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By Roger Barbee

Because of some poor life choices I had made before the fall of 2005, I was working through the emotional pain my choices had left me.  I was talking with a counselor once a week, and I had a cadre of friends who supported me. My siblings proved invaluable. Having some days better than others, I decided to treat myself to a small gift to encourage my mood on October 18, 2005.

Years before that day,  a dear friend had given me a Saint Christopher’s medal that I always wore, and it was held around my neck by a wire that I had fashioned for that purpose. I now wanted a proper chain for my medal, so after school I went to a jewelry store near where I lived. It was one that I knew I could make a purchase without depleting my meager account.  

Because it had been Spirit Day at the school where I taught, I was wearing my favorite Hawaiian shirt.  I wanted and needed to continue the joy of that day, so I was eager to buy myself a small gift.  Going to the glass counter that was chocked full of rings, jewels, watches, and other items usually for sale by a jeweler, I waited my turn to be helped. A woman dressed in a green pants suit asked what I needed, and I explained that I wanted a chain for my medal. She showed me several chains. Because my key chain hanging from my neck had “Saints” printed on it, she asked if I taught at a near-by school.  I told her that I had worked there, but that I now worked at a school in D.C.

            As I looked at the chains I could afford, she asked if my medal had ever been cleaned and offered to have the store’s repairman clean it for me. Removing it from around my neck, I gave it to her and told her she could dispose of the wire that had served me for years. When she returned to the counter, I had chosen my $30 chain, and she wrote the ticket. Because we were chatting so much, she suggested we move away from the store’s cash register while my medal was being cleaned. The flirt, or spark was on! We exchanged soft information to each other that revealed but did not divulge facts too personal for a stranger.  However, forty-five minutes later my medal was clean, and the lady in the green pants suite offered to fasten it around my neck because “This chain has a difficult clasp.” I gleefully let her, and I placed the card with her phone number next to the sales receipt in my wallet. Soon after that we had dinner and talked more. She shared how that day was her deceased mother’s birthday. I shared that when I arrived home after my purchase,  I had called a sister and said, “I met a woman.”

The following July we married. We share life. We age together. All of this joy after being unable to see the beauty of many October days. But now one of my cherished gifts from Mary Ann is an antique child’s school chalkboard on which she wrote: “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made….”

I have kept the sales receipt for that chain as a reminder of what life can be. It reminds that life’s sparks are all around us, but we must be prepared to see, accept, and grasp them. And those sparks come anytime, but they are especially good in “the last of life, for which the first was made…,” when all else seemed doomed.

Great Races Ahead

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By David Freeze

Great races ahead!

     With a rare weekend off, local races get going again next weekend with a doubleheader and some of the county’s best events. Cooler weather is here, and better race times should be the result. And with shorter days along with the cooler temps, the first three races have commemorative long sleeve dri-fit shirts for 5K participants.

       First up is the St. Matthews 5K and Fun Run at the church located at 9275 Bringle Ferry Road on Saturday, October 26th. This rural course uses scenic country roads while the race benefits several community and church members with severe medical issues. Church members spend several months getting sponsors and finding those most deserving of the proceeds. The 5K starts at 9am with the fun run to follow.

     The next day, Sunday, October 27th, brings Halloween fun at the long-running Spooky Sprint 5K and Fun Run. Held at Catawba College’s Shuford Stadium, the 2pm 5K will use a new course that includes the soccer/softball complex and the greenway out to the Crescent area and back. Runners, walkers and fun runners can all compete in a festive costume contest following the race and just ahead of the awards ceremony. This race benefits Rowan Rotary community projects with an emphasis on youth.

     Then we skip to November 9th with the Clean Water 5K at Grace Lutheran Church. The 5K starts at 8:30am and the fun run follows at 9:15. The race starts and finishes at the church where all participants get freshly made hush puppies. All proceeds from the race will benefit the ELCA Global Clean Water Ministry.  For the first time, male and female overall winners, male and female masters (over 40 years of age), and top male and female fun runners will all receive cash awards.

