Cast It Away

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By Lynna Clark

This thought is deeper than I usually venture and longer too. So if you’re not into searching out the Truth of God’s precious Holy Word, stop here. See what I did there? If you quit now you obviously don’t love Jesus. Just kidding. But I wanted to warn you ahead of time that this is a different kind of article.

So here’s the thing. I have questions about an oft quoted verse. The writer Paul says in Philippians 3:13 to forget the things behind and instead reach forward. Did the man really forget the past? Apparently not. Just before that, he lists off key experiences from his life. Within that were memories that surely brought him shame.

As I thought on this, I recalled things that used to haunt me too. Guilt and shame for things in my past tormented my life. In fact I used to live in so much fear that I finally gave in to counseling. Guess which passage we covered? Philippians 3: 13,14.

The jist of it says, “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on…”

Maybe an underlying message behind the challenge to forget and press on is that it is a process. Letting go takes time as well as conscious effort.

Two verses I use to help me with that contain the word ‘casting.’ Not like casting a fishing line or net where I would draw something back to myself; but instead casting like hurling or throwing so hard that it takes a while for that fear to float back my way. The next time is a bit easier since I recognize it as a sin that weighs me down and refuse to allow it in. Listen to this good word.

“Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you!”

* And,

“Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” **

The Lord Himself had to set aside the shame of the cross in exchange for the joy ahead.*** We can press on too beloved. Cast aside your hurtful past. That load of guilt and pain was never meant for you to bear. Your bright future, your influence for Christ and your sound thinking depend on it!

*1 Peter 5:7 **2 Corinthians 10:5 ***Hebrews 12:1-3

In A Word

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By Lynna Clark

This is the year! 2022 is when you will FINALLY read the Bible cover to cover. Even the maps! But not the Concordance. That would just be weird. As it turns out, it’s a LOT of reading. You’re five days into the new year and already you find yourself three days behind. But you’ll catch up! Honest you will!
May I humbly make an observation? If not, stop reading here.

This is your exit. This is where you will jump off the guilt train. When reading Scripture becomes a chore, then you might need a different plan. Can I make a confession? I’m not sure if chemo caused it or just plain getting old. But currently I am dealing with a large amount of brain fog. For whatever reason, I have a really hard time hearing the words coming off the pages. I seem to have the attention span of a puppy in a yard full of squirrels. Focus is just not happening.

So! Here’s what I’m trying and it seems to be working. I hold my Bible to my chest and get as still as I can. Since it’s all I can do not to look out the windows at the birds on the feeder and the neighbor’s cat and the plethora of squirrels jumping from limb to limb and my bottle tree as it catches the light…

Wait. Where was I.

Oh! I was clutching a real Bible with honest to goodness paper pages which have notations of trials past and answered prayers. I was hugging it to my chest with my eyes closed and I was waiting. Silently asking God for the Words. This week the word Philippians came to mind. One “L” and two “P’s.” Philippians.

So I opened there.

After the intro I read one small paragraph and didn’t hear a thing. So I read it again. Then again. It began to be clearer. So I read it again and asked God for help. More meat was found on that bone. So I stopped and wrote the blog Certain of the Good Work. It wasn’t astounding but it was definitely a word from the Word.

Here’s the thought for today. Let’s not go through the motions in our relationship with God. Let’s not start the day by giving Him His marching orders or by instructing Him on how to handle the things on our mind. Let’s rest in Him. Let’s listen. Let’s pay attention as best we can. Let’s go so far as to ask God for this from Philippians 1:10a.

I want to understand what really matters.

Bless the Lord!

Mind Your Business

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By Lynna Clark

Because of my plethora of allergies and subsequent mystery illness I read every label; food, cleaning products, toiletries…

Did you know that a certain brand of flushable wet wipes is made with advanced wipe technology? Yep. It says so right on the package. Not only are said wipes developed with advanced wipe technology, but they have also been scientifically tested.

I wonder how they do that.

Can you imagine running into an old friend from high school. You’re trapped in the cosmetic aisle because it’s just so narrow and everybody needs to push a cart. It’s been a while and they ask, “So where do you work now?” “Umm…” you say. “I’m actually in the field of science… new technology… and stuff.”

“Wow!” they say. “You’re searching for the cure for COVID?”

“Umm… no, but there’s just nothing like a soothing wet wipe.”


We can’t always come off looking like a genius. However, I for one appreciate the advanced wipe technology and the scientists who were thoughtful enough to add safe effective ingredients like aloe and witch hazel.
So! Our focus for today is from 1 Thes.4:11,12.

“Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands… Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live and you will not need to depend on others.”

May the Lord bless the work of our hands. And may He give us special grace and strength to mind our own business.

Quite an ambitious prayer! But according to the verse, it may be the key to reaching those who don’t know the Lord.

Imagine that!

