Gotta Run II

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By David Freeze

A lot of effort goes into NC’s oldest 8K and fourth oldest race of any distance. Last Sunday marked 37 years of Winter Flight’s existence. Only 411 registrants came to Salisbury from five states. I say “only” very lightly because it was the largest Winter Flight in ten years and currently the largest running event in Rowan.

One of Salisbury’s long-time runners, Lyn Boulter, moved to Ocean Isle Beach in January. When boxing up her things, Lyn found some extensive information that she had retained as co-race director of the 1992 Winter Flight. I found that information amazing, especially since serving as the 2020 WF director.

Back in 1992, there were two major races in NC during February, WF and another in Raleigh called the Run for the Roses 5K. Long before the current glut of races that every charity seems to have, Salisbury had one of the biggest and best races in the state. And yes, it was often held in very early February.

Here are some of the interesting figures from their record keeping, very well done and finely detailed. Major sponsors were Silver Eagle Distributors, the title sponsor, Thor-Lo and the Salisbury Rowan Merchants. Major expenses were Jim Young’s timing company from Raleigh, a huge amount of sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts, a sound system, a volunteer breakfast at Shoney’s, postage (before email and websites) and awards.

The 1992 race had almost 1200 runners, just off the 1400 for the biggest one ever. Newsletter records following the race say that members wanted to consider moving the race from Catawba College, add Pepsi as a major sponsor and attract 2,000 runners in 1993.

Income from sponsors, entry fees and sold concessions was just under $21,000. Entry fees made up over $12,000 and sponsors were $7,650 of that total. Concessions aren’t sold at today’s race but they were with some success in 1992. Total expenses were over $15,000. That Winter Flight raised just under $7,000, which mostly went to club expenses. Salisbury Rowan Runners was a much smaller club then, but a larger percentage of members were active regularly. Almost every member participated as a volunteer or runner and often both.

Flash forward to 2020, and some things were different while others remained the same. The same was especially interesting. We’re still at Catawba College, 28 years later. Sponsorship raised was almost the same, and the title sponsor was a beer provider. Trophies and awards were made by the Trophy House then and still were this year. Registration dollars lagged only slightly behind this year with almost 800 less participants.

On the different side, average registration was $12 in 1992 while average paid registration this year was a little over $32. A handful of sponsors participated in 1992, while 53 businesses supported the event this year.

For extra volunteers, the 1992 WF used the Lions Club while the recent event received major volunteer support from Rowan Helping Ministries. Total SRR, RHM and other volunteer and professional support this year was about 80 people. I expect it was similar in 1992.

Winter Fight 2020 was a great day again for Salisbury and also for Rowan Helping Ministries. All those sponsors, volunteers and participants came together in a big way. With just a small amount of final accounting remaining, Rowan Helping Ministries will receive a check in the neighborhood of $13,000 within the next 10 days. And already, planning is underway for the 38th annual event on January 31st, 2021. Hope to see you there! There is a distance and community celebration for everyone.

With one cancellation, we only have one race for February. The always fun Will Run for Food 5K is set for February 29th. The race at Centenary Methodist Church uses a fast course and supports packaging of dried meals for those in need. Check it out at

Should we Pray?

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By Ann Farabee

Ask Hezekiah. He was near death. With his face turned to the wall, he prayed. He asked God to remember him. He wept. The Lord responded that he had heard his prayer. He had seen his tears. He would heal him. God gave him 15 more years.

Hezekiah’s Address: 2 Kings 20

Ask Hannah. She had not been able to bear a child. She became discouraged. At the depth of bitterness in her soul, she prayed to the Lord. She wept. God answered her prayer. She gave birth to a son.

Hannah’s Address: 1 Samuel 1-2

Ask Moses. His prayer was to see God’s glory. He was allowed to see God’s ‘back parts’ as the Lord passed by. When Moses came down the mountain, his face was still shining, because he had been in the presence of God.

Moses’ Address: Exodus 33-34

Ask Jairus. He saw Jesus passing by, fell at his feet, and urgently begged, “My little daughter lies at the point of death. I pray thee, come and lay hands on her, that she may be healed, and she shall live.” Jesus went. Word came that the daughter was dead. Jesus said, “Be not afraid. Only believe.” Jesus took the girl by the hand and told her to arise. She got up and walked.

