going on in his life. A faithful man stopped by and talked to him about mowing the church yard… and about eternity. From then on Charlie was the Lord’s, and ours. When he died, I remember the sadness and grief and the realization he would no longer be puttering around fixing things. Since Charlie is with the Lord now, I wonder if they sit and chat about our church. The book of Job shows a scene from Heaven where God asks Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job: He is the finest man in all the earth- a man of complete integrity. He fears God and will have nothing to do with evil.” And then the crud really did hit the fan. But God knew that it would. And He knew that He would still have bragging rights on His boy Job in the end.

Once when we were going through a particularly rough patch, I said to my husband, “Why in the world do you think the Lord is allowing us to go through all this at once?” He replied something I will never forget. “If the only reason is so God can brag on us a little, that is enough.” What a beautiful image, God bragging on us. I wonder if He speaks with those gone before us, proud of the people at our church. I wonder if He says to Charlie, “Don’t worry. Scott’s making coffee.”

Today our simple prayer is that God will keep us faithful. Although it is a simple prayer, it is vital to our ministry. Pray for us all to be [as the verse says] “faithful, fearing God more than most.”

More: Proverbs 28:20; Matthew 25:20-22; Job 1

A verse I think of as my Charlie verse is Acts 4:13 that says in part, “for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.”

It was easy to see that Charlie had been with Jesus.

No Easy Way

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By Lynna Clark

Have you ever wished for Cliff Notes of the Bible? Like yesterday when I gave you all that Scripture and you started hearing, “Blah blah blah designer shoes blah blah …” Well, here ya go.

I came across a passage that sums it all up. In Matthew 22: 34-40, Jesus is being questioned by the religious experts of the day. These guys were careful to obey the details of the law down to the length of their sleeves. Trying to trick Him, they asked what He considered to be THE most important law. His reply is well known, but not well practiced. “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important. Love your neighbor as yourself.” Then He says it.

“All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” So here’s the scoop. If we get those two things right, all the other stuff falls into place. The God of details gives us an easy button. Well, at least He narrowed it down to two things. So should I take that job? Can I fulfill Christ’s royal law of love there? No? Then the money is not worth it. Should I work in the yard today? Will I in any way defeat the goal of loving God and loving people? No? Then go for it.

Just a little jump off the Nehemiah bus for today. Because if we bear down on these two things, Christ says we’re good to go. Love God. Love people. And it’s also amazing that He places loving others “equally important” as loving Himself!! Knowing that He is a jealous God and wants us to love Him with every ounce of our being, makes that statement even more astounding!

Can I be real with you? Loving Him and loving people is certainly harder some days than others. I bet you already knew that. Here’s what I prayed. You fill in the blanks where you have been.

Strengthen me Lord to love You so much that I never doubt You again. When people hurt me and You are silent, help me rest in Your Word and believe You when You tell me You love me. When we both lose our jobs, both cars break down, the house has a tax lien, and medical bills mount up, [summer of 1990] help me remember that You love me. When I blow my cool and bless out the person I feel to be responsible for our job loss; when I slam the door so hard the windows are still rattling, [also summer of 1990] help me to know that You still love me. When I lose my strong and beautiful mother because she gets an illness that is so rare that only 3 in one million in the U.S. get it [winter of 2004]; When my very first grandson dies before I hold him in my arms, [summer of 2010] help me to rest in the fact that You love me. And when we come out on the other side of heartache with a stronger understanding of Your great love, help us use that understanding to love people better. Everyone is going through something. Strengthen me, and all of us today, to lighten someone’s load just a little; Because You love me while I am most definitely unlovable.
More: Ephesians 3:14-21; Romans 8:31-39; Matthew 22:34-40

The Owl in the Birdbath

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By Lynna Clark

We love riding our motorcycle through the country. Unchartered territory! Exploration at its finest! One day we passed a huge ceramic owl in a birdbath. I wondered if we were supposed to be tricked into thinking it was real. Who would put an owl in a birdbath? Was that to scare off the other birds? Then why have a birdbath in the first place if you don’t want birds? A house down the road had the entire dwarf clan plus a gnome, snow white, and Santa thrown in for good measure. It was redneck utopia.

