Fill me up…

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By Ann Farabee

Ah, nothing like going for a ride in our 1966 Rambler station wagon. Windows down. Our family of five was packed in the car, with the breeze blowing — or sometimes with zero breeze blowing. My younger brother had to sit in the middle of the back seat — with his feet on the hump, awaiting aggravation from his two sisters.

Daddy called it a joyride. We were on the road to nowhere. That road usually took us to the dairy bar. I can almost taste it: A big slice of pound cake covered with vanilla ice cream. Vanilla ice cream covered with hot fudge. Hot fudge covered with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

We ate it in the car.

No wonder I still eat ice cream daily.

Final stop on the way home — always the service station.

The attendant would be at the driver’s side window in a flash, “Fill ’er up?”

Every time.

My dad always wanted his tank to be filled up.

Did the tank need to be full?

I was not sure about that, but I did know that if you ran out of gas, the car would start sputtering and shaking, would be unable to function, and maybe have some damage.

This was all proven by me one day, as a young college student, trying to get back to campus without enough gas.

To be full means to hold as much as possible.

To be filled means that the amount of something occupies all the space in the container.

What does the Bible say about being filled?

Believe it. Receive it.

Luke 1:41 says, “Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Elisabeth believed — Mary’s child was the Messiah.

Elisabeth received — She was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Believe it. Receive it.

Psalm 81:10 says, ” Open your mouth wide and I will fill it with good things.”

We believe — We are to open our mouths wide.

We receive — God will fill it with good things.

Believe it. Receive it.

Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him.”

We believe — Trust in him.

We receive — The God of hope will fill us with joy and peace.

Daddy, I guess you would never have gotten the fill up had you not pulled up to the gas pump, allowed your gas tank to be opened, and received it. Thanks for the lesson!

Fill ’er up!

I mean — fill it up!

Here’s my cup, Lord. Fill it up, Lord.

Lord, empty me — of me — so I can be filled — with You.

DIY Fail

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By Lynna Clark

I say a lot of things I shouldn’t. Try not to judge. I’m working on it. The other day I heard words tumble out of my mouth that I don’t ever remember saying before. It surprised and saddened me.

Generally speaking, I’ve always prided myself in being able to make something out of nothing. I love getting creative using whatever I have on hand. David and I fetched a few boards, a grapevine wreath from the shed, ribbon leftover from a wedding and white spray paint from another project. I could tell my strength was going fast so I commandeered my beloved to saw the boards and fashion the creation I had in my head. For some strange reason he could not read my mind. Usually he has no problem. This time however he couldn’t catch the vision. I worked until I used up every ounce of energy I had then collapsed in a chair. Stupid mystery illness. Once again the pain took over and would not be silenced. That’s when I said it.

“I give up. I can’t do it.”

Slowly I made my way into the house and had a good cry. As the pity party picked up speed, I wondered why it was such a big deal to put an Easter wreath on the front door.  I take great pride in showing off Jesus. But this seemed to be about something more. I guess everyone likes to feel strong and independent. A bit later David came inside holding the creation that had caused the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. The man does many things well. But creativity involving junk from around the house is not his strong suit. Apparently he had not only read my mind but had also figured out how to put the parts together without the proper plan or tools. It looked good.

As I rehearsed the situation later I realized something. I’ve dealt with pain for many years. It’s been a matter of pride to keep on keeping on no matter what. Then I heard the key word I’ve used in this little story.


Pride in my own creativity, resourcefulness, strength, and ability has become a part of my life. When I look on the homemade addition to our front door it reminds me of the simple truth of Resurrection Sunday. Pride will get me nowhere. Until I realize that I can’t do it myself, the cross of Christ means nothing. His sacrifice gained Heaven for me when my hands were empty. “I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with Himself depends on faith.” –Phil. 3:9

When you think of standing before the Lord someday, what will you trust? He demands righteousness. In a world where DIY is king, may we learn to rest in the only One Who holds eternity in His hand. That is an area where no matter how capable we are, we cannot do it ourselves. For if we could, Christ truly died in vain.

What have you been doing?

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By Doug Creamer

            If you watch any of the talk shows that are being done now that we are “working from home,” they always ask the guest, “What have you been doing?” The answers don’t vary much, but include reading, watching TV, and spending time with family. It’s interesting that we are all doing similar types of things. Maybe we are all more alike than we thought.

            I have never really been a big Facebook fan. I would go there to see pictures of my family. Naturally, I would also want to see what friends have posted, too. Normally, I would just look at Facebook on Friday nights and occasionally during the week.