Jairus’ Address: Mark 5

Ask Peter. He was in prison. The church was praying for him without ceasing. Peter was bound with chains. He slept between two soldiers. The keepers of the door were on watch. The angel of the Lord came, shined a light in the prison, and told Peter to arise. His chains fell off his hands. The angel told him to get his shoes on, cast his garment about him, and follow me. They went past the guards – and the gate opened by itself!

Peter’s Address: Acts 12

Ask the thief on the cross. As the dying thief looked at Jesus on the cross beside him, he asked, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus did.

Thief’s Address: Luke 23

*1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray without ceasing.

*Mark 11:24 – Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Should we pray?

Here’s a better question –

Why wouldn’t we pray?

*Ask Ann – to pray for you. I would love to add you to my prayer list.

*Ann’s address:

Never Give Up

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By Doug Creamer

            I imagine you watched the Super Bowl on Sunday. I watch the Super Bowl every year. Maybe I should say it this way; I watch the commercials during the Super Bowl. Even though I won’t be discussing them with my students this year, I still watched them. It’s interesting to see how we market products and how that has changed over the years.

            I also enjoy the pregame pageantry. Every year they produce a video showing the beauty of our country and salute our men and women in the military. I like the singing of “America the Beautiful” and the National Anthem. I usually enjoy the half-time show. I just noticed by what I wrote that it seems that I enjoy all the things that surround the big game.

            Well, let’s be honest, often the Super Bowl ends up being a blowout. Many times by the end of the third quarter I have muted the game and am off doing other things. I always keep checking back and want to see the final score.

            This year was a different story. At half-time the score was tied and the game had my interest. The game remained close until the end. It was probably one of the most exciting Super Bowls in recent memory. Whether you liked the outcome depends on whether your team won. Either way, it was still a good, close game.

            I remember noticing that the score was 20 to 10 and there were about nine minutes left in the game. I told my wife that anything can happen and that either team could still win the game. My wife said that nine minutes in a Super Bowl could last an hour. I laughed, and it almost did last an hour. Well, unless you are living under a rock…and yes, I saw that Super Bowl ad… you know how the game turned out.

            It makes me think about something very important…no matter what our circumstances look like, we can never give up. Things can always turn around. I am realistic enough to know that sometimes they don’t turn around, BUT, I have seen things that looked impossible actually happen. I have seen it in the sports arena and I have seen it in life.

            I know people who have received devastating medical news and then seen God move in miraculous ways and change everything around. Some of the circumstances were uphill battles, but in the end, God won. I believe God uses modern medical procedures, guiding the doctor’s hands, to bring about His victory. But I have to admit, I still like seeing the miracles.

            I know some people who have reached the end of their rope in their marriages. They were ready to sign the dotted line and end it. But God stepped in and did a miracle. The enemy thought he had won, but God got the victory.

            I have read stories of people who were past broke and couldn’t imagine hope. But God used people to give them a chance. Some may claim they got some lucky breaks, but I believe they worked hard and God’s favor rested upon them. Their story again reveals that my God is going to win the victory.

            I firmly believe that God is a master at taking broken and messed up lives and turning them around. The enemy thinks he has won when people get hooked on drugs, legal or illegal. I know too many stories of people who have been set free from that trap. They may still be tempted, but God is going to help them keep their victory.

            I think we falsely believe that if we lose a skirmish that we have lost the battle. Everyone who fights loses some of the skirmishes along the way. We all get knocked down. We all fail. We all sin. The battle is the Lord’s. We have to get up and start fighting again. We also have to know who is on our side. God does not know defeat, He only knows victory. With Him on your side, you WILL overcome. You will defeat your enemy. You will have the victory.

            I want to encourage those who are fighting and feel like you are losing, KEEP FIGHTING, for the battle is the Lord’s. Get up! You can overcome, even though you have heard the whispers in your ear that you won’t. God is going to help you. You may get the miracle, or you may be called to fight the good fight of the faith. Keep fighting. Keep praying. Don’t lose hope. Keep believing. I believe you are going to see a victory.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Porch Lights

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By Roger Barbee

            This morning as I prepared my stationary bike for my ride in the damp, dark morning, I noticed our front spot light was still on and made a mental note to turn it off after my ride. Mounting the bike, I hoped that I would remember.

