By Ronda Sassano
Negative Space. Sounds ominous, doesn’t it? Anything that starts with “negative” gets such a bad rap these days. But to an artist (
) negative space is an important part of the design and can be extremely valuable to the composition. Negative space, in case you aren’t sure, refers to the “blank” space on the canvas or paper. Negative space is the unpainted, untainted white area that gives the eye a chance to rest as it processes a busy piece. Without a blank area or two, a work of art could become overwhelming and the beauty, lost. Negative space increases the power of the colors, just as the quiet of night emphasizes the volume of the day.
Negative space isn’t found only on paper or canvas. It can also be found in a moment of rest when a long day has come to an end. When a day off happens unexpectedly. When that appointment I was running to suddenly cancelled. Or in the moment of something simple, like putting toothpaste on the brush, or stirring a boiling pot of pasta to keep the noodles from sticking together. Yes. Negative space can definitely be found IF I look for it, if I seek it out, if I’m aware and watching for it.
Recently, I added a layer to looking for negative space. I began to practice being open to the Lord during any negative space I happened to recognize. At one of these points, I was musing about some negative circumstances and how valuable they can be to make my heart more sensitive to the Spirit and what He’s trying to do in my life. Of course, that’s not what always happens when challenging circumstances arise, and probably not even what usually happens. What usually happens is that I get angry and blame and accuse the Father and hide my heart from Him. But, this time heard Him say, “Yes. When negative circumstances arise, many times, I use them to answer your prayers for a sensitive heart, the prayers for a deeper intimacy with Me. It’s in the valley of the shadow that you have greatest opportunity to discover who I really am and how much I really do love you. Yes. I allow challenges, I allow pain and grief and even emotions that are so big and intense and heavy that you don’t know what to do with them. But I never leave you hurting or angry, I never want you to stay in the tragedy and trauma. But sometimes you walk away. Or push Me away. Or hide from Me. In My infinite knowledge of you and your heart, I desire for your circumstances to be the catalyst to seek Me out. To want more of Me. If you will trust that I have purpose for every hurt, every wound, every trial, nothing will be wasted. Not even one tear goes unnoticed…they are so precious to Me. They are a sign of a humble heart realizing a need for help that only I can give. A bruised reed I will not break. A crushed heart I will not abuse or manipulate or scorn or despise. Come to Me all you who are heavy hearted. And I will give you rest. I am in the negative space.”
if you are in a spot like that, pushing the Lord away or angry or just holding your heart back from Him, He invites you to release your anger. Release your heart to trust Him. He never fails. Even when I fail to trust Him, He never walks away. Never rolls his eyes in disgust or sighs in disappointment. He only longs for me (and for you) to press into Him in the pain. And He waits. In the negative space.