Be Gentle

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By Lynna Clark

2019 would be the year. I was determined to read the Bible all the way through. I came close. But no cigar. A year and two months later I have one book left. Sweet, holy Jeremiah! Can you be any sadder? Bless your heart. Every day I trudge amongst your words as if mucking my way through the Great Dismal Swamp. Lord, I know You needed to warn Your people, and us too. But for crying out loud… literally, can we please be done? I’m so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Reluctantly I picked up where I’d left off the day before. There it was; Jeremiah’s prayer. The tenderness of it was so near to my own heart that it was as if a rare flower bloomed in the night of despair.

“I know LORD that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me LORD, but please be gentle.” –Jeremiah 10:23,24a

How many times I’ve made plans and failed.

I WILL have more faith! I WILL be strong! In fact, I will mount up with wings as eagles! I will run and not grow weary! I will walk and not faint! I will buy a throw pillow that says “Dream Big!” and a poster that shouts “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!”

Then once again, my plans fail.

I’m too weak to fly, run, walk or shop for the pillows of spiritual unction.

So I pray with my new friend Jeremiah. I think he would understand.

“I know Lord that my life is not my own. I cannot plan my own course. So correct me Lord, but please…

According to Your tender mercy…

Please be gentle.”

Lynna Clark lives in Salisbury. Read more at LynnasWonderful

Lord, Let’s go Riding Again

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By David Freeze

Hawaii trip begins

  What began in 2012 as just a first cycling adventure into West Virginia, will reach a major goal soon. I’m headed to Hawaii on Sunday, March 8th and will spend a week cycling and exploring the Big Island. That first trip began auspiciously. I loaded some heavy gear on a mountain bike to ride for a 3-day trip, and promptly fell off before I even left the parking lot. On that day, I began to learn new things about how to travel by bike. I’m still learning.

  With 49 states completed, I’ve been planning for Hawaii for months but now that it is almost time to go, there is still much to decide. I will arrive in Kona on Sunday afternoon after 14 hours of travel. Lots of flight time and more opportunities to plan. As always, this will be a solo journey. A wrong turn, a bad choice or a bike to repair will be my responsibility alone.

   Here’s what I know. Tentatively, the big things on my bucket list will all be found on this one island. I want to ride the real Ironman bike course, all 112 miles of it. Whale watching on a boat should happen, along with a journey to the peak of Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes. I know that crazy beautiful waterfalls are accessible, and I plan to see lots of little towns as I ride around most of the island. The Big Island is a larger land mass than if all the other Hawaiian Islands were pulled together.

     My regular bike won’t make the trip to save on the high cost of shipping and packing. Last night, I booked a sort of hybrid mountain bike that can be used on the road. The big benefit of using this bike is the fact that I can carry my gear. The reason for the bike choice and need to carry at least some gear is that I have no idea how the week will develop. I’ve got the bike for three days and can extend that. As always, a plan will develop. Some camping might be involved.

      I have been devouring all the information I can on what to expect. Here are just a few highlights. Hawaii doesn’t do daylight savings time and I will be five time zones west of here. Alaska was four. The Kona side of the island will be warm and dry during my stay and it is also the best side to see whales. The other side, around Hilo, is rainy and cloudy nearly every day. Temperatures are similar on both sides, with highs in the 70’s and lows in the 60’s. The Hilo side is the best gateway to the Volcanoes National Park, where I hope to spend most of one day. Kona is dry, touristy and has the lava look. Hilo is more tropical with plenty of lush green areas.

    It didn’t take me long way back in 2012 to understand that the trip will be about the people I meet. There will be some unforeseen challenges and the overall cost will be similar to my whole trip from Nevada to Alaska last summer. In other words, the guidebooks suggest that I not be surprised at very high prices. As always, I will still work hard to find deals and won’t be afraid to ask for them. I have also been told to expect a certain laid back response from locals, sometimes call “Island time”.

     And the big elephant in the room is the coronavirus. What effect will it have on the trip? I won’t live in fear and will always do my best to stay safe, but the excitement is building to start this adventure. The complete daily updates with photos will be published once again at

     So, with that, send your prayers and follow along. As always, Lord, ride with me today! There is another adventure just waiting around the next turn.       

Unplug It

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By Ann Farabee

I don’t have time for this!

That was exactly what I was thinking after HOURS ( slight exaggeration) on the phone with the cable company.

But, I was at their mercy.

Because – I felt that having my internet working was important.

And – the internet was NOT connecting to my printer.

I needed it.

Right THEN!


That’s when my advisor on the other end of my phone finally asked, “Have you unplugged it?”


So… I did.

I unplugged it.

I waited.