            That has changed. I check Facebook every day now. I have enjoyed so much wonderful music that I would never have had access to prior to our current situation. I have enjoyed some of my favorite artists playing from home. Some have sung and played with their kids. Others have their animals playing in the background.

            That’s not to mention the groups that have come together to produce awesome videos. I have seen orchestras where everyone is playing from home and someone mixed the music and the videos to create a breathtaking experience. I have watched choirs sing that brought chills to my spine. I have watched people I don’t know sing beautiful songs.

            When I stop to consider it, I am enjoying private concerts from people I can’t afford to go see in concert. It feels like I have had the opportunity to watch singers and songwriters perform for me personally right here in the comfort of my own home. I have always had a deep love and appreciation for music, and this crazy time in our world has been feeding this passion of mine in a very special way.

            I have been watching some YouTube music videos, too. I have started searching for songs that we sing at church. I love to worship the Lord and to spend time in His presence. My favorite time at church is the worship time. (No offense to all my pastors out there…) Music moves me and touches me deeply. I especially love worship music.

            Worship music has come so far in recent years. Please know that I am not knocking the old hymns, I love them too. Some of the new contemporary music can transport me right to the presence of God. So many times in the midst of praise and worship, I can feel the presence of God. There are times that I just don’t want the music to stop.

            I have often wondered how God feels in those moments. When we have removed distractions from our lives and focused our attention on Him, does He wish those moments would never end? In those moments, I imagine we are getting a little taste of heaven. Does God long for us to be with Him in eternity?

            God is more patient than we are. While He longs to have us at His side, He wants us to fulfill our mission and purpose. A major part of our mission is for us to draw closer to Him and to share with others our story and experiences with God.

            Life is busy and pulls us all in so many different directions. But maybe during this time when we have the “stay-at-home” order in place we can connect more with God. I have found a connection through music, others may discover more time to pray and seek His face. Still others may open His word and allow His word to come alive in them.

            God wants to connect with us. Maybe during these crazy times, we can discover ways to connect with Him. He loves us more than we can understand. Like an isolated parent, God wants nothing more than to hear from His kids. He wants to receive our worship, hear our prayers, and speak to us through His word. He wants to talk with us if we would only open our ears and listen.

            I want to encourage you to “call home” to your Father in Heaven. He is available day and night and I promise you will not get a busy signal. He wants to connect more with you than you can imagine. He is on your side. His favor is resting upon you. He cares deeply about your situation. With so many distractions and the busyness of life pushed out of the way, what is keeping you from connecting? Let His love fill, surround, and renew you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Nelson’s Spaghetti

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By Roger Barbee

The Covid-19 virus has ruined many small businesses, and local restaurants in and around our town of Mooresville, NC are suffering. My wife and I have several local eateries we like, but we especially enjoy two. When the mandate came that closed them to only take out, we discussed our role in helping them stay open, and decided to make a conscious effort to order some meals from each, realizing that, while take out is not the same as dining in their warm, relaxing atmospheres, they needed our business. If we wanted to enjoy them later, we had to support them now. So,  recently we ordered a take-out supper from one, Blu Star, and at the correct time we drove to pick up our waiting dinner.

Usually if we drove to Blu Star’s location during the dinner hour, traffic would be heavy and parking tight. Not this evening of the pandemic. Boom! Pulled up right in front, and Mary Ann hopped out to get our meal. While I waited, I counted cars in the shopping center—seven parked, but one soon left when its driver came out of the juice bar with her cup of cold, multi-colored liquid. One driver of a huge, black truck parked it deftly and getting out walked towards two  restaurants behind me. Waiting for Mary Ann, I recalled the adage that seemed appropriate for so many businesses in the current situation—any port in a storm. While only one customer, the driver was a person who would spend money, I hoped, at one of the restaurants behind me. He was part of the port so needed right now.

Mary Ann returned to the car and as soon as she sat in her seat, said, “You won’t believe what Nelson [the owner] was doing.” She buckled her seat belt and as we drove out of the forlorn shopping center, she told me how Nelson and a worker were busily packing Styrofoam containers with spaghetti meals for Charlotte homeless. When she asked him about what he was doing, he explained that his church was participating in a program to get good meals to homeless folks, and his restaurant was providing nourishing dinners-spaghetti piled high with yummy sauce, garlic bread, and salad.