     One of Salisbury’s fastest growing events is the Butterball 5K held at The Forum on Thanksgiving morning, November 28th. Starting at 8:30am, runners and walkers have plenty of time to finish the event, grab some refreshments and maybe an award, before heading off to other Thanksgiving Day plans. With $500 in prize money to the top three overall males and females, this race usually has some sizzling times. All proceeds benefit the Terrie Hess House and prevention of child abuse.

     In December, we have the Freeze Your Buns 5K and Fun Run at the Winterfest Festival in Spencer. Watch for more details coming soon on the December 7th event. The Santa Run 5K is set for December 14th at the Millbridge Ruritan Building. While many of Rowan’s residents have never seen a Bigfoot, please be aware that this race is held annually in conjunction with an annual Squatch gathering on the same day. All runners and walkers who spot a live Bigfoot will get free pancakes afterwards. All proceeds benefit Rowan Helping Ministries.

      An update on my recovery from a broken back is overdue. I have been able to walk in increasing distances all but one day since early June. My balance and strength have both improved steadily also. Just last Friday, I had a procedure called Kyphoplasty at Novant Health to solidify and reshape the two most damaged vertebrae. Hopefully this procedure, which I have advocated for since the accident, will solidify my lower back and allow for some running and cycling again. Should it not work, then running and cycling are in doubt. At this point, I have been told to wait to try either one until after my next in-office appointment with the doctor on October 29th.

         This past Wednesday marked five months since the accident. In some ways, the time has flown by but most realistically, it has not. I struggle daily without being able to resume a nearly 45-year habit of running every morning for mental and physical health. Hopefully my next report will be a good one!

    For more information on any of the races above, please visit

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

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By Ed Traut

1 Peter 5:7  Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

  • Life has so many cares and so many challenges.
  • We go from one concern to the other, but God made it very clear for us to give it to Him – it is not always so naturally easy, but we must make a conscious effort.
  • We know He cares about us and that He can carry all of our burdens.  By His grace we hand them over to Him.

Prayer:   Lord I lift my hands in adoration to You today and praise Your holy name.  Thank You that You carry all my burdens and all my cares.  I cast all my cares to You today and I throw them onto You Lord, knowing that You will take care of them and You will take care of me. I praise You that You have always done this.  You are a wonderful savior.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Love & Acceptance

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Steve Hartman tells a story that reveals something we all long for…love and acceptance. This is a special story of one young man’s journey to find it and how it changed everyone around him. ENJOY!

Wonderful Life

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By Lynna Clark

Back in the day, when blogs were new-ish, my techno savvy daughter Stephanie helped set me up in WordPress to tell about our crazy family. It never occurred to me that Lynna’s Wonderful Life would be such a tongue twister, or that the following 14 years would include so many ups and downs. Together we’ve witnessed miraculous answers to prayers for babies, the loss of both our beloved mothers, the foreclosure of our “forever home,” bankruptcy, job loss, healing from breast cancer, and many regular days where we’ve considered the Lord’s amazing care. Whoever decided that living for the Lord would make the path smooth was sadly mistaken. Actually life became so difficult at times that I could not write at all. Because if I cannot be honest with you, it’s better to stay silent. So I have for a while. Chemo brain kept me a bit foggy too. At least that’s what we’re going with.

In June of this year, David and I celebrated 50 years of wedded bliss. Well, you know. A blissful-ish situation. Nice meal at home, many well wishes… it was good. In July, my beloved David was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He began treatment a few weeks later. At the end of September, we had to call an ambulance, this time for me. Apparently my colon ruptured. Emergency surgery was done that Monday night. Eight days later I was finally allowed to go home and today, I’m rejoicing in the shower from Heaven. OH! Lynna’s life is wonderful again. But I have to say, last week I thought I might die and wished I’d hurry up.

While I was in the hospital, storms hit our beautiful NC mountains. I couldn’t help but realize: At least I knew where I’d be sleeping. A cozy hospital bed with caring staff answering a call bell sure beat the heck out of a gym floor… or worse. I’ll take it. Those poor dear folks. I love how so many have stepped up to help in their time of need.

Just like you have helped us by your many prayers.

Thank you. All these years… just thank you. Much love from the crazy place we call Clarkville. Like the Lord, your love and care has been amazing. I’ll try to keep you updated. But I have no doubt that all will be well. Though David has had to skip his treatments, he’ll resume those next week. Our daughters are taking sweet care of us, each one filling a vital role; much like you, the body of Christ.

