Reflection from Matthew 11

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By Rhonda Sassano

Matt 11:28-30 

Jesus, You said, “Come to me, (your name here,) you who are tired, exhausted, ready to give up because your burden is weighty, cumbersome, heavier than you can shoulder. Come to Me and I will give you rest.  Leave your burden here.  Give it to me.  I will carry it. Surrender all the worries and anxieties.  Tell fear to get out.  I am Your Hero.        

 When you make Me your priority and push aside all the distractions, you can hear My whisper.  Under all the voices that clamor for your attention, listen for Me. I will teach you.  Let Me teach you. I am humble; I wait for you to notice Me.  I am gentle and My heart knows you and loves you. There is rest to be found for your soul.  Rest is right here, at My feet.  In My presence. Like a well spring at your feet that rises and immerses you.  My words are life and breath for your spirit. SOAK in them. Soak them IN. They bring health and wholeness to your body and to your mind.  Choose My yoke.  Choose My words. Choose My way. My way is fulfillment.  Purpose.  Meaning.  Light.  No condemnation.  No expectations or guilt.  I give you ability and strength and creativity to accomplish all that really needs accomplishing.  In my perfect instructions, your spirit will revive and be refreshed in obedience.”

 I receive Your Words to me today, sweetest Jesus.  Speak to my heart and I will listen and obey.  

With joy, 


“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”