By Rhonda Sassano
Hope for an “Old” Future
Why is “I’ll Fly Away” stuck in my head? It’s an ambulatory surgery, for Pete’s sake… what am I worried about? Just because I died once already… lol, doesn’t Scripture say that man is appointed once to die? That must mean I’m living until the Rapture! I say that very tongue-in-cheek, btw. How well I do know that I’m not in control of my life, and certainly not in control of when this life might end. Many things about tomorrow … I don’t seem to understand … but I know who holds the future… and I know Who holds my hand.
The hardest thing about the future is that … I’m old in the future. Well, older than I am now. I’m not crazy about the idea. In my mind, I’m about 32, 33 maybe. And I fully expect my body to still be 16! The face in the mirror is a stranger to me sometimes… but this week, I’ve been suddenly all caught up. Recovering is not as easy as in the past. And, I cannot expect it to be any easier next time.
“Rhonda,” you say, “I thought this was supposed to be an encouraging piece… you’ve not been very encouraging thus far.” You are absolutely right! So I’m encouraging you: stop aging! Haha, just kidding. Aging is part of life, meant to make us turn to the Father for help and hope. And He never fails to give them both.
I regarded the surgery as trivial. But my friends and family took it more seriously and really held me up in prayer, to the point I could feel the prayers surrounding me. And despite my best efforts to make light of the serious surgery, their deep concern for me has served as a point of hope for me: hope that I will make a full recovery, hope that Father is just as good as He has promised, hope that the future will be good, also… maybe somewhat painful, but still good. All my life, You have been faithful… All my life, You have been so, so good! With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God!
And life is worth the living, just because He lives…
“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”