Certain of the Good Work

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By Lynna Clark

New Year’s Day: typically a day of new beginnings. I don’t know about you, but I tend to live on a guilt trip. There is just no resolution big enough to fix all the areas where I feel inadequate. For example: As I look over recent Christmas cards it reminds me of all the people I love that I didn’t get around to sending a card. And this was going to be the year. I think I sent out three. Sorry if you didn’t make the cut.

I’m hoping to pick up my blog again with a little change. Instead of the five to seven hundred words I usually write, I’m trying to keep it around three.

Three hundred that is. Three really would be a challenge. Annnyyywayyy…

Here’s what the Lord gave me today. Philippians 1:6 says “And I am certain that God Who began the good work within you will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
A couple key thoughts jumped out.

It is God who began the work in me. It is also HE who will continue it through me. And best of all, it is HIS work, not mine.

Think about that.

It’s not even up to me. So take that GUILT!

The Lord is faithfully working in me even when I feel so very inadequate.
May we rest in the knowledge and certainty that the Lord is faithfully working within us in spite of our weaknesses. In fact, His strength is made perfect in our weakness. [2 Corinthians 12:9]
Happy New Year beloved ones!

“God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 1: 8

Wisdom Please!

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By Lynna Clark

A few years back, David decided to sell his motorcycle. It just seemed like time. I knew he was sad about it. Except for it, the man’s never had a toy so to speak. Poor guy hardly had Pepsi money for years. Though it was a wise decision, it didn’t feel good.

We decided together that a different “toy” might be a good solution. So he picked out a nice camera in order to take up a different hobby. One of our daughters bought him a book to go with it; Nikon D3400 for Dummies. He was not offended. In fact, one look at the camera told him he needed help.

Quickly he was able to set up his new toy for easy shots. But he knew there was so much more to the camera than that. So he hunkered down for several days in his spare time to study the book. When I asked how it was going he sighed. “I guess I should have gotten the Nikon book for Morons.”

Of course the word moron is pronounced “MO-ron” here in the south. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Like a lot of folks, the older we get the more we realize how little we know. Like why in the world would our bank change the way our online statement and bill-pay looks. Don’t they understand that if it is not broken, they don’t need to fix it? I just now got used to how things work. Then my phone updated and installed a different calculator. I know it sounds small, but I like a running total. I do not want to have to hit equal after every entry. Dang stupid update. Then I got my laptop repaired and that guy installed a different document program. Now spellcheck is gone. Word look up is not there. No dictionary or thesarasus is built in. I probably didn’t even spell thesarasus right. I had no idea how much I used those things until I couldn’t.


I really don’t mind learning things unless it’s forced on me. Maybe that’s why trials are so hard. It feels a bit like being hoisted onto a 3000 pound bull and being told, “All you have to do is stay on.”

So my prayer for today is from Psalm 90:12 and 17:
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” And while You’re at it Lord, please “make our efforts successful.”

That’s probably enough to ask for one day… especially when dealing with a couple MOrons.

Buttered Cats

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By Lynna Clark

David opened the can and put it on the seat between us. His reward for going grocery shopping was a tiny splurge on cashews. We headed home when suddenly a little dog ran out into the road. David hit the brakes and screeched to a stop. Someone’s pet was spared that day, but the cashews slid forward and dumped head first, scattering across the floorboard. He looked at me and said, “Next time the dog dies.”

It’s like dropping toast. It will always land butter side down. I heard that if one were to strap buttered bread to the back of a cat they would spin indefinitely because cats always land on their feet. Could this perhaps be a source of alternative energy?

Why not? Who would’ve thought we’d use left-over French fry oil for fuel? Maybe someone should try buttered cats.

My apologies to animal lovers everywhere. I’ve just confessed that my husband loves cashews more than dogs and I would butter a cat to propel an engine if it would save me a buck.


Have you noticed when watching a movie like Quigley Down Under [which is one of my favorites] that the disclaimer at the end says “No animals were harmed in the making of this movie.” Never mind the poor guy being dragged behind the horse… or the Aborigines being pushed off the cliff. Just so you know the horse is okay.

I may sound mean and uncaring about animals, but I’ve been known to set a dish of milk out for a stray kitty meowing at my back door.

I wonder if she’d like a piece of buttered toast to go with that.

It’s Coming!

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By Lynna Clark

The sturdy yellow wagon appeared in my neighbor’s yard. It makes me happy, for I know what’s coming.
Currently beautiful leaves are raining down on stiff autumn winds. Acorns pelt the metal awning so hard it sounds like gunshots. That’s not quite as lovely as the wildly spinning copper colored “tulip” in the flower garden. Too bad that can’t be used to harvest power. Maybe then I’d get a more positive report card from the power company. Not that I’m bitter… but I don’t like being told every month that we are inefficient. Look people. Our house is 87 years old. When you get to that age you’re going to have a few leaks too. How about you guys stop sending grumpy notes each month and see how much paper and postage you can save.
Like I said… I am not bitter.

