They Do Exist

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By Ashlie Miller

Fall is a time for road trips, at least for our family—day trips, really. Last weekend, we ventured up to Brevard to connect with our oldest son, who is interning in western NC. Brevard is a perfect town with an atmosphere we love. It’s also not far from some favorite hiking trails. 

You may also know the town of Brevard for the local legend – the white squirrel. 

Metal silhouettes of the town mascot sit atop the traffic posts, and across the corner from O.P. Taylor’s toy store is The White Squirrel Shoppe – dedicated almost fully to merchandise of this woodland creature. Alongside the white squirrels, you may also find souvenirs showcasing a Sasquatch. Spying Bigfoot and white squirrels is like a game of Where’s Waldo while window shopping.

I wondered how much of the white squirrel obsession was based on folklore and legend and how much represented something true and observable to the casual tourist. But, other than that, I didn’t give it much thought. The hairy big guy, however, I discounted completely. Say what you will – the grainy photos are less discernible than my firstborn’s ultrasound.

After some window shopping and a fantastic supper at Corky’s Dawg House, we looked on the map for a nearby park with a playground where we could talk with our son while the younger siblings released their energy before our long ride back home. As we approached the parking lot – “Wait, what was that?! Did you see it?” We all saw a white fur ball scampering across the grass. We rushed to exit our car and carefully approached this apparition that had vanished. 

We saw him scurry up a tree, chasing a gray-tailed foe or companion – who can tell? Then, we saw another, scratching away at mulch under a bench before dashing to the picnic tables to taunt another squirrel. At another turn, a third small, white creature darted about. What once felt like myth and legend had become observable reality as we were in the right place at the right time. What a memory to treasure!

Many treat God with the same suspicion I did with white squirrels or, more accurately, Bigfoot. Materialists want observable proof using measures they have established on evidence they regard as observable by those measures. They spend much of their lives trying to prove and argue what they deem cannot exist because the spiritual does not fit their prescribed boundaries.

Sadly, they miss the glory and beauty of experiencing something wonderful and life-changing – a relationship with God – because they cannot observe it with scientific measurements. No, it is not quite like believing in something like a Sasquatch or doubting the existence of a white squirrel. Analogies are generally imperfect, especially when you relate to something spiritual. However, atheists create a world of limits because they do not know the truth that the eyes of one’s heart are opened AFTER submitting to a relationship with Christ by faith…without having all the answers first. Those who trust in Christ know what it means to not understand fully but know sufficiently. 

There are many questions to ponder in life about what we see and more about what we cannot. If we are willing to receive them, there are also many answers to these ancient questions. I hope your autumn adventures give you time to slow down and consider both questions and answers.

Just Checking In

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By Doug Creamer

            I am enjoying my walks much more now that the temperatures are cooler. Fall is still warm and the days are still long, but I have noticed that the days are shortening with the cooler temperatures. I have also noticed that a few trees are beginning to show a little color. It doesn’t seem like it is time for that.

            I will wave and speak to neighbors who are out in their yards when I walk. A few of the men in my neighborhood have struck up conversations with me on my walks. We are blessed to have good neighbors in our neighborhood.

            Some of the neighbors are struggling with various health issues. I have been checking in on them to see how they are doing. I have even taken the opportunity to pray with a few of the neighbors before doctor visits or various tests. I always try to follow up and check in with them afterwards to find out how things went.

            I find myself struggling with the thought that I might be entering the age group where conversations are centered around ailments and doctor visits. My parents are certainly in that age group, but have I really crossed that line? I called my Dad the other day and checked in on him. We talked about his health challenges and about his golf game. My Mom has been facing her own health challenges and my siblings and I have been following up with her.

            My brothers-in-law and sister-in-law all have parents who are struggling with various health issues and are being checked in on a regular basis. It keeps my siblings and their spouses busy as we are checking in with each other more often. As of this writing, everyone is doing okay with their health challenges.

            Depending on the size of your church, there are going to be people you speak to every week and then there will be others that you might only speak to occasionally. It is impossible to check in with everyone every week. What becomes a concern is when we don’t see a member at church for a few weeks. We expect pastors to check in on missing folks, but our pastor reminds us that it can make a big difference when members check in on each other.