Before we had left our home to pick up our dinner, we had discussed how much to tip the manager, who we have known since we moved here. Mary Ann suggested a good sum and when she paid our bill, she gave Stephanie the twenty. Yet, driving home and hearing that story, I realized that no tip was large enough for what was happening in Blu Star, one of the many businesses feeling the crunch of this epidemic. There, in the midst of such a need for income, Nelson and his staff were giving to others who had less than he and them.

Arriving home, I enjoyed my dinner, even if not eaten in the cozy confines of Blu Star. But the more I think of what Mary Ann witnessed, the more I realize that there, on the spread-out tables of Blu Star, was the Sermon on the Mount being played out in real time. Right there.

A Sense of Purpose and How You Can Help

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By David Freeze

A sense of purpose and how you can help

   Normally the local runners club would be focused on races and other active events this time of year. Between March and May, we had at least a dozen events scheduled. Local charities benefit financially, and our club members love planning and organizing the events.

   My most recent Gotta’ Run columns in the Salisbury Post received supportive comments for the positive spin on the good side of the virus. Here is another in that series, describing a real and positive need in the community and an opportunity for many of you.

   I received word that Rowan Helping Ministries needed volunteers to help serve many of their upcoming meals. The first need was for Saturday, April 4th. The Salisbury Rowan Runners took that date and looked for more. The usual civic groups and churches had decided to back away currently from a very enjoyable and rewarding contribution to RHM’s wonderful work. At the time, about 60% of the meals were without volunteers to prepare and serve. In the past, SRR has worked the meals in a much less worrisome time, before anybody even thought of catching a terrible virus. It was hard to find a slot to help due to the tremendous community support.

   SRR had committed to serving all Saturday lunchtime meals in April and its now mushroomed to three times a week. In a normal spring, we would have a group working races nearly every Saturday, so it wasn’t a big leap timewise to do this although the need and task involved were different. I asked for volunteers and got them quickly. A few more had questions about how we would meet the social distancing requirements.

   I joined Adalie Harrison, Linda Sufficool and Luann Fesperman that first Saturday morning to serve 90 members of our community. Pizza from Little Caesar’s, an amazing fruit salad from Father and Son Produce and the incredible brownies of Amanda Lewis made the meal. All three of these suppliers went way beyond normal in giving us special pricing and pinpoint timing. Debbie Suggs Catering helped with yesterday’s meal.

    Harrison, age 18, was the first to volunteer. One of the best athletes of any age in Rowan County, she said, “I like to help others, especially those that don’t have as much. Serving was a way to show strength over the virus.” Sufficool, a retired teacher from RCCC, quickly volunteered with,“It would be my honor and privilege to serve there again.” Fesperman, owner of the Trophy House and a former Rowan County athlete of the year, jumped onboard and then donated to the meal costs.

        RHM Executive Director and SRR member Kyna Grubb said, “Rowan Helping Ministries is founded on community collaboration and volunteer service.  In addition to our dedicated staff, we require a corps of volunteers to sustain our feeding programs.  We have streamlined our services and added many new protocols to ensure physical distance and a safe environment for people to help people.”

      New serving procedures at RHM allow for a streamlined process to safely ensure the correct social distancing while the meal was prepared and given to the clients. Meal trays were made ahead, about 10 at a time. Those using the trays ate in the cafeteria, two to a table. Styrofoam to-go trays were also prepared ahead for clients who didn’t want to enter the facility. Those who do enter the building are temperature checked.  

   It took us about an hour to prepare the fruit salad with some of the season’s first watermelons, cantaloupes, bananas, grapes and strawberries, a process full of conversation and fun for all. Another hour to serve the meal and about 20 minutes to clean up completed the work. Proper safety practices were as promised and thankful clients, while farther away, were still appreciative.

    Linda took prayer requests from the clients and we’ve shared those requests for follow-up. Since then, we’ve served five times and have committed to three more times this coming week. Volunteerism to serve the meals has not improved.

   While it may appear that the RHM clients and members of our community were the recipients of a fine meal, the real gift was received by those SRR members who gave their time and talents to care for others. The need is huge, and you and your group can help. If willing, contact Betsy Warner, RHM volunteer manager, at 704-637-6838, ext. 112.

Is it Hopeless?

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By Ann Farabee

Oh, David! Surely you were drowning in hopelessness as you were in that sea of trouble.

Your words in Psalm 69:1-12 surpassed the ordinary in my mind — and took me right to where the waves had been relentlessly crashing in my own life.