Anyway, back to the yellow wagon. I know from years of happy observation that when it appears, abounding blinkage is soon to follow. Probably sometime after Thanksgiving a village of snowmen, a reindeer powered sleigh, Santa, and huge snowflakes will surround a manger scene celebrating the birth of our Savior. The lights will come on about 5:30pm each evening to enhance the beautiful venue. One year we even had a little dusting of snow to complete the look.

Oh how I LOVE it!

Another peek through the fall foliage between our house and theirs reveals the wagon is full now and about to be moved to the front of the house.

Apparently tis the season to be jolly.

Okay… so forget what I said about about the power company.
For without them, there would be no abounding blinkage.


Work Boots

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Lynna Clark

Do you have a mud room? Praise God we do. It’s not real highfalutin with matching baskets and labels for where everything goes. It’s just an old closed in back porch where coats, garden gloves and muddy shoes go. Another good part is that it has a door which can close all that clutter away.

I heard the best song the other morning. Chris Tomlin along with Florida Georgia Line has a song called Forever Home. It speaks of how things will be in heaven. A line from it connected with my soul. Get ready. I’m gonna sing it for you:

“We’ll leave all of our worries just like work boots on the porch…”

What a picture! A place where all the cares of life can be dropped and forgotten as we look forward to a home cooked meal and a sweet time of rest; laughter and conversation around the table with the ones we love. No one brings up the junk of the day or the worries for tomorrow because the time together is just too sweet.

What if we could start that now?
Just as I heard that song, I “happened” to be reading in the last chapter of 1 Peter. Listen to this preview of what things could be like now.
“Casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” -1 Peter 5:7

Oh! What a picture of trust in the Savior! So many burdens pile on us at times. Grief and pain seem to have no end.

I can’t handle it!

But He can.

Bless the Lord!

“There ain’t no tellin’ what He’s got in store…”

Hello Peeps

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By Lynna Clark

It’s been a while. I won’t go into the wherefore and the whyfore. Let’s just say I’m struggling with a good bit of pain and brain fog. The following short story is meant to encourage those of you who have been there and done that, and especially you who are currently in the midst of a struggle. I don’t much like the story but I always try to write from where I am. For if I can’t be honest, then why write. Right? So here you go. Also a little bit of news will follow. Much love!


Have you ever begged God, pleaded with Him on hands and knees for mercy, but none would come? That’s the place I found myself a few weeks ago. Except I wasn’t physically on my knees because I knew I wouldn’t have the strength to get back up. So much pain coursed through my body that I could not get relief.
“Lord, are you there? I can’t get away from this agony. I can’t even get comfortable in my best chair. Seriously, I NEED You. Can I get a little help here?”

As usual, the heavens were silent.

Though I reviewed and confessed my sins, tried to think of ways to please the Almighty, read Psalms of praise, even lifted trembling hands in search of His help, none came.

Had a doctor walked in and said, “Sorry. The diagnosis is not good. You are dying.” I would have hugged his neck and praised God that the misery would soon be ending.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the Lord had turned his back on me. I can’t remember feeling so forsaken.
In the background the pastor on television spoke of Satan desiring to “sift Peter as wheat.” Sounds about right. I’ve somehow landed on a big ol’ sifter and been shaken until all the parts of me have been torn asunder. Yet the sifting continues. I left the room and tried again to get comfortable somewhere else. Later I asked David. “So what was the point of the message? Where was the Lord when Peter was being ‘sifted?’

My sweet man smiled while tears of compassion pooled in his eyes. “Jesus was praying for His friend.”
I looked at the passage in Luke 33:31. Not only was Jesus praying, it says He was pleading. What was He begging the Father for?

“That your faith would not fail.”

New understanding came with the thought. Apparently it’s important to the Lord that I not give up, that I not question my faith in Him. Because that’s what He’s praying for me.
He loves me, even enough to pray for me.

“Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble?” -from Romans 8:34 & 35

Praise God for His great love!
Lord, today I submit again to Your great plan, no matter what that means. And if it could be Your will, I would love for the sifting to stop.


Now’s your chance to get my books at half price, which is cheaper than it costs to print them. BUT ONLY LOCALLY. I can’t do this on Amazon. HOWEVER! While supplies last, Missions Pottery in Lexington, NC at the square and Attractions on Main in Salisbury, NC still have a nice selection. Not to mention, you are going to LOVE the unique items in each shop. Stop by and support our local businesses. Thank you!


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By Lynna Clark

Our new book is out! EncouragingU: Summer Stories is a collection of short stories from six writers for the Salisbury Post. Take us with you to the beach, the backyard or just the front porch. Doug is a great story teller; David shares adventures from his bike hike across America; Ann shares Spiritual understanding and writes stories that are devotion worthy. Our newest writer Jane reminisces about life on a farm, while Roger entertains with good insight. I just want to make you laugh, or think, or think about laughing. So grab a glass of lemonade and take a much needed break with us. May the Lord encourage you with this sweet summer read!

Books are available at Attractions on Main in Salisbury, Missions Pottery & More in Lexington, Father and Sons Produce, and on Amazon for those who are not local to NC.

Thank you so much for your encouragement to us as well!

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