            Growing up in the 1950s of the South, all the mill houses, like ours at 312, had front porches that ran the width of the house. Chairs of various types would always be available for relaxing, and often porch swings hung by their chains from brackets in the porch ceiling, comfortably accommodated two adults or four playful children. Always painted white, the swings waited for a family member or members to “sit a spell” and rest or visit with a neighbor who happened by. After dark, they sometimes held young lovers who pushed gently back and forth whispering, snuggling, and maybe kissing—until a parent in the house turned the porch light on as a signal that it was time for the boy to leave and the girl to come into the house.

            The porch light of 312, where I grew up, was a bare bulb screwed into a white, porcelain fixture. Usually white, the 25 or maybe 40-watt bulb, would be replaced by a yellow one during the hot months because mosquitoes and other unwanted bugs would not be as attracted to it as the white ones. Because the houses had no air conditioning the front porch became an extension of sorts for the family or living room where the cooler temperature of a hot summer day could be enjoyed. The dim, porch lights were turned on at dusk and turned off at dawn. Not as majestic as a lighthouse beacon, they served the same purpose- to guide sojourners by their 25-watt bulbs.  Those bare bulbs led family and visitors through the dark and into the house.

            I did, for once, remember to turn the front spot-light off following my ride. The back one, which illuminates the kitchen area, was turned off earlier. Our house, like all in our neighborhood and most neighborhoods today, has no front porch or, at best, has an outside vestibule large enough to stand while unlocking the front door. Modern homes are mostly built far from roads making contact with passers-by impossible, and the climate controlling system in each makes the desire for outside cooler air during hot, humid Southern nights obsolete. But modern homes have improved on the dim porch lights of post WWII America. Like ours, all or most, have spot-lights that come in several models, wattage, and other choices. Ours are operated by a switch in the house, but we could have ones that are motion detector controlled, dawn to dusk controlled, cell phone controlled, or with other systems. But the porch lights of today are installed for other reasons than the types I grew up with.

            The modern porch light is designed to repel. It is a beacon, but one that shouts, “Go away, or the house alarms will signal the police to quickly come.” It does not invite the sojourner but is a Maginot line sold to make us feel safer.

            There was a time in our lives that such home defenses were not needed, but those days slipped away. We now live in a culture of home invasion, purse snatching, and more. I do not fault homeowners for protecting their homes and family, but I question why our society has fallen to such a level that some are so brazen to invade a home or snatch the purse of an elderly woman in broad daylight. What bred in some people such bitterness that led to desperation then vile action? 

            Just as with the outside lights, I am like many people. But instead of lights, I am thinking about The Sermon on the Mount, which before this week I would have assured you that I had a solid understanding of, until I began reading Clarence Jordon’s explication. In Matthew 5:22, Jesus says, “ Whereas I say to you that everyone who becomes angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; and whoever says ‘Raca’ to his brother shall be liable to the Council.; and whoever says ‘worthless reprobate’ shall be liable to enter Hinnon’s Vale of fire.” (Hart)

            These are strong words that cause me to wonder if one reason we feel a need for stronger porch lights and such, is, as Christians (individually or collectively), we have shouted “Raca” to many of our citizens? Have we and do we look at Christian brothers/sisters and think “worthless reprobate”?  If so, then we have marginalized our fellow Christians and are in danger of being cast into Gehenna, regardless of our porch lights and alarm systems.

Knocking the Cover off the Ball

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By David Freeze

    I grew up idolizing my hero, New York Yankees baseball star, Mickey Mantle. Living on a small rural dairy farm, I really had to work to find someone to play ball with. My brother and sister didn’t care for sports much and still don’t. I couldn’t get enough of football or basketball, but baseball had that special appeal. At that time, I think baseball was truly America’s game. To me, it still is.

     Baseball on TV was rare then but sometimes I could get a game on the radio while sitting on the front porch swing during nice summer nights. We didn’t have air conditioning at home, so the cool night air was often a relief from a warm house. Just me and my small radio, searching for any game but especially grateful on the nights that the proper atmosphere allowed reception of a station carrying Yankees baseball.

     I had a cousin who often visited who loved the game as much as me. We could sometimes get my brother to play baseball games with us. I can never remember more than the three of us at home playing.

     Most fun of all was little league baseball that we played in Landis. I played on the Lions and my brother, along with our nearest neighbor, played on the Firemen. Our parents often shared the rides for the three of us to practices and games. There were only four teams in our league and we played twice a week.