            I have a number of friends that I catch up with on an occasional basis. We all live busy lives and can’t keep in touch on a regular basis. We will plan an occasional lunch or a dinner and catch up with each other. In between times we briefly check in with each other to maintain the connection and the friendship.

            What concerns me is that some people treat their relationship with God as someone you check in with on an occasional basis or in the middle of a crisis. People think that God is too busy or people feel they are too busy to spend time with God. Part of the problem is that we don’t understand that God is omnipresent, which means He can be everywhere all at the same time. God can be with someone in the hospital, another person on the battlefield, and with each one of us closely and intimately all at the same time.

            It’s a choice. Each person is given the same amount of time. We choose to spend some time with God every day or we choose other things we think are more important. If we are hoping to be with God in heaven when we pass away, we should spend some time getting to know Him here and now. Why would He want to invite someone who only checks in on Him occasionally to be with Him for all eternity?

            If you only saw your spouse once a week and never talked with them between times, it would be challenging to have a close relationship. If your only relationship with God is on Sunday morning for about an hour, what kind of relationship do you have with Him? I want to encourage you to reconnect with God. Let His forgiveness wash away your guilty stains. Let His mercy fill all the gaps. Let His love fill your heart. We all know that God loves us, but He likes us too! What He desires is a deeper connection with you. He doesn’t want you to check in on Him. He wants you to know Him. We can know God better than our best friend. We just need to connect with Him through His word and through many conversations with Him. What are you waiting for? He’s right there with you!  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Nelson’s Spaghetti

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By Roger Barbee

The Covid-19 virus has ruined many small businesses, and local restaurants in and around our town of Mooresville, NC are suffering. My wife and I have several local eateries we like, but we especially enjoy two. When the mandate came that closed them to only take out, we discussed our role in helping them stay open, and decided to make a conscious effort to order some meals from each, realizing that, while take out is not the same as dining in their warm, relaxing atmospheres, they needed our business. If we wanted to enjoy them later, we had to support them now. So,  recently we ordered a take-out supper from one, Blu Star, and at the correct time we drove to pick up our waiting dinner.

Usually if we drove to Blu Star’s location during the dinner hour, traffic would be heavy and parking tight. Not this evening of the pandemic. Boom! Pulled up right in front, and Mary Ann hopped out to get our meal. While I waited, I counted cars in the shopping center—seven parked, but one soon left when its driver came out of the juice bar with her cup of cold, multi-colored liquid. One driver of a huge, black truck parked it deftly and getting out walked towards two  restaurants behind me. Waiting for Mary Ann, I recalled the adage that seemed appropriate for so many businesses in the current situation—any port in a storm. While only one customer, the driver was a person who would spend money, I hoped, at one of the restaurants behind me. He was part of the port so needed right now.

Mary Ann returned to the car and as soon as she sat in her seat, said, “You won’t believe what Nelson [the owner] was doing.” She buckled her seat belt and as we drove out of the forlorn shopping center, she told me how Nelson and a worker were busily packing Styrofoam containers with spaghetti meals for Charlotte homeless. When she asked him about what he was doing, he explained that his church was participating in a program to get good meals to homeless folks, and his restaurant was providing nourishing dinners-spaghetti piled high with yummy sauce, garlic bread, and salad.

Before we had left our home to pick up our dinner, we had discussed how much to tip the manager, who we have known since we moved here. Mary Ann suggested a good sum and when she paid our bill, she gave Stephanie the twenty. Yet, driving home and hearing that story, I realized that no tip was large enough for what was happening in Blu Star, one of the many businesses feeling the crunch of this epidemic. There, in the midst of such a need for income, Nelson and his staff were giving to others who had less than he and them.

Arriving home, I enjoyed my dinner, even if not eaten in the cozy confines of Blu Star. But the more I think of what Mary Ann witnessed, the more I realize that there, on the spread-out tables of Blu Star, was the Sermon on the Mount being played out in real time. Right there.

Raleigh Area Parks

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By David Freeze

Raleigh Area Parks in One Day!