“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing!” -1 Thess. 5:11

Oh how we truly appreciate you all!

Two Ships, Two Stories

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By Ashlie Miller

Recently, my family of 7 embarked on a vacation to visit a couple of different sailing vessels, which anyone will tell you is more of a trip than a vacation. We had not planned to create a seafaring-themed adventure, but homeschool studies of the Titanic and a desire to revisit a familiar museum made a trip to the Titanic Museum in Tennessee and the Ark Encounter in Kentucky a workable plan.

It wasn’t until looking into the review mirror of our trip home that I realized the unexpected juxtaposition of these two tours within the same week. Both were feats of design and engineering but contrasted vastly in intent and responses. 

We first visited The Titanic Museum. Although it was not a depressing tour, there were many elements of sadness. Upon entering the ship, we each received a ticket as a 2nd or 3rd class passenger who journeyed on that fateful voyage and a brief description of who they were. We took guesses based on information we gathered or surmised as to whether we would be among those who survived the tragedy or sank to a tragic demise.

Hosting 2,240 people, the size of the Titanic was astounding – much larger than the dimensions of Noah’s Ark, which housed a pair of each kind of known animal. This epitomized man’s skill, knowledge, and experience, promising new hope for those moving across the sea. Rumors abounded of the ship’s indestructibility. Although the museum only presents a half-boat, one can imagine the opulence and luxury in the 1st class decks and the more modest living quarters for the 3rd class passengers. One encounters the icy-cold waters and the steep incline of a sinking ship before the tour ends with passengers looking at the wall to see if they survived or drowned on that dreadful night. Then, you conveniently exit through the gift shop. 

The Ark Encounter is built so you can experience the full-scale size and engineering wonders, which house so many animals and accommodate Noah’s family for those many months on the boat. For although it rained 40 days and nights, they lived onboard for over a year. As you look at the information and life-size models, you become a believer that an ark like this could be built and maintained by God’s design. It is a remarkable museum for an impressive boat – nothing had ever existed like this before in human history. But it did not promise the luxury and opulence that the Titanic would one day hold. 

Did you know that the base ticket for a 3rd class passenger would exceed $1,000 in today’s money? That was a hefty fee for a typical Irish family coming out of the potato famine, looking for work being replaced in the industrial age, and longing for a new opportunity. It would have taken many years and lots of intentional savings to afford passage for one, much less a small family. Yet, many did, with hopes of something better. Life was hard, and many wanted and needed hope.

One exhibit aboard the Ark Encounter shows life before the flood and why Noah prophesied a flood – “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). But rather than a false promise for a chance at a new life, Noah ensured salvation from destruction – a rescue. It was an offer the people around Noah did not know nor believe they needed – salvation from themselves and wrath. It was a free passage – no strings attached. Yet they mocked, and all refused. Every Ark tourist knows this, so there is no wall of remembrance to see if a historical character survived. Instead, sightseers are challenged on how they will live this life – as one pointed toward the promise of eternal life or as one choosing their own will and path, leading to future destruction. 

We left our time on both ships with memories and deep reflections rather than sadness or hopelessness. You may never have a chance to take a cruise and wonder about your safety or even visit these museums. But we all have a choice to make regarding a great salvation that has been offered to us. Choose wisely, and don’t delay!

Slow Down

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By Doug Creamer

            I ate lunch on my front porch today. It was a comfortably warm afternoon after a cool start to the day. I enjoyed reading a good book by one of my favorite authors. The story was moving at a nice, leisurely pace. My lunch was over but I didn’t want to stop reading so I continued on for a little while longer.

            I started to get up and head in the house when I stopped myself. I had things to do. Instead, I settled into my chair. I took a deep breath. What a perfect day. The leaves rustled when a slight breeze blew. The sun’s golden rays reflected off the changing leaves. It was peaceful and quiet; I heard some birds singing and crickets calling through the quiet afternoon air. The breeze stirred and brought some leaves tumbling onto the grass.

