It’s Time to Get Outside

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By David Freeze

The wet weather of the winter and cold temperatures always make me look forward to spring. Just in the last couple of weeks, the longer days and some drier, warmer, more spring-like days have shown up. I can just feel an increase in energy on those days, and often a springlike day is way more productive in my various activities. Here are some of the reasons why we should all find time in the sunshine and the out of doors.

Sunshine is important for your bones, blood cells and immune system. It also helps your body absorb more of certain minerals, like calcium and phosphorus. Your body needs sunlight to make vitamin D, but you don’t need much. In the summer, most people will thrive with anything over 30 minutes. In the winter, you will need a bit more. I tell my training clients to shoot for at least an hour a day.

Exercise is always good for anxiety too. But it’s even better if you do it outside, compared to inside a gym or at home. Many of us feel like we’ve been cooped up too long already. Sunlight helps keep your serotonin levels up. This helps to raise your energy and keeps your mood calm, positive and focused.

The outdoors helps set your sleep cycle. Cells in your eyes need enough light to get your body’s internal clock working right. Early morning sunlight in particular seems to help people get to sleep at night. This may be more important as we age. When older, our eyes are less able to absorb light, and thus more likely to have problems with sleep.

Many plants put substances, including organic compounds called phytoncides, into the air that seem to boost immune function. Sunlight also seems to energize special cells in your immune system called T cells that help fight infection.

Studies show that time in nature can boost your creative problem-solving abilities. This is partly because the outside world engages your attention in a quieter way that lets your attention refocus. The more time you spend, the bigger the benefit, but even just “getting out for some air” can nudge your brain into a new thought pattern. And creativity gets supercharged when exercise and the out of doors are combined. Especially when electronics are set aside during outdoor time.

Studies also show that walking in nature helps restore our focus and helps us shrug off societal pressures, allowing us to remember and value more important things like relationships, sharing and community. Just taking a brief walk while at work or school can put us back into a productive mode.

All these outdoor positives make us better people. And just being outside regularly lowers mortality by 12% compared to those who stay inside. What’s better than the smell of freshly cut grass, flowers or recently tilled dirt! I catch as many sunrises or sunsets as possible. Just a couple of afternoons ago, I spotted a majestic crane flying away from the creek.

Long ago, I decided that a good day outdoors enhances my running and other activities the next day. Maybe it’s a mixture of all things previously mentioned but it sure works for me. And I hope just seeing these positives in print will provide encouragement for your own outdoor time.

And finally, if you have thought about joining a running class, there is still plenty of space available for the spring series provided by the Salisbury Rowan Runners, Novant Health and Salisbury Parks and Recreation. We are meeting again at the Salisbury Police Department. First class is March 16 at 6 p.m. Eight weeks of classroom instruction and on the road coaching to a better you, and yes, we will be outdoors gathering all those positives. or 704-310-6741.  

Say Nice Things

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By Ann Farabee

“You are doing a great job!” were the words my principal spoke as he left my classroom. Hearing him say those words melted my heart. I clung to his every word.

“I love you Mom,” were the words written on a note pad and handed to me many years ago by my six-year-old son. I wrote back, “I love you, too.” The look on his face melted my heart. I clung to his every word.

“You are really good at puzzles!” I said to my little grandson as he was working away. He smiled and then gave a lengthy explanation of puzzle-working strategies. The look on his face melted my heart. I clung to his every word.

Those were three simple moments in my life:

*Words from an employer I longed to hear. Words that made me want to be better.

*Words from my child — written in love, handed to me, and remembered years later.

*Words my grandson enjoyed hearing and I enjoyed saying. Words of encouragement.

What if it had been this instead?

“Hopefully you will improve the longer you teach.”

“You left out the comma.”

“Is that all you like to do? Work puzzles?”

It certainly would have taken away some precious memories.

The power of words.

Words said.

Words written.

Words heard.

They all mean something.

Choose them carefully.

They may be remembered years later.

Proverbs 16:24 says, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.”

A honeycomb is a place where bees store their honey. It seems like a good idea to have a storage place for our sweetness and our kindness.

Oh, we do have a storage place. It is in our hearts and in our spirits. God puts it there for us to give out to others.

Good words. Worth much. Cost little.

A kind word — can change someone’s day and sometimes change their lives.

Be careful of the words you say — keep them short and sweet.

You never know from day to day which ones you’ll have to eat!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

You Are Royalty

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By Doug Creamer

            I am not sure I want to admit this in writing, but I did watch the interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. I thought I would watch for just a of couple minutes, but I couldn’t pull myself away. It was interesting to hear them talk about their private lives in such an open way.

            There were so many interesting revelations, and I imagine that by now most of you are tired of hearing and reading about them. While many might be jealous of their lifestyle as royalty, the two of them revealed that it is not an easy way of life. There are certainly some drawbacks and things that we really don’t know about living as royalty.