  I had three parks to visit on Wednesday, August 28th, and the Raleigh area had three close together. My first stop was at the Falls Lake State Recreational Area with 5,035 acres. The lake itself is 38,000 acres and has several access points at Beaverdam, B.W. Wells, Highway 50, Holly Point, Rolling View, Sandling and Shinleaf. Falls Lake is about 10 miles from Raleigh and 12 miles east of Durham. Prior to 1978, regular flooding caused extensive damage to public and private properties. The Falls Lake Project included the construction of a dam that was completed in 1981, thus harnessing the Neuse River for water supply, flood control and fish and wildlife conservation.

    Fishing, boating and swimming are the main activities, but the park has over 300 campsites. Tent, trailer and RV camping are first class with centrally located bathhouses. I saw the expansive sandy swim beach at Sandling, and two more are at Rolling View and Beaverdam. To enter the swimming and boating areas, a fee of $7 per person is charged, but only $5 for seniors. One lady said, “If you are over 62, it is only $5.” She deserved an extra $5 for saying that. The fee is charged daily from Memorial Day through Labor Day, with additional weekends in April, the rest of May and September. 

    A nice visitor center has exhibits on area wildlife and a separate map for each access point. Fishing and boating are allowed, but some of the access areas are limited to non-gasoline motors. Kayak, paddleboard and canoes are available for rent.

     William B. Umstead State Park in Wake County between Raleigh and Durham is also home for three man-made lakes. Big Lake is 55 acres, and Sycamore Lake and Reedy Creek Lake are about 25 acres each.  Fishing, kayaking, canoeing, and a boat launch are available. Umstead has 21 miles of hiking trails and 13 miles of multi-use trails that allow mountain bikes, horses, runners and hikers. I walked about half of the Sycamore Trail which follows the creek of the same name. Many of the trails here overlap and I found myself following the blue markers often to make sure I was on the right one.  

     The early park was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps and opened its doors in 1934, named for North Carolina’s 63rd governor known for his conservation efforts. The park itself is surrounded by busy highways, so this peaceful place seems shielded by massive trees from the city sprawl not far away. The land was bought and preserved as the cities crept closer. The park now totals 5,579 acres, part of it the former Reedy Creek Park, an African American park.

    Tent and trailer camping is available at 28 sites and there are 50 more sites within the park for primitive camping. Groups camps are also available for 60-120 people. The nine hiking trails, varying in distance up to 7.2 miles, are all well-kept and rated easy or moderate. Each state park in the passport book has a landmark item to be seen and not missed. I asked at the visitor center where I could find the Sycamore Bridge, an arched stone bridge over Sycamore Creek. The information desk person told me there were in fact two of them. I was happy to finally spot the CCC constructed one noted in the passport book.

       Authorized by the US Congress, the B.Everett Jordan Lake Dam was completed and filled in 1981, again for flood control, an adequate water supply and to promote conservation and recreation. Then Jordan Lake State Recreation Area near Apex on US 64 opened in 1982 and now has 12 different access sites. It is again an area dominated by water sports and the almost 14,000-acre lake. The Jordan Lake State Recreation Area itself encompasses 4,558 acres and has boating, group and tent camping, fishing, swimming and picnicking.

    The large visitor center has a wonderful exhibit area, much of it about the area’s history and the bald eagles that frequent the lake. I asked the receptionist where the best chance was to see an eagle in mid-afternoon. She said that the eagles normally feed morning and early evening but are often seen flying over the Seaforth Day Use area during the afternoon. I watched and didn’t see one, and still have only photographed one in all of my running and cycling travels.

     The Seaforth area had a beautiful beach and a wonderful trail, according to the attendant. I found the trail immediately and noticed that it was closed with a sign and caution tape. The reason given was the trail area was subject to flooding. I ducked under the tape and started on the trail and quickly noticed that the area had dirt and sand on the tops of all the knee-high undergrowth, noting the high-water mark of recent flooding. The flooding probably had something to do with the most aggressive mosquitoes I have yet discovered in a state park. The beach area was spectacular with dozens of shaded picnic tables under massive pines. The same $7 day use fee, $5 for seniors, is charged at Jordan Lake too.

    On a day dominated by beautiful lakes near big cities, I have now visited 25 state parks. 17 still to go!

Go Ahead, Ask

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By Ed Traut

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

  • It is just not allowed – to be
    anxious.  We have to shake off anxiety of any kind, because the devil
    likes to get us stressed so that our faith can not be functioning.
  • We ought to ask the Lord, and not be afraid.  There are so many things that we just haven’t asked for – go ahead ask.
  • And then we need to be full of
    thankfulness, always in a whole lifestyle of thanksgiving because God is
    so good and He does answer prayer.