            I breathed in the peacefulness and breathed out the worries and expectations of an afternoon filled with things to do. A cardinal flew over, giving a chirp. I admired my neighbors fall decorations. I resisted the tug to get up and go. I took another quiet breath. I sipped my tea and allowed my eyes and thoughts to wonder. The fall sun hangs lower in the sky, thus allowing longer shadows to dance across the lawn. The cloudless Carolina blue sky radiated beauty. How do we miss such wonders as we meander through our day?

            Eventually my body left the front porch but my mind continued to linger. My thoughts remained peaceful. I pondered the experience as I sat down to begin my column. My prayer for His guidance was birthed not in a panic for lack of an idea but rather in the comfort of His peaceful presence.

            Slow down… Breathe… Turn off the noise of this world… He is waiting and wanting to be discovered. God wants us to find Him… God wants us to connect with Him… The problem is not on His side, but rather ours. He waits for us to enter His presence. He desires for us to draw close. He longs for us to turn our eyes toward heaven. He wants to refresh us in His presence.

            Can you feel the Spirit drawing you? He isn’t asking for your time. He is asking for YOU! God wants to draw close to YOU! He is not too busy…YOU are. He is not distant…YOU are. His presence is not chaotic…YOURS is. His presence is filled with love, joy, peace, and hope. He longs to share the peace that your soul deeply desires. His peace is available for YOU if you will only slow down. Breathe. He IS with YOU!

            We can find all we need to live in HIS presence. In HIS presence is fullness of joy. In HIS presence is wisdom for every situation. In HIS presence is provision. In HIS presence is healing and restoration. In HIS presence is love and acceptance. In HIS presence is protection because He will fight for us. In HIS presence is peace that will quiet worry and anxiety. In HIS presence we can slow down. In HIS presence we can breathe.

            The world around us will continue to grow more and more chaotic as we draw closer to His return. The Bible makes it clear that it will be incredibly stressful in the end. We have a choice, we can allow the craziness of life to press in and push us out of His presence or we can let His presence push out the craziness of the world. His presence is with us right now. He wants to lift the burdens of this life off our shoulders. He wants to calm our nerves. We have to open the door and let Him in. We have to choose to slow down…to breathe.

            I want to encourage you to find a quiet place and invite Him in. All my life I have referred to the time that I spend with Him as my “quiet time.” I have learned that He will visit me during quiet time and while I am sitting on the porch, walking, resting, working, or driving my car. I have to invite Him in. I have to open the door. He wants to connect with you. He wants to lift your burdens and give you His perfect peace. He wants to provide for all your needs as your Heavenly Father. It’s up to you! You have to slow down and open the door for Him. I encourage you to slow down, breathe, and open the door of your heart to Him.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Streaked Meat

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By Roger Barbee

This morning Mary Ann was browning several slices of meat to be added to the crock pot, in which our dinner would cook. The distinctive smell of the cooking meat caused me to recall my mother using streaked meat to flavor some of her food–  the only flavoring she could afford.

If you are not of a certain age and of a geographical area, you will not understand streaked meat. So, I will save you the trouble of Googling it and tell you that it is heavily salted pork of the same cut as bacon but cheaper than bacon. Folks in my era would fry it before eating as done with bacon or use it as a flavoring for a mess (pot) of beans or greens. My mother used it for the latter. She would send one of us to the near-by store with two quarters with instructions to get the largest piece that the money would buy. As a youngster, I always saw the white, greasy looking slab as distasteful and ugly. Sometimes a piece would have a streak of blood red meat on its edge or in the middle, but it had no appeal until Mother used it for her beans.

To flavor any food properly is an art. Any idiot, such as I, can sprinkle or pour a flavoring into a cooking pot. However, to add the best bit of salt, sugar, spice, whatever requires knowledge and experience, and Mother knew how much streaked meat to add to her pot of beans. If she did not use the entire piece, she would save what she did not need or maybe fry a few slices for herself, which was seldom because she was too busy feeding her six children.

The streaked meat may have appeared distasteful to my young palate, but the flavor it gave Mother’s beans was absolute. While I could  never understand how something so ugly and salty and fatty could help ordinary beans taste so wonderful, Mother knew how to use what she could afford to add something to such a basic dish as simple beans for her children. The beans now had some charm that appealed to my taste.