For days, the Holy Spirit kept sending me back to read those words one more time. They obviously were from your heart, David, as you were one that was sinking in despair, seemingly without hope.

I understood. For I must admit, I have felt it, too.


Your words kept piercing my heart:  The waters are coming into my soul. I am sinking in deep mire. I am in deep waters. I am weary of crying while I wait for God. Some hate me without a cause. They want to destroy me. I am a stranger to my brethren. Those that sit in the gates — the ‘higher ups’ and the drunkards — speak against me. God, you know my foolishness. My sins are not hidden from you. Shame covers my face. I am wearing a sackcloth to symbolize my grief.

You, David? The one God calls a man after His own heart? How could that have been you? Sinking in despair? Uncontrollable tears? Rejected by family? Circumstances beyond your capability to fix? Accused unjustly? Undeserved suffering? Bodily anguish? Broken hearted? Grieving? Bearing shame? Ridiculed? Humiliated?

Sometimes — we all feel it.

Sometimes — it feels hopeless.

Inadequate. Incompetent. In despair.

Oh, David.

We feel your heart.

Should we just give up?

What did you do about it?

We need to know.

David’s response began in Psalm 69:13 –

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O Lord, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy, hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

It was time.

He prayed.

He did not need to carry that burden by himself one second longer.

In the midst of hopelessness — prayer was the answer.

• Don’t feel like praying? David may not have, either.

• The chapter began with complaining to God — and ended with praising God.

• From prayer to praise — works every time.

• Hopelessness can still find hope.

• Guess you could say David went from woe is me to wow is He!

What is Your Story

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By Doug Creamer

            Everyone I talk with has a story about how the coronavirus has affected their lives. High school students miss their teachers, classmates, and all the activities at school. Many employees are missing their jobs. I don’t like seeing the store shelves look so empty, even though I can normally find everything I need. I know we all miss finding toilet paper.

            We all have stories about other major events in the past. My parents have told me that they remember exactly where they were when they heard that President Kennedy had been shot. I remember that I was at a DECA competition when I heard about the Challenger explosion. Anyone who lived in this area can tell you their Hurricane Hugo story.

            I had just started teaching at East Davidson High School when 9/11 happened. I remember so many specific details from that day and that time in our lives. For the next 17 years of my career, I told my students about the impact of that day. I remember asking the students every year, “What grade were you in? What was your reaction?” Every student had some kind of story. In my final year, I had students who were not born before 9/11.

            For today’s students, the coronavirus will be their story. When they are grandparents they will tell their grandkids about how schools were closed and the fact that they did not get to have their senior prom. They will talk about being told to “stay-at-home.” They will remember a time in their lives when it was hard to find toilet paper. Maybe some of the younger students will appreciate their schools and teachers a little more.

            I have talked with several pastors who have said that this will impact the way we do church in the future, not to mention how we are changing the way we do it now. I can’t imagine standing at the pulpit with an empty room and trying to deliver a passionate message. When you can’t see your congregation, how do you know the impact of your words?

            One personal impact that I have noticed is that I have checked on my neighbors and friends more in the last month than I had in the previous six months. I have called or texted my family (since I can’t go see them) more often in the last month. I am praying for more people and trying not to limit my prayers to protection from the virus. I find myself seeking the Lord and asking for more of His presence in my life.

            When I get the opportunity to talk with friends, neighbors, and family, we all have stories about the impact of this virus on our lives. We want to tell our stories to each other. It helps in some ways that we are all going through this together. We need to keep reminding ourselves that we will all make it through this thing together.

            This reminds me that we have another story that we all need to tell, especially during these troubled times. We have the story of how our Savior has impacted and changed our lives. We want to share our coronavirus story. We should have the same excitement over sharing our faith story. We should want to tell our story to our friends, family, and neighbors.

            Jesus is the answer for our world today. He has helped me make it through not only this virus, but so many other situations in life. People need to hear our story of how Jesus helped us make it through in life. People need to hear how our faith has become stronger and has been a source of strength and comfort. People need to know that God is real and that he cares deeply about their circumstances.

            The doors of many people’s hearts are open. We have an opportunity to have an impact on our communities if we will tell our stories. We can show the world God’s love by demonstrating it through our lives. We have to believe that God can use us.

            I want to encourage you to tell your story. The people in your life need to hear about the love of God. They need to know that God is on their side. They need to know that we serve a God who heals and forgives. They need to know that we serve a God who has a good future planned for His children. They need to know that they can join the family of God. We need each other and we need to tell our story.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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