On another ride we passed a country church with a sign out front that said, “Be a fountain, not a drain.” Was this meant to be spiritual insight? Perhaps a reprimand to an unruly church member… Usually church signs just get on my nerves trying to be all spiritual, but this one cracked me up. So one day when one of my afore-mentioned godly daughters was griping, [notice in this story she only gets a small “g” in godly], I said to her, “Be a fountain, not a drain.” She replied with an Aretha Franklin head wag, “I’ll have you know that drains are necessary too. Without drains all kinds of stuff gets backed up!”

Had to agree.

Some guys in Nehemiah 4 were being drains, and not in a good way. There was mocking and rage involved. Have you ever been the victim of gossip and anger? Hurts doesn’t it. If only people would give you a chance to explain. Have you ever been the one making fun of a work or a plan? Have you ever given your opinion at the expense of a ministry? I am very sorry to say that I have. The results were very displeasing to the Lord. I have been a part of the naysayers in ministries past. But with great conviction I am asking the Lord to strengthen me to never take part in negative speech regarding ministry again. It takes effort. There is always a better way to do things. But why tear a wall down when you can build one up?

Hebrews 10:24 says, “Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.” I like how the King James phrases this verse. “Encourage one another while it is yet today.” Sounds more urgent. It is not an accident that the next verse says, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do…” God knows we need encouragement. And so do all the people around us. Today, “while it is yet today,” encourage someone. Refrain from negative speech. Build someone up. Take notice of something praiseworthy and point it out in front of the person you are building. Do that for your children. Say to a parent so their child can hear, “I saw Jesse being kind to his little sister today. He must be growing stronger in the Lord.” Watch their response. It’s catching.

With all that said, today’s prayer is for positive speech, and intentional building up of those around us. Encourage one another while it is yet today. And watch out for all those owls splashing around in a birdbath near you.

More Proverbs 6:16-19 Proverbs 14:1

We Might Oughta Pray

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By Lynna Clark

Could we fast forward five or so years? Let’s project ourselves into the near future and let’s suppose our country has taken a turn for the worst. Our economy did not recover and our crops have failed due to unusual weather patterns. Food is scarce and we worry about how we will feed our families. The energy crisis has escalated, causing most to be unable to afford fuel. Traveling to work, generating income and even heating our homes are very difficult. The basic necessities of life are no longer readily available.

Would we wish we had prayed for our nation more?

Speaking to a different nation, God observes a terrible time in their economy. They are being destroyed, not by war, but by famine and disease. As their defenses crumble, other nations attack them in their helplessness. In their recent history, God had poured out all manner of blessings on them, only to have them ignore Him and His call to a change of heart.

Therefore He gives this evaluation:

“But you never ask for help from the One who did all this. You never considered the One Who planned this long ago.” –Isaiah 22:11b

“But instead, you dance and play… You say, ‘Let’s feast and drink, for tomorrow we die!’”-Isaiah22:13

Are we wise enough to pray before the same is said of us?
This series was written for our church in September 2012, almost 10 years ago. So no need to read into it any current political leanings. Instead, I hope you’ll enjoy using it as a prayer “springboard” for the next thirty days. Each day we’ll have a short out-take from the book of Nehemiah, followed by a specific prayer for our churches. For if our churches are strong, our nation will follow suit. May the Lord be honored as He hears from us.
“Make the LORD of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the One you should fear. He is the One Who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe.” –Isaiah 8:13