     I remember my first time at the old Landis ballpark, originally used for semi-pro and high school baseball. The covered wooden stands and the field itself both seemed huge, especially to a small 11 year old boy. We had a team shirt, which I still have, and a ball cap. That shirt lasted a long time. Those games were more than 50 years ago.

      Another thing that lasted a long time were the baseballs. I remember how special we felt to ever see a new baseball. The pictures I have seen of early 1900’s major league players never included a new white baseball. All our practices were done with old balls, some of them heavy from getting wet previously. Those were also the days of the good little league teams only having three or four wooden bats. Yes, wooden bats just like the major league players used. Old balls and well-worn bats simply were baseball back then.

       Most games began with a new ball and a good used one as backup. We just needed enough balls as a team to warm up with. Should one of the game balls get lost, the home team had to put in play one of their best warmup balls. Someone was always sent to look for a lost game ball on the very big field at Landis. And they kept looking until the ball was found.

      My point here is that game balls were often used for a long time and could on occasion begin to show damage. First signs would be scuffs and occasionally the stitching began to break. Little red threads made those stitches and one break usually led to another. Still we played on unless the cover did actually begin to come loose. Each time the ball was hit hard, the cover would continue to unravel. The horsehide started to flap but only on the rare occasion could someone hit the ball so hard the cover actually came off. Usually a mammoth clout finished off the ball and another one from the warm- up bag replaced it. No one complained and we all thought losing the coverless ball was just a part of the game. But the mammoth clout wasn’t that common and took special effort.

      But how about that baseball, the one with the cover knocked off? Roy Hobbs, in the movie, The Natural, hit it so hard and well that the ball unraveled on the way to the outfield. In our life, should we always try our hardest for the things we believe in. The term, “Knock the cover off the ball”, today means going hard, giving our best and just simply making the best effort we can for the intended result. How we can go wrong when doing that?

    Do your best on your walk of faith. If God tells you to do something, work hard and do your best. God will do all the things you can’t do.

     Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25.

His Presence

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By Ann Farabee

The young baseball player began to step up to the plate, while holding a bat that was about as big as he was.

But, before he positioned himself, he looked around, searching for the presence of the one he most wanted to see – his father.

He knew his dad had promised he would be there that day, but he was unable to see him in the crowd.

It only took one pitch – and he was off! Rounding the bases as quickly as those little legs could carry him, he heard a voice from the stands, “Keep going! Keep going!”

He recognized that voice – as the voice of his father.

As he touched home plate to complete his first ever home run, he looked up – and there he was – his father running toward him to scoop him up in his arms.

As he swung him around, the son cried out, “You were here the whole time – and I didn’t even know it!”

While witnessing this, and hearing those words from a child, I was reminded of the story of Jacob in Genesis 28. Jacob was in a hard place in life. A dark place. A cold place. A lonely place.

I can almost envision the pain, fear, exhaustion, desperation, and perhaps tears that he experienced while in that place. The sun had set, so he stayed all night, and used a rock for a pillow.

It was not a comfortable place to be.

It was a hard place to have to stay.

But – oh it was so worth it.

Because God showed up – to let him know that He was with him in ALL places – wherever he went – and that He would never leave him.

As Jacob began to awaken from the dream, the reality of the personal life-changing encounter with the Creator of the World left him with these words in his heart and burning on his lips, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.”

It had not been about the place at all.

It had been about the Presence – of the Father.

God WAS there the whole time.

God IS there the whole time.

God WILL BE there the whole time.

But yet – too often – we know it not.

Or we do not even notice.

His Presence.

His Promise.

In our place.


Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

Our Impact, Our Legacy

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By Doug Creamer

            About once a month a group of retired teachers gathers in Stanly County for lunch. I taught at North Stanly and South Stanly for about eight years of my career. Somehow when this group meets, I get an invite to join them. Retirement has some benefits.

            When I taught in Stanly County I was young and energetic, but I was green. I had one bit of wisdom in my youth: find those who are excellent in their field and hang around them. Learn and glean everything you can from them. I did that. I found the best teachers, the ones with the best reputations, and spent time with them.

            One of the most important things I learned early in life was to always do my best on the job. It doesn’t matter if the boss is watching, do your best. Later in my career, I had a principal tell me that she didn’t need to formally observe me to know if I was doing my job. She said that all she had to do is walk past my door and she always saw me engaging with my students.