I plugged it back up.

It worked.


If only every problem could be resolved so easily.

I have heard it said that almost everything will work again if we unplug it – including us!

Sometimes, we may let the noise of everything around us keep us from being stronger mentally, physically, spiritually, and other ally’s, as well.

Being plugged up can bring energy drains, bugs, memory leaks, overheating, panic, crashes – and a need for a fresh restart.

I honestly sometimes feel as though I am a prisoner to my phone.

Hmmm? Is that why it’s called a cell phone?

Getting unplugged can create more engagement, more awareness, more creativity, more ‘time’ in our day, and a better mood.

We can start over. We can get back on track. We can reboot. We can reset.

Break the cycle.

Thanks to the motivation provided by the cable company representative on the phone that day, I decided to check out unplugging for a day.

No cell phone. No computer. No digital devices.

And guess what?

I discovered that there is a National Day of Unplugging!

And guess what, again?

IT’S TODAY! (That is if you are reading this in the Salisbury Post on Friday, March 6th.)

The annual day of unplugging is the first Friday in March from sundown Friday to sundown on Saturday.

Care to join me? You don’t think I can do it, do you?

Let me know how your unplugging goes at

I’ll get back to you after sundown on March 7.

I may – or may not – let you know if I was successful.

Unplug it.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

Viruses Bite

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By Doug Creamer

            I am always careful with the computer. I do like to watch YouTube and videos people post on Facebook. But if you were to look at my history on the computer, you would see mostly weather related websites.

            We have always had some type of virus software on our computers because we know that there are some vicious people in the world. I keep my virus software current and it does catch things from time to time.

            Several years ago I got into something that caused me to pay for a stronger virus protection program. Once installed, things cleared right up. I didn’t renew the product and returned to just the basic virus software for the last couple of years. That was until this past weekend.

            I heard a story of a celebrity Christian who was healed of cancer. His story was powerful and encouraging. I discovered that he has a website similar to EncouragingU where he posts positive and encouraging stories. The stories are professionally produced and I wanted to create links from my website to them.

            I searched for the name of the site and found one of the results labeled, “Official Website.” I clicked on it and it looked right. There was the celebrity and the stories looked interesting. I clicked on a couple stories which did not lead to what was labeled. Then as I clicked on things multiple windows started opening. The windows led to products and services I did not want. I quickly realized I hit the wrong site and left.  

            I found the correct site and it was great. But I was having all kinds of problems. Every time I clicked a link on any other site, uninvited windows were opening. I did virus scans and updated my ad-blocking app. Things started to improve. I thought I had it licked. I was cautious. I noticed that the uninvited windows would still open, but more sporadically.

            I thought I would try shutting down. When I brought the computer back up, whatever had found a home on my computer had shut down my virus software. I couldn’t access it and it warned me that I was unprotected. I went to the website to download a fresh copy. I was immediately diverted. Naturally, my blood pressure and agitation were rising.

            Thankfully I know a few things about computers and was able to finally get the virus program resurrected. The company offers a stronger program which I downloaded, with quite a few hassles. Once the “Pro” version of the program was running, I ran another virus scan and found over a dozen viruses had moved in thinking they found a new home. I deleted them and now I am hoping my computer is virus free.

            What a crazy waste of my time, energy, and money. I called Lifelock and my bank to be sure nothing suspicious was going on there. I was pleased to know all the levels of protection they both have in place. It is sad to think that we live in a society where we have to have these kinds of protections.

            I know that many of you have a different virus on your minds. I see the news, too. Actually, I am teaching kids in China through the internet. My kids have been out of school for a while, but all the families I deal with seem healthy. We have to choose how we will live. We can live in fear and filled with worry, or we can live in faith. I am choosing to live in faith.

            I know God wants me to pray, not only for our nation, but for the people in China. I can also do what I do for any virus – wash my hands, use sanitizer, and be wise. I am going to continue to gather with my brothers and sisters in Christ, pray, and worship a God who is bigger than any virus. I am asking and believing that He is at work to protect us. I am going to live with joy in my heart, faith in my God, and hope for a bright future.

            I want to encourage you to pray for all the people who are suffering from some type of virus, not just the one. I also want to encourage you to build up your faith, hope, and trust in a good and merciful God. Be wise, wash your hands, and put your faith in God. I am hoping that the computer virus will be the only one we will fight in our household. Peace, blessings, and God’s divine protection for all of us.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Get Set

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By Ann Farabee

On your mark. Get set. Go.

Year after year, early each morning I would go to my classroom, sit down at my desk, and look over my plans for the day. On that desk, I always tried to set out everything my class would need for that day.

