Focus on Hope

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 42:11 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.

  • We all have moments of sadness, disappointment and concerns, as we are all human.
  • We take command of our soul and these thought processes. We redirect our thoughts and hope into the Lord.
  • Our hope (positive expectancy) is in God regardless of what things might look like and therefore we praise Him.

Prayer:  I do praise You Lord with joy, and sing a song to You today of victory, because I refuse to allow my soul to be disappointed, frustrated, fearful or downcast.  My hope is always in You.  Help me to project and to share this with others ,I pray in Jesus name.  Amen. 

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Coach Watts

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By Ann Farabee

Coach Watts

Yes, that is what we called him – Coach Watts. Most just called him Coach.

But never – ever – have I heard him referred to as Mr. Watts. 

He was Coach.

My first interaction with him was in my freshman year of high school. I was slightly frightened. I had to take PE and Coach Watts was one of  the PE teachers. I worked diligently to stay hidden during PE. It was a large group, so I tried to hide behind other people, and since I am short, it was not that hard to do. I considered trying to stay hidden a form of exercise. He must have, too, because I made an A.

 I am sure Coach Watts was aware of what I was doing, especially since I was the shortest one in the class and I could not even see from the back of the gym. But he always responded with that slight grin. I knew that grin meant, “I know what you are doing and it is okay.”

 Sometimes, he had all these great stations set up in the gym for students to go to, and many in the class ran to them excitedly. I found out that if I walked slowly toward the stations and kept sliding to the back of the line and letting others in front of me, I did not have to do anything. I perfected that strategy, along with a couple of my non-athletic friends. Once again, he would take a look in our direction and smile, letting us know he knew we were there and we wanted to be left alone.

 Then, when it was time to take four laps around the gym, I melted into my group of  peers, who stopped at three laps, which coincided with when the athletic kids were finishing four laps. He knew and gave us that smile, letting us know that it was okay. I am sure he did not want us to pass out from exhaustion.

 But my best memory of Coach Watts was in the car with a Driver’s Education logo on top. It was his chore to teach me to drive. Someone had to do it, I guess.

 Every day for two weeks, he had to drag three pillows out of the trunk of his car for me to sit on, so I could reach the steering wheel and see out the car window. The other two students could see out the window without the aid of pillows. They had also previously sat behind the wheel before with the permission of their parents, which shocked me, because that was against the law. Not me, buddy.

Every day as Coach got out the pillows, stacked them up, and helped me climb up on them so I could reach the steering wheel, his grin got a little bigger. Perhaps that was because he was getting closer to being finished teaching me to drive.

 I admit it. I was fearful of driving. I followed the driving rules to a tee. If the speed was 35, I made sure I went 30. If I knew a turn signal would be required soon, I turned it on two blocks ahead and began to slow down. If there had been a driving certificate for being cautious, I most certainly would have deserved it. Perhaps there was a reason Coach kept smiling and saying these words to me that I still remember today, “If you don’t speed up a little, someone is going to run over you.”

 Funny how one comment will stick with you. I still think about that sometimes when I am driving and someone is about to run over me.

 In a way, the comment also works in life. I definitely began to speed up a little as far as life is concerned.

 Coach Watts, I enjoyed writing down these memories of you!  I wish I knew how many people took Driver’s Ed with you. I am fairly certain you smiled as they learned to drive, too! You were the best!

 By the way, I have had a perfect driving record for the last 50+ years. 

And so far – no one has run over me.

 I am thankful for the man you were, the life you led, and the legacy you left behind!

 I am sure our entire community is thankful!

 You were one of a kind!

 Thanks Coach!

A Warning that Changed her Life

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Have you ever seen those blue lights in your rear view mirror? This young lady did and the encounter with the State Trooper changed her life. Steve Hartman shares their story and I encourage you to listen and be blessed!

Hope for an “Old” Future

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By Rhonda Sassano

Hope for an “Old” Future

Why is “I’ll Fly Away” stuck in my head?  It’s an ambulatory surgery, for Pete’s sake… what am I worried about?  Just because I died once already… lol, doesn’t Scripture say that man is appointed once to die?  That must mean I’m living until the Rapture! I say that very tongue-in-cheek, btw. How well I do know that I’m not in control of my life, and certainly not in control of when this life might end.  🎵 Many things about tomorrow … I don’t