            The retired teachers met for lunch last week. Two things struck me about the conversation around that table. The first was when the thought circulated that they felt they could not teach and engage students today. I looked at them and said, “No, you would still be great. Students today still need the same things you gave them when you were in the classroom. They want to be noticed. They need to be loved. They want to be encouraged to pursue their dreams. They want to be challenged to raise the bar. They want people who believe in them and have hope for their future.”

            I agreed that today’s students have many more distractions. I agreed that the educational system seems overly focused on testing. I agreed that the individual freedoms that teachers once had have evaporated. But I still believed that these great teachers could still have an impact on the next generation.

            The other thing that impacted me as I listened to them talk was how powerfully teachers had impacted their lives. They were discussing various Catawba College professors. They remembered details about their college teachers that impacted and changed their lives. They remembered specific assignments they completed. They remembered certain tests and even specific questions from those tests.

            As I sat and listened I began to wonder how many of our students have the same memories about us. Do our students remember tests or certain activities we did in class? Did the things I said or did have lasting impacts on my students? Do students reflect on what we did in my room like these teachers were remembering their college professors?

            I have run into former students through the years, and they always have stories about things that happened in my room. Most of the memories are of something funny. They all remember the Golden Rule of Business: Treat every customer the way you would want to be treated if you were the customer. It was the last question on every test.

            I hope I impacted my students with the most important thing of all, God’s love. I know that I am an imperfect person, but I hope that in spite of that, God’s love showed through my life. What we become in life is nowhere near as important as who we become. I wanted to help my students develop high moral standards, learning how to choose right from wrong, seeing the impact of doing good deeds, and how a kind and encouraging word can change someone’s day.

            THE most important thing in life is having faith in God. We will all stand before His throne and have to answer for our lives. The key question will be: Did you ask Jesus to be your Savior? If the answer is no, all the good things you have done in your life will not change your destination. We also have to live for Jesus. Is your life a reflection of His love?

            I want to encourage you to make the most important decision in your life today. Ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one knows if today will bring a tragic ending to your life. Don’t put this critical decision off. You may not get a moment right before you pass to ask Him into your life. Ask now and live for Him every day. Who knows what kind of legacy you can leave behind if you make the choice to follow Jesus? 

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Gotta Run

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By David Freeze

Sunday’s Winter Flight sponsors and runners help homeless

My favorite event of the year happens on Sunday afternoon. As a participant, volunteer and eventually race director, I have wanted to build an interesting race every year that attracts runners and walkers of all abilities to Salisbury.

This will be our first Winter Flight year as a Runner Friendly Community, a national designation that fewer than 60 cities nationwide have. I hope you’ve noticed those signs near the major entrances to Salisbury. Something just fits when these words are mentioned together; Salisbury, runners and doing good things for the community.

For 37 years, Winter Flight has been one of the best races in the southeast, attracting some amazing athletes. The female course record is still held by a former Olympian, Joan Nesbitt of Chapel Hill. But the races are about all the people who choose to take their own time to run or walk in Salisbury to help support those of our neighbors who need it most.

The historic 8K course is challenging, but I hear every year about those who have done most of the 37 events. Just last year, we had participants from Hawaii, California and five more states. None of them had a chance to win either the 8K or the 5K, but they came for the experience and the final result of supporting the homeless.

Last year, Winter Flight’s three events raised a record $12,000 for Rowan Helping Ministries. Our goal from day one of planning was to top that total with Sunday afternoon’s event.
Careful purchasing, thoughtful best practices, and lots of community partners make me think we can do it. At least 35 community partners, led by title sponsor New Sarum Brewing Company, all help us in the effort.

And lots and lots of runners and walkers from near and far add the final pieces to pull it all together.

Kyna Grubb, Executive Director at Rowan Helping Ministries said, “Winter Flight is an opportunity for a generous and compassionate community rallying together to ensure those who are hungry, homeless, or hurting are not forgotten. The success of this event makes it possible for many of our most fragile citizens to have a safe space to rest, with a roof over their head and the resources needed to overcome challenging obstacles in their life and find stable housing. The Salisbury Rowan Runners Club is an amazing partner helping to feed our neighbors and ensure families in Rowan County no longer have to wonder where their next meal will come from or make a choice to warm their home or have a nutritious meal. From serving in Jeannie’s Kitchen to hosting races, Salisbury Rowan Runners Club demonstrates concern backed by action for our community’s health and happiness.”

