I Ask You Give

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By Rhonda Sassano

Father, according to Luke 11, You will not withhold from us when we ask for the Holy Spirit. So Father, in Jesus Name, I ask You to give me the fullness of Your Holy Spirit.  I declare Song of Songs 7:2, “Out of my inmost being is flowing the fullness of Your Spirit—-never failing to satisfy.”  That’s my heart, Father, to be satisfied with Your Presence. To surrender myself completely.  To look to You for every need, every want, every choice, every word.  You promise that when I turn to You with my whole heart, You will be found. So, I take my eyes away from all that holds me back:  all the distress, all the disappointment, all the unfinished dreams, all the lingering hopes . . . I bury the promise in Who You Are. I tuck myself under the shadow and comfort of Your wings. I know You are faithful, and I trust Your work will be good, and it will make me more like You. Help me be still and listen to Your whispers of love… they can be so hard to hear when fear is so loud. Give me courage to simply ignore every other voice that steals my attention. Even now, today, this moment, You are speaking.  You are speaking life to my spirit, health to my body, truth to my mind.  I receive it.  I break up the soil of my heart to let your Words go down deep.  In Jesus name. 

“Clean hands, pure heart 

I bury the promise in Who You are

I tuck myself under the shadow and comfort of Your wing 

You are real and You reward 

I’m strong thru the power of the Word 

You are life and breath to me 

Your face is all I long to see”

This is a prayer I pray over myself, daily, when I remember.  It reminds me what’s important:

Who He is, who I am, What He’s doing.  Because nothing else really truly matters.  (Yeah, that’s oddly disturbing and yet, deeply comforting…) but very, very true.  That’s why when we ask according to His will, we know we have what we ask for.  

Lately, I’ve been praying a simple prayer:  “Help me want what You want, Lord.  Help me want Your will more than anything.”  That’s a prayer He can answer with delight! And I can take comfort that it’s not a “gimme gimme” prayer or one rooted in pride or any other fleshly emotion.  Because His goal is to increase His Presence in my life. And my goal is to let Him!  No matter what it takes.  No matter the rejection or heartache, no matter the changes or losses.  

I want more of Him.  He alone is worth it all. 

With joy,


“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”