Prayer:  Lord I do present and make known my request to You things that I would want whether I am deserving or not, I ask You, because You said I can go ahead and ask and now I am asking with a confidence that not only do You hear, but You will answer and do for me.  I praise Your holy name.  Amen. 

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Speaking of Answered Prayer

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By Lynna Clark

In spite of the weird vibes sent out by the “universe” (aka technology and the devil), some of you saw the previous post where I asked for prayer for David. I’ll include it below in case you didn’t. Thank you so much for praying! He started chemo, which is a three day process, every other week, on August 19. The Lord graciously kept him from nausea and a great deal of the terrible side-effects. During that week he was tired and droopy as his mother would say, but was able to function fairly well. The following week he felt much better and was even able to do his normal stuff. Just wanted to let you know how well he’s doing, especially for someone with stage four colon cancer. He’ll have his second round of chemo starting this Wednesday, and finishing on Friday. Oh how we appreciate all your prayers!

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer!.” -Psalm 19:14


The following is the post sent out previously. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, but before that a different one also went missing. Hope this one sticks. From August 20-

Dear Praying Friends, Just wanted to let you know that my beloved David has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He started chemo yesterday and so far has done well. Would you make a special effort to pray for him? It would mean so much to us both. I had a whole blog written about how good the Lord is in the time of trouble, but it disappeared. The gist of it was that bad things happen to everyone, whether we serve Jesus or not. But the Lord is wise and has a plan to love us well.

But I bet you know that. So anyway, pray for strength for us both. In the meantime, we will “go in the strength that we have.” from Judges 6:14.

By the way, I’m not on Facebook, but you can leave a message in the comments below, or on his Facebook page. It feels good to know folks are praying.

In His care, Lynna

Just One Person…

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We all have moments when we are down and in a bad place. Maybe we did it to ourselves, maybe something happened to us. It is in those moments that we need someone to help us up. We need a friend. We need just one person to believe in us. Watch this story by Steve Hartman about one person who makes a difference…

Did We Forget to Remind Them?

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By Ashlie Miller

Let me be honest. Last week, when I read reporter Elisabeth Strillacci’s Opinion piece from the Salisbury Post “Where were you?” I stopped and reread this paragraph: “I heard something heartbreaking this week. Apparently our younger generation does not know what 9/11 is.” Did you also stop to reread that?

How could that be? It just happened…wait, it wasn’t just a few years ago? No, it was a young generation ago. And besides, I know my teens and children know about it. We discuss it annually, as each age is able to process it on their own level. In fact, my high schoolers’ current unit study is on the U.S. military and events around that day of terror. 

But, Strillacci is right. This past Wednesday, a young lady whom I mentored and who is deeply affected by death and tragedies – she is old enough to remember the day but young enough to have grown up in a world of uncertainty, fear, and change – texted me. She sets aside time each year to reflect on that day in our nation’s history. She feels a sympathetic weight of the day as she listens to stories and testimonies of those who recall the tragedies in their lives from that day. 

She shared her thoughts with a peer of her own age and was met with casual indifference that it was just another day in history and many in other countries are continually experiencing tragedies. I imagine the response to her text is a common feeling today, not just among the young who can only vaguely recall the day or for young students for whom 9/11 is merely a couple paragraphs in a history textbook. Have we who lived that day, if only through our television sets or radios, let memories fade and slip into the past?

Sadly, it is not just another day in history. The residual effects continue to this day. We are all well acquainted with the reports of those who have died well since 2001 – from cancers, respiratory, and digestive issues, to name a few. Some reports say that the numbers are now higher than those who died upon initial impact. Staggering!

My young friend is sensitive enough to think about the entire fire station crew who lost every member and children (now adults with children) who grew up as orphans. Those families are still working through life with grief. 

It is up to us adults to recall and recount the past. Although we can see 9/11 pretty clearly in our rearview mirror, the current and coming generations cannot. 