            One of the more powerful revelations was Meghan’s personal struggles mentally. Thankfully, she reached out to her husband, who stood beside her and determined he would find the help she needed. Sadly, the royal family nor the administration that surrounds them reached out to offer any help. Harry made some very difficult choices to protect his family and get Meghan the help she needed.

            I believe it is possible for all of us to find ourselves in places where our minds are not working properly, where our thoughts are not dwelling on the positive and good in life. Like Meghan, we have to reach out and keep reaching out until we find the help we need to get through to the other side. Find those people who believe in you and support you to help you through the dark places. Never give in or try to fight those battles alone. Always keep fighting.

            While Harry and Meghan have removed themselves from the daily routines of the royal family, they are still royalty. They have access to the Queen and stay in touch with other members of the family. They are still part of the family, much like each one of us are members of God’s royal family.

            We are members of the most important royal family of all time. You are a prince or princess. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. You have complete access to the King of Kings on a daily basis. Your calls for help will never be denied or overlooked. God cares very deeply and compassionately for every situation in your life. He will never leave you. He will ALWAYS walk with you through whatever trial or tribulation you face in life.

            Prince Harry and Meghan told us that they had lost their royal protective services. I want you to know that you always have God’s secret service (His angels) watching over and protecting you on a 24/7 basis. I imagine we can all think of times when our angels were working on our behalf to protect us and keep us safe.

            I think it is important to be reminded that we are royalty. I think it is easy to become discouraged and think less of ourselves because we are haunted by our failures or shortcomings. We need to remind ourselves that those have been taken care of by His royal blood. Since we are clean and forgiven before God, we can take on our roles as the royal priesthood.

            We have complete access to God and can ask for His intervention in any and every situation in our little corner of the world. God not only wants us to take up our positions, but expects us to be people of prayer to intervene. Our prayers have royal power and authority. When we pray, according to God’s will, we have the King of Kings backing up our prayers.

            One last thing I felt as I listened to Harry and Meghan was a sense that the royal family had rejected them. I want you to know that there is nothing you can do that will cause God to reject you. When you sin, and we all do, all you have to do is turn around and ask God to forgive you, and He will. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. If you have accepted Jesus as your savior, you are in the royal family. The choice is yours. God wants you in the family.

            I want to encourage you to make sure you have made that all-important decision to accept Jesus and be in the royal family. Then, never forget that you have a special place in His family. You have a very important role to play in His royal priesthood. And remember, you are always protected by His royal angels. It’s good to be in The Royal Family; remember your responsibilities and enjoy your privileges.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By David Freeze

Over the years of running and coaching, I get asked a lot of questions. One of my favorites goes something like this, “I’ve noticed that my knee and hip are a little tender on my right side. What could be causing that?”

Almost always the runner or walker will admit to using the same course just about every day and always going the same direction. Roads slope downward and so do many sidewalks, primarily to allow better drainage. As creatures of habit, we fall into a certain sameness of workout routes and therefore more pressure is put on the same side of our body carriage. The worst cases come from those who run on the indoor tracks at a fitness facility only a few days a week. Most indoor tracks do suggest running alternate directions per days of the week, but sometimes too many days on the same course or the same direction cause the balance issues. The simple answer — vary your course, distance and direction.

One-directional running isn’t the only cause, however. A previous injury can cause one side of the body to be weaker. I had arthroscopic knee surgery for loose cartilage in 2012 and it took months of work to get balanced again. Cross-train with bicycling, Pilates, and core routines.

But what if you already do those things and there are still injury issues? I’m betting one side of your body is stronger or maybe even more flexible than the other. A lot has been written about each of us having a dominant side, which not surprisingly almost always turns out to be the stronger side.

Here’s the method I use to find someone’s dominant side and how I measure my own balance. Stand on one leg at a time and see which side you can hold the longest. Of course, the longest side will almost always be the same and thus the dominant side. Another way, just a little trickier is to do one leg squats from both sides and compare. A fun trick is to pretend that you are riding a surfboard and the foot that you put in front is likely your most stable one and therefore your dominant side.

When the weaker side isn’t strong enough to bear the burden of extended running or even quick walking, it can lead to common injuries, including iliotibial band syndrome and patellofemoral pain syndrome, or runner’s knee. Injuries often center on the hips, and weakness in core muscles like hip adductors and abductors.

Therapists, trainers, and physicians recommend several exercises that can help strengthen a lagging side. Some you may already do, such as lunges, clamshells, and one-legged squats, with or without weights. Give the nondominant leg an extra set of these exercises, starting and ending on the weaker leg, and you’ll be on the way to better balance.

I would prefer to just go out and run because it’s my favorite thing to do. But I learned these lessons the hard way. Keeping your body balanced and your core strength strong will always make for better running, walking and general exercise. And a good run makes for a great day!

