Who knew writing a bio would be such a challenge? Lol, guess I know myself too well and yet, not at all…
I could start by saying I’m a wife, mom, teacher, artist, etc. but those only describe only what I do, not who I am.
I am, first of all, a much-beloved daughter of Father God. I’m His treasured one, precious to Him and worth being separated from His Son. He says I am worth sentencing His Son to a horrific, agonizing death on a tortuous cross, so that I could be made holy and could live in relationship with Him so close that our hearts are forever entwined and inseparable. So near that I can feel His breath and hear His heartbeat. He adores me so much that one look of my eyes, and He is undone, desiring to give me every good thing.
Every good thing includes a husband who is full of faith, love, and integrity. He never wavers. I have three grown children who all have solid relationships with Jesus; the oldest is married and has given us a grand baby that I simply adore! The youngest will be married soon, and the middle one is patiently enduring, waiting for the Lord’s choice.
Every good thing also includes a variety of opportunities to bless Him and others with creative gifts and words of encouragement, and sometimes something tasty to eat, either from my container garden or my kitchen
It’s been a life of adventure and hardships, moves across country and back, new opportunities and unexpected rejections, love and heartache, jobs as custodian, cook, teacher, choir director, bus driver, care giver, muralist, and manager. Each one has taught me new skills and new ways to communicate. I’m still learning.
I have a future goal to become a licensed mental health professional with a specialty in Art Therapy. (I already have a handful of clients that let me practice on them!) And, I’m in therapy myself because I struggle with depression and disappointment. So I know firsthand that creative expression is a meaningful method of healing.
And I know the God who knows the insecure me, who sees the hidden me, who loves the unloveable me. Treasured. Known. Loved
My Savior, My Love
By Rhonda Sassano Song of Songs 2:8-14 MSG “Look! Listen! There’s my love! Do you see him coming? Vaulting the mountains, leaping the hills. My […]The Favorite
STOP IT! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT. You cannot cry now… You are on your way to work! So, keep it in the box, girl! You can do this!… Except I […]Hope for an “Old” Future
By Rhonda Sassano Hope for an “Old” Future Why is “I’ll Fly Away” stuck in my head? It’s an ambulatory surgery, for Pete’s sake… what am I […]The Struggle is Real
By Rhonda Sassano I already feel like this isn’t gonna work this time . . . . Daughter #2. Daughter #1….the move out….the wedding….the […]My Super Power
By Rhonda Sassano Since I’ve begun a new career recently, I’ve discovered that I have a super power. Actually, it’s a power I’ve always had, […]Outdoor Walk
By Rhonda Sassano I was taking my morning walk, and one of my favorite songs started to play. I relished the familiarity for a moment and, […]Are You for Real Right Now?
By Rhonda Sassano I stopped those words from escaping my mouth just in time. I wanted to use them like a caveman’s club to beat the pulp out of […]Ongoing for Change
By Rhonda Sassano So many changes. I feel like my heart will be sad forever. Changes at home in who lives there and who doesn’t […]A Heart that Hides
By Rhonda Sassano A Heart that Hides Holy Spirit, I am still feeling vulnerable. And I’m protecting my heart from further […]Secret Place
By Rhonda Sassano Secret Place I died nearly 8 years ago. I was at home when I had a major cardiac event, and I literally dropped dead. My […]Revelations from Revelation
By Rhonda Sassano “When I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands. And standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like […]Reflection from Matthew 11
By Rhonda Sassano Matt 11:28-30 Jesus, You said, “Come to me, (your name here,) you who are tired, exhausted, ready to give up because your burden […]A Long Time in Coming
By Rhonda Sassano A Long Time Coming Yesterday, I was out for a walk with my baby granddaughter. It was a beautiful day and we were traveling along […]I Ask You Give
By Rhonda Sassano Father, according to Luke 11, You will not withhold from us when we ask for the Holy Spirit. So Father, in Jesus Name, I ask You to give […]Song of Solomon
By Rhonda Sassano Out of my innermost being is flowing the fullness of Your Holy Spirit—never failing to satisfy. Within my womb there is a […]Dealing With Depression
By Rhonda Sassano Yup. Still here. Depression is a real booger. My phone calendar, every morning, reminds me that others are […]Hope from Psalm 109
By Rhonda Sassano ”Oh Father, make yourself real to me like You promised me You would. Because of Your constant love and Your heart-melting kindness, come […]How to hear (really!) the Voice of God
By Rhonda Sassano How to hear (really!) the voice of God If you are like me, I struggle to recognize the voice of the Lord. Especially when I’m […]Focus: Please my Father!
By Rhonda Sassano Note to Self I just need to write some things down. If you don’t want to know any brutal honest truth about me other than what you […]Why is this Happening to me?
By Rhonda Sassano WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? WHY DOES THIS K E E P HAPPENING TO ME? We often wonder “Why, Lord, am I going thru […]