It reminds me of the scriptures that speak of our duty to teach the coming generations so they will not forget – because it is possible. In Deuteronomy, Moses warns Israelites to keep their soul diligently and remember what they have seen lest they forget and depart. While at it, they should also make these things known to their children. Why? As evidenced in Judges 2, just one generation after Joshua, Moses’s successor, passes, a generation who does not know the Lord or what He had done for their ancestors arises. Yikes. Ancestry and religion were vital to their identity as a people. How could parents and grandparents forget to share things this important regularly? Maybe they assumed someone else would do it for them?

Forgetfulness is a companion to ingratitude. Ingratitude leads to pride and entitlement or – to put it plainly – sin.

By forgetting to recall huge, life-changing events like 9/11 and passing down stories, are we guilty of leading a generation towards ingratitude, entitlement, and pride that leads to great downfalls? By forgetting to share our faith and what God has done, are we leading to something far worse?

Take time to recount, recall, and share. Even if an event’s anniversary has passed, the lessons are always timely. 

Ashlie Miller and her husband Chad raise their family in Concord, NC. You may contact her at

Fall Weather

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By Doug Creamer

            I was walking into work this morning, chatting with a co-worker about the nice weather. I hope we are saying good-bye to the 90’s for this year. The air was crisp, not cold. The sun was shining brightly. The hot weather has its place and purposes, but I am always glad when the cooler air of fall overpowers the hot and humid weather that persists so long here in the Carolinas.

            The cooler weather bids me to come and enjoy lunch on the front porch and to get busy on the many fall chores. I have pulled multiple wheel barrels full of weeds from the vegetable and flower beds. I want to trim some trees before it gets too late. I am also hoping to clean and straighten up the shed before cold weather sets in.

            We still have some time before the leaves fall. I am still holding out hope for a few fall veggies before the frost puts an end to the gardening season. A few of the neighbors have put out their fall decorations, which can only mean that we are only weeks away from the stores putting out their Christmas decorations. I wish they would hold off until mid-November.

            Some friends have asked me what kind of winter is on the way. The almanacs are predicting a milder winter. It looks as though we will have a La Nina winter, with a catch. The last few winters we have had either a strong El Nino or a strong La Nina. This winter looks like it could be a weak La Nina, which means it might follow a different pattern. One long-term forecaster suggested that a weak La Nina might give us a colder than normal winter. The thing to remember is that each winter is unique and that various weather phenomena can impact what ultimately unfolds. As most of you know, I am hoping for some snow.

            For now, there is plenty of time to enjoy the cooler fall weather, and we know that winter will ultimately provide some cold weather. Whether we get some snow or not is yet to be determined. Many forget we are still in hurricane season and we need to remain vigilant. My plans are to enjoy the onset of fall and prepare for the upcoming winter.

            We were reading a story in class today about a young guy who wished his life away thinking that the next stage of life was going to be wonderful. The trouble was he never enjoyed any stage of his life because he was always wishing for the next stage. Sometimes we can all fall into that trap. We miss the joy of the moment because we are focused on things ahead. We worry about tomorrow and forget to look around and take in the wonder that is today.

            It’s easy to do. Sometimes on my walks I will catch myself staring down at the road. I fail to look around at the beauty of the Carolina blue sky or I miss the flowers that are blooming in someone’s yard. I fail to enjoy the cool breeze that caresses my face. There are some birds singing and I missed it because I was stewing about something that really doesn’t matter. The worst one is when I get back from my walk and realize that I didn’t recognize that my Heavenly Father was walking with me. How did I miss Him?

            It is important to plan for our future but we have to learn to live in today. We aren’t promised tomorrow. As I get older I realize that days, weeks, and months pass by so quickly. We have to learn to be present in the present. Enjoy each person, each interaction, each moment that God gives us. Appreciate and enjoy the beauty and the wonder of the world around you. Look up at the stars. Breathe in the fresh air. Taste and appreciate the good food God has provided for you. Hold a loved one close for just a moment longer. Listen to the symphony that’s outside your door.

            I want to encourage you to live in the moment, to live the life you are given today. Enjoy the people who surround you. Look and see the beauty that God created for you. Be thankful for the big and little things in life. It is important to be prepared for what’s ahead, but don’t miss the here and now. While I am curious about the winter that will soon be upon us, right now it’s time for my walk and I want to go out and enjoy Him and His creation.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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