Mother never used a crock pot in those difficult days as Mary Ann is doing now. What she had to cook and to cook it in was bare, but she had the will to do with what she had. I think she must have learned that from the story of Exodus and the wandering tribe that learned to live on manna. I don’t know, but I wish I had asked her. But I didn’t, and now all I can do is remember, when I walk into our kitchen and smell browning streaked meat, Mother’s manna for her six children.

United Way’s Run

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By David Freeze

United Way’s Run for the Mountains and More

   Due to finishing up my tour of the North Carolina state parks, I’m a little late on sharing information about the October races. The wonderful temperatures of the past week beckon runners and walkers while the charities that organize the races need your help.

    Saturday’s Dolphin Dash 5K and Fun Run takes place at Sacred Heart Catholic School with the county’s only cross-country course used for an open (any age) race. It’s all grass and dirt with no pavement at all, starting and finishing on the school’s soccer field. An extra bonus is that the fourth annual race is part of the school’s Octoberfest.

    Sunday has the brand-new Run for the Mountains 5K, benefiting the United Way’s western North Carolina disaster relief programs. A fun run for kids starts at 1:45pm and is followed by the 5K race at Salisbury Community Park on Hurley School Road. Plenty of parking is available, and the forecast looks great for runners and walkers of any ability to enjoy the park setting. Some of the course is on pavement and some of it is on gravel. No awards will be given so that 100% of the proceeds will benefit those in distress. All participants will get an official time and a certificate to pick up a commemorative short sleeve dri-fit shirt 10 days later at the United Way office. Novant Health will donate the refreshments.

    Here is a statement from United Way Executive Director Jenny Lee concerning how her organization is helping those western NC residents. Lee said, “While most of Helene’s physical damage occurred in Western North Carolina, the impact of this devastation is being felt far and wide. The Salvation Army of Rowan County, for example, has been deployed to the western part of the state and has served a total of 21,900 mass feedings, with an additional 12,150 served via mass drops. As those impacted by the storm relocate, other local nonprofits, such as Rowan Helping Ministries and One Love Community Services, will also face additional challenges. Rowan County United Way is committed to supporting our local nonprofits by surveying our community partners to gain a better understanding of their emerging needs. We are also monitoring NC 211 disaster response calls to collect more data. This information will help us better assess and understand the needs of Rowan County, our local nonprofits, and our neighbors from the West who are relocating here.

     Additionally, the United Way will be at the event continuing their effort to find cold weather clothing, either new or gently used, to send toward the mountains. Items needed include coats of any kind, sweaters or sweatshirts, winter socks and gloves. UW’s Ali Edwards said, “Just about anything warm will help. I will be there to collect any donated items.”

      Then we move on to the St. Matthews 5K at the church located at 9275 Bringle Ferry Road on Saturday, October 26th. This rural course uses country roads while the race benefits several community and church members with severe medical issues.

     The next day, Sunday, October 27th, brings Halloween fun at the long-running Spooky Sprint 5K and Fun Run. Held at Catawba College’s Shuford Stadium, the 5K will use a new course that includes the soccer/softball complex and the greenway out to the Crescent area and back. Runners, walkers and fun runners can all compete in a festive costume contest following the race and just ahead of the awards ceremony. This race benefits Rowan Rotary community projects with an emphasis on youth.

    November races include the Clean Water 5K on the 9th at Grace Lutheran Church, then the Girls on the Run 5K at Salisbury Community Park on the 16th. We close out the month with the fast-growing Butterball 5K at The Forum on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th.

    Look for more information on all these races at

His Unfailing Love

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 36:7  How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.

  • There is no question – God alone is the source and the fullness of love in every way, shape and form.
  • His love is not only precious, but it absolutely never fails no matter what we do or how wrong we are.
  • All – that means everyone – is sheltered and entitled and have this wonderful love available to them regardless.  How great He is!

Prayer:  Lord, how I marvel this morning at Your wonderful love and I praise You and thank You for this great wonderful love that never fails.  Thank You that You are always patient with me and even now.  Let me be filled with Your love and to share it with others who don’t even deserve it I pray in Jesus name.  Amen.  

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

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