Promises of Spring

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By Ashlie Miller

The signs of spring are peeking through. The daffodils have already trumpeted their readiness for the new season. Wow, they have been everywhere lately – such joyful heralds of a coming season!

My iPhone plant identifier tells me that bird’s-eye speedwell, dead-nettles, henbits, and dandelions are trying to take over my yard. My husband calls our yard a “lawn” and tries to care for it accordingly, so I guess I better not let the kids blow the dandelions on it.

The children point out that the robins have returned to visit the birdhouse on the back of the mailbox. I notice a small cup in a tree made from pine needles, leaves, and other organic material, hoping to host another family of hatchlings soon.

Then, there is the overabundance of skunks, mainly on the side or in the middle of the road. Is this a sign of spring or evidence that land development has pushed away their predators? My son tells me he has already seen – and accidentally killed with a weedeater – some snakes in and near our backyard.

All these signs are whispers – or shouts! – that something good indeed is coming. We can trust that spring will again arrive because it always has.

We can also believe that the things God has spoken and promised in His Word to us through the Bible will also come to pass. I can look at promises made and prophecies pronounced to see a literal fulfillment timeline. It enables me to trust that those promises which have not yet come to pass also will.

That speaks peace to my heart, not only concerning world events but also to my personal needs. Many Christians have been reading an annual Bible reading plan that has led them through Genesis and Exodus early this year. There, we read of some of the covenants and promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Promises to make their small family into a great nation, even with wives who suffered from barrenness for a time. Promises to give them their own land, even when famine and slavery in a foreign land stood in the way. Yet, as we approach Exodus and look further down the horizon past Israel’s good kings – and not-so-good kings – and to the New Testament for The Great King (Jesus), we see the fulfillment of promises. Israel indeed became a great nation, settling in a promised land with the most excellent King that enabled the ultimate promise – hope for all nations and all souls.

Then, I can look at the precision and care for the small intrinsic details of my life and see God’s involvement as I look at the past patterns of His love. You may have your own stories of evidence of His sovereignty and care.

Observing the little sprouts on my lawn, birds chirping in the trees, and even skunks or snakes out and about, we can remember God is working as He always has to fulfill His plan in our lives.

Ashlie Miller refreshes her spirit by taking nature walks with her family, finding glimpses of grace and promise along the way. You may email her at