Bottom line, if you enjoy some time outside, want to test yourself with exercise and just enjoy helping a good cause for a reasonable fee, Kyna and I would love to see you join us at Catawba College’s Goodman Gymnasium to sign up for one of three races. If you don’t want to run or walk, just come out and support those who do. The 8K is open to runners of all abilities. The 5K Health Run and Walk is open to anyone. The course is much easier with only one real hill. Finally, the half-mile fun run is open to anyone of any age or ability and it is held on the Shuford Stadium track.

Registration is available at www.runsignup through Saturday night, at the City Park Recreation building on Saturday evening from 6-8 p.m. and at Catawba’s Goodman Gym from noon to 2 p.m. More information is available at or 704-310-6741.

Every 5K and 8K participant gets an incredible commemorative hoodie and a chance at some awesome awards. But better yet is the chance to know that you and a bunch of your friends and neighbors contributed to something much bigger.

I can’t wait to see you at Catawba on Sunday.

It’s Been a Quiet Week…

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By Doug Creamer

            For many years on Saturday night we would listen to Garrison Keillor on the radio. He had a program called “The Prairie Home Companion.” It was a two-hour variety show that we enjoyed. My favorite part was when he told a story about a fictional town out on the prairie.

He always began the story with, “It’s been a quiet week…” Then he would launch into all the happenings in this fictional town. There was always humor and something going on down at the church, or maybe the little cafe. The story was always clean, filled with faith, and funny.  

I guess I was thinking about this because as I reflected back on my week, it feels like it has been a quiet week. What I mean is that there haven’t been any major events. That’s good. Some folks I know are dealing with big things. I know friends who have lost loved ones and others who are fighting cancer. I know some who are fighting the awful bug that is going around and others who are at the hospital.

            I’ll take my quiet week. Don’t get me wrong, I have been busy. I’ve been working on my websites, working on developing a class that I hope to be able to teach, and teaching my Chinese children on the internet. Sometimes, while it feels quiet, it seems busy.

            I had to get my old vehicle running again; it was time for the inspection. I tried jumping it, but the battery was too far gone. I got a new one and she cranked right up. I drove it around for a while the other day; she is purring like a kitten again.

            There were a few highlights in the week. I took my brother out for his birthday lunch. I won’t say which one it was, but we had fun. It was great to laugh and talk with my OLDER brother. On my way home, I stopped in at East Davidson. I got to see several colleagues and talk with some friends. I miss seeing my work friends on a daily basis.

            Date night this week was at a special restaurant in town. We went to say good-bye to one of our favorite servers there. He got a new job and it was his last night. The dinner was great, but so was the opportunity to wish him well.

            I had a great conversation with a former student this week. She is helping with my website design. We got to talk and share about our lives, the ups and downs. I love to hear how steady her faith is no matter what comes her way.

            I was blessed to spend time with the pastor and his family this week. Whether we are going over the routine things about the church, sharing hopes and dreams, talking through some challenges, or just laughing and cutting up in the office after church on Sunday…I’ll say it again, I feel blessed. His family makes me feel like I am a part of their family.

            You see, quiet weeks are still filled. No matter how busy or quiet a week might be, spending time with God has to be a priority. With the nice weather we had recently, I was spending time quietly on my porch or going for walks. I feel lazy on cold, wet days, but just because it is difficult shouldn’t keep us from our Father.

            I saw several pictures recently on Facebook of friends with their children asleep on their chest. That’s the kind of closeness that God wants with us. Some of my best conversations with the Lord occur with my head on my pillow. It’s quiet and the distractions of life are removed. I can hear His voice and curl up in His love. God wants to be that intimate with us. If He knows the number of hairs on our heads, He is already intimately acquainted with us. We need to open our hearts and become more aware of Him.

            I want to encourage you to draw close to God. Crawl up in His arms. He wants you close to His heart. I know the importance of awe and respect for the Almighty. I try to worship Him as exuberantly as King David did. He deserves it. But I want that closeness so I can hear God call me His son and Jesus call me brother and friend. God’s love is more profound than any of us can understand, but I want to be immersed in it. I encourage you to run into your Heavenly Father’s arms.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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