Our next Beginning Runners Class is set for the Salisbury Police Department on Tuesday, March 16, at 6 p.m. We’ll meet any virus guidelines still in place and the location makes for a wonderful downtown running course. Participants will once again learn about running form, shoes and equipment, stretching and strengthening, injury prevention and nutrition. We start at a half mile of running/walking the first night and proceed to a graduation 3.1 mile run and a free 5K race is included in the entry fee of $65. This is the 16th year for the BRC and is co-sponsored by SRR, Novant Health and Salisbury Parks and Recreation.

For more info on this class or other upcoming events, go to or call 704-310-6741.

The Failure

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By Ann Farabee

That F in geometry did not look good.

Nor did the D in Driver’s Education.

I was a failure.

I was a sophomore — 15 years old.

My problem was not my ability.

My problem was my circumstance.

My father had begun having a drinking problem.

It took a toll on me — especially that year.

I say this with love to those addicted to alcohol or drugs:

It never just hurts the addict.

It was a stressful time in my home.

I was often sleepy and distracted.

I was not getting my schoolwork finished.

But God.

The days passed.

With the support of others, things got better.

My grades bounced back.

I was able to go to college.

No — the problem had not gone away.

But God — had sent angels to help me through it.

What I felt those years are the same types of emotions and anxiety filled times that children and teens still go through today. We need to support them however we can.

God… still sends the angels.

Angels of protection.

Angels of mercy.

The years passed.

Not only did I teach for almost 40 years, but part of that time I was a math specialist.

Not only have I been driving for 50 years, but I have a perfect driving record.

That still makes me smile. Sometimes, it makes me laugh.

Guess I was not a failure after all.

Only God could do that!

God picked me up, turned me around, and placed my feet on higher ground.

He allowed me to live beyond my circumstance.

He will do the same for you — and for your loved ones.

He will take a mess and make it a message.

He will take a test and make it a testimony.

He will take a trial — and turn it into a victory.

Miracles still happen daily.

What’s your story? I would love to hear it!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

Your Father Loves You

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By Doug Creamer

Your Father’s Love

            I remember the day my wife called me and told me about a kitten that had been left in the bushes at her work. It was going to be a very cold night, and what were we going to do about this little kitten? Naturally, we decided to bring her home.

            We had an older cat at the time and didn’t really want to put him through the process of adding another family member. But she won and made it into our home. Our beloved older cat has since passed on and is now awaiting our arrival in heaven. For the first few years the new cat was aloof. She “let” you pet her when she wanted to be petted. She was highly independent.

            A few years ago something changed. She decided she wanted to be a lap kitty. The change was sudden and a little disconcerting. She would jump into my lap and begin purring. I would commence petting and that would be okay for a few minutes until all of a sudden, she would begin trying to nip me. That didn’t go well. She ended up on the floor.

            Over time she has come to enjoy being in my lap for longer periods of time. It still ends suddenly. She also loves it when I take a nap. She wants to snuggle with me. She purrs and seems happy and content. When she decides the petting is over she curls up against my legs.

            Over the last couple of months she has been teaching me about our Father’s love. I know that might seem crazy, but stick with me. Sometimes when I sit down she will come along. I know she wants to get in my lap. She circles me over and over again. She looks up at me and I call her. She just keeps walking around me. I call it being in the shark mode. 

            I have tried to pick her up and she runs away. She comes right back. I call to her and she resists. She will put her front paws up on the chair and survey my lap. I encourage her to come up in my lap, but still she resists. I’ll ignore her. She continues to circle me. I can hear the “Jaws” theme music playing, and then finally she will jump up in my lap. Once there, she is delighted.

            This is what I have learned. God wants us to come up in His lap. He wants to pour His great love out on us but we are stubbornly resistant to God. He calls us to come close and we run away. He tries to pick us up and we wiggle out of His hands. Yet we circle around Him, wanting desperately to get into His lap. We want to receive His unconditional love and affection but something is holding us back.

            Some people grew up without much demonstrative love so it is hard to imagine God wanting to hug them. Some people struggle with guilt and shame, and they have either forgotten or not learned that Jesus took guilt and shame away with our sins on the cross. Some people feel God is too busy with all the crazy things going on in our world. They don’t understand that God is omnipresent. He can be close to me and to someone on the other side of the globe at the exact same time. Still others are facing doubt, fear, and worry, and pull away from the agape love of God.

            There are many reasons to pull away from God. I want to encourage you to stop. Turn to God and leap into His waiting arms. He has crushed the power of sin, shame, and guilt. His perfect love casts out all fear, doubt, and worry. He has all the time you want because time doesn’t exist in heaven. Give God the chance to shower His love upon you. Maybe your parents failed to give you a good example of love, but the Bible teaches us that if your parents failed you, God will be your mother and father and He will never fail you.

            I want to encourage you to open your heart to the perfect love of God. He does not reject anyone who comes to Him. No sin is too great. No failure puts you out of His reach. Jesus paid the entire price to make you a son or daughter. Accept Jesus’ payment and receive a love beyond anything you can ever imagine. God is calling you to jump into His lap. He is waiting for you so He can pour out His healing love in your heart.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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