Then, as the school day ended, I would finally sit down at my desk again. By this time, a lot of stuff had accumulated there. Those late afternoons brought organizing, paper grading, preparation, reflection, and closure. Before I left school, my goal was to set before me every thing we would need for the next day.

What happened in the hours between the beginning and the ending of our day? A lot of hard work.

Getting set for each day was important. If I was set for the day, it made a difference:

* I was a better teacher.
* I was a better person.
* The students were better, too.

As I was getting set one morning before students arrived, I was looking for something – not sure what it was – in my right hand desk drawer.

As I rummaged through it, I noticed a Bible.

I took it out.
I opened it.
I immediately saw these words: I have set the Lord before me always: because he is at my right hand. Psalm 16:8

I looked over at that right hand desk drawer.
I looked back at the Bible in my hand.
I read the verse one more time.

I decided that the Bible in my right hand desk drawer opening to that verse when I picked it up was not a coincidence.

In some ways, we all get set for our day, don’t we?
We plan. We work hard. We organize. We make sure everything is ready – for ourselves and for others.

But to set the Lord before us always – is more important than any plans we ever make.

As we begin our day.
As we go through our day.
As our day comes to an end.

Because He is at our right hand.
That is close.
He protects us. He has plans for us.

Whatever our days are like – in a classroom, in a living room, in a prayer room, in a conference room, in a hospital room, in a dorm room – we can set the Lord before us always – and know that He is at our right hand.

At our right hand. Right now.
Amazing, isn’t it?

Let’s set the Lord before us – always.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

Taking Steps

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By Doug Creamer

            At the beginning of the year, my pastor did a series of sermons on taking steps. At the end of the series he gave us each a keychain with a foot on it. It’s on my key chain to remind me that this year God wants me to take steps of faith. So, naturally I asked God, “What steps of faith do you want me to take this year?”

            I had an idea for a major step of faith concerning my EncouragingU website. Thankfully I discussed it with a former pastor who has a strong business background. He reminded me that the Bible says to count the cost before building. The wisdom we need about life is often available if we are willing to listen and obey.

            Just because the major step I was going to take wasn’t the right one for the moment didn’t mean that there weren’t any steps to take. I have been taking smaller steps to move the website along. I was ready to take a leap and God just wanted me to take steps.

            God started stirring in my spirit that He wanted me to take some other steps. I have to be honest, I struggled to obey. Ironically, I was willing to take a leap of faith, but a little less willing to take the steps that He was setting before me.

            I have been making videos on YouTube sporadically. I felt like God wanted me to do them regularly. Many of my videos have been done outside, about gardening. It’s winter and I couldn’t think of any topics that would be interesting for regular videos.

            I was lying in bed late one night praying and talking with the Lord when I felt His Spirit encouraging me to do the videos again. I asked Him what He wanted me to do in the videos. Isn’t it amazing that we can wonder about something and feel no direction simply because we haven’t asked? As soon as the question was off my tongue, an idea dropped into my head.

            Many years ago a traveling minister and artist would come to our church. He challenged the congregation many times with a simple idea. He said that if anyone read a proverb a day and wrote a reflection on some verses from that proverb each day for the 31 days, he would give them a print of one of his paintings.

            As I lay in bed thinking about this challenge, God suggested that I read and meditate on a proverb a week and do a short video on my reflections. While the idea was clear and the execution very plausible, I resisted His idea. This was going to be different than what I had been doing and what would people think? Probably more importantly, would anybody care or watch?

            When God asks us to do something, He isn’t seeking our opinion or permission. He wants us to take steps of obedience. I admit I wrestled with God for a few weeks. I wanted to be obedient, but the idea felt…well, crazy. Who would want to hear what I thought about a few verses from the proverbs every week?

            I decided that obedience trumped my feelings. What I have discovered over the last few weeks is that it is more about me seeking God’s face and meditating on His word than it is about me doing the videos. God wants to talk to me about me and my life through the proverbs. God wants me to spend more time meditating on His word. A by-product of me reading and meditating on His word would be the videos.

            It is difficult to understand the Lord and His ways. Sometimes we get the best understanding when we look in the rearview mirror. It’s interesting when I reflect on my prayers recently; I keep telling God that I want to draw closer to Him. What does He tell me to do? Read and meditate His word. What has the result been so far? I have a renewed mind and my heart is stirred even more to want to get even closer.

            I want to encourage you to ask God what steps He wants you to take this year. How can God grow and stretch your faith? What steps will you take this year to draw closer to God? If you want to join me on my journey, then look for my videos on YouTube. We serve an awesome God who works behind the scenes to draw us closer to Him and to make us more like Christ.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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