My Favorite

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By Lynna Clark

“He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 KJV
As we left the little church on our wedding day, the organist played the sweet hymn, “Savior like a Shepherd lead us… much we need Thy tender care…”
Though we had picked the song, I had no idea how prophetic it would be. Now forty-eight years later, I have Psalm 23:3 written on a notecard to remind me everyday: He will not only lead me, but strengthen me to do His will.
I used to think my strength was limited when our children were young. But now the older I get, the more I realize how truly weak I am. Yet my soul feels renewed day by day. It’s the quiet knowing that all will be well as I draw on the Lord. He assures me that He will not only strengthen me for the task at hand, but will lead me down a path that will honor His Name. Isn’t that the goal of the heart tuned to the Savior? To point all things back to Him?
Even when I’m the weakest I’ve ever been, HE can still help me walk worthy of His calling. For this wonderful Savior of ours loves it when we lean on Him for the strength to serve. When we’re too weary to take another step, He will hold our hand.
“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths bringing honor to His Name.” -Psalm 23:3 NLT
Oh! How sweet is that?

The Difference

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By Lynna Clark

Last week we rented the old John Wayne movie The Cowboys. Why you ask? What better way to celebrate 50 years together! In the year of our Lord, 1972 a very quiet guy in my high school took a chance and asked me to the movies. He had no idea that John Wayne was an icon in our home; the picture of all things tough and heroic. I guess the Lord saw to that small detail ahead of time. But even better, the next week he asked me to a Bible study. Not John Wayne… my new friend David. That night my life changed. It was the first time I understood why Jesus went to the cross. Suddenly it made sense. I could never measure up to God’s holiness, so He died in my place. OH! What a difference that single decision made. Because a quiet young man stepped waaayyy out of his comfort zone and asked a feisty girl to a homemade Bible study, at least the next 50 years were changed.
I went home and spoke to my little sisters about Christ. One trusted Him right away; the other understood a few weeks later. Fast forward to the families of us three sisters. We each married men who love the Lord, raised three kids apiece to honor Him; they in turn are raising children to love Him as well. The ones who don’t have children yet are making a difference in the lives around them. Sure we have a few prodigals in the mix, of whom I am chief. The point is not to brag on our great family. Lord knows that’s not the goal. We sure don’t want to invite the scrutiny that would bring. The moral of the story is to say, take a chance. Invite the stranger. Reach out to someone the Lord puts in your path. Who knows what ripple effect you could cause in the next fifty years.
Maybe even for eternity.

Psalms 23:6

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By Lynna Clark

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

“Wow Lord! This is beautiful! Where are we?”
He smiled the biggest smile. “This is your new home! I’ve been working on it for quite a while. Just added a few finishing touches I knew you’d like. What do you think of the view?”
“OH! It’s stunning. The lake sparkles like diamonds.”
“Yes. I knew you always longed for a place by the water. Your neighbor’s above ground pool didn’t really count.”
I laughed a bit too loud at that then realized He was laughing too. Suddenly I felt very humbled. “Lord, it’s so much. I never expected all this. The trees are gorgeous. And you know how much I love wildflowers. Nobody does beauty like You do. I sure wished I could be as creative as You, but I always seemed to come up lacking.”
He smiled down at me. “That creativity that lived in your heart? I put that there. I knew you would try till your dying breath to make something beautiful. But now you are truly home. One of your gifts here is strength. Strength to do all the beautiful things your heart desires. Now it’s time to live in My house.
NO more packing, moving, wandering, or pulling weeds from the flowerbeds.” He laughed again as if we shared a secret. Apparently He knows me well. He took my hand and gazed into my eyes.
“Well daughter, how does it feel to be home?”

I fell to my knees at His feet and wished for an alabaster box to break open in worship. Instead I just wept at His goodness. He placed a warm hand of blessing on my head. A moment later He lifted me into His strong arms and circled me with a hug. “C’mon. I can’t wait till you see the inside.”
We walked hand in hand toward the house. “I like that it’s a cottage. When You said mansion, I worried that it might be a bit big and drafty.”
Again He laughed. “I didn’t think you’d want to live in opulence like the Beverly Hillbillies with the cement pond. This is more your style.”
As we stepped inside, again I was amazed. There just were no words. Sweet Jesus broke the silence and gently thumbed away the tears on my face.

“Welcome home beloved daughter. No more sorrow, or tears, or crying. Just enter into the joy of the Lord!
You are going to love it here!”

Just Desserts

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By Lynna Clark

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” -KJV

The Lord looked happily on as I discovered the banquet. All my favorites were there. Rather loudly I exclaimed, “Wowee! Look at all the food! Did you fix all this? Wait. You didn’t leave a big ol’ mess in the kitchen for me to clean up did you?”

He threw His head back and laughed. He smiled as he teased. “Maybe…”

He turned to pull out my chair beside Him at the head of the table. “Before you sit, let’s put on your robe.” He held out the most beautiful garment I’ve ever seen. As he slipped it over my old clothes I fingered the fabric. So soft and luxurious. Nervously I requested.

“If I’m gonna wear something this nice while I eat, I probably need a bib… or a raincoat.”
Again He laughed and shook His head. When I added, “This is way too nice for the likes of me,” He tipped His head and added.

“Feels like royalty doesn’t it. That’s because you were anointed to be My own daughter so many years ago when you answered My call. It’s finally time for the honor that comes with obedience.”
Quietly I took the seat beside Him. I was stunned when He held my hand and whispered part of a favorite Psalm.

“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.”

He drew my attention to those that stood on the fringes. They cowered and I knew they were required to be there but they sure didn’t like it. Again he whispered.

“See the one in yellow? His name is Fear. He has plagued you all your life. Often he pulled you back from your purpose. But you forged on.”

He pointed to the one in blue. “He is Insecurity. How many times did you feel worthless as you struggled to serve? That came from him.”

Around the space He went, naming each of my enemies, explaining why I felt so inadequate in my lifetime. Eventually He came to the largest, most intimidating demon of all. I waited for the Lord to explain. Quietly He lifted my hand to His lips and gave it a kiss. It seemed as if He wanted to assure me that I was finally safe. He nodded his head toward the demon who appeared as dark as the deepest night.

“He is Darkness and is very powerful. Remember when you were shrouded with such a heavy cloak of despair that you could hardly breathe? That was him. I heard you ask for help. I knew you didn’t know what to pray, so I begged the Father for you. And He answered.”

With wonder, I met the Lord’s gaze. There were tears in His eyes as together we recalled those darkest times. He hugged me and added. “You came out better daughter. I love that about you. You never gave up though you wanted to. Instead you just kept asking Me for help. That’s why today your enemies are gathered here to witness your victory banquet. At my command they will be face down in the dust, never to bother you again.”

The presence of the Lord surrounded me and comforted me as never before. I didn’t know whether to clap or sing or shout. Instead I just hugged the Savior and laughed with joy. He laughed too so I dared to ask.

“Can we have dessert first?”

Psalms 23:4

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By Lynna Clark

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.” -KJV
You’ve tumbled into a deep dark valley. It feels like death and you can’t seem to dig your way out. Fear surrounds you and grips your poor heart with something so frightening that you wonder if maybe this is the end. You try to pray. The words don’t come. So you just close your tear filled eyes and beg.
God. I need help.

A hand rests on your shoulder. It should feel comforting. But instead you feel shame. Why must you be so weak when you know the darkness is just a shadow. A life of faith has taught you this.
Yet you can’t help the weakness and fear you feel.
A solid hand reaches down to grip your own. He pulls you to your feet and into the circle of His love. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,” He whispers.

Together you take a step; then one more; then another until the shadows disappear and you look up to see you’ve survived the darkest time of your life. As you rest in the Savior’s comfort and marvel in His protection you realize.
Up ahead is another dark valley. A fellow traveler lies face down in the dirt. With courage you’ve never had before, you make your way down the rocky path and place a hand on their shoulder.
Then together, you walk out of the dark valley and into the light.

As you notice the familiar look of shame on your companion’s face, you share what you now know. The Shepherd’s rod and staff are not for beating His sheep. They are there for protection and comfort. Nothing can get to you when He is near.
“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid. For You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me.” -NLT
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 gives a bit more insight into the blessing of comfort.
“God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. “

Beloved ones, pain is not wasted when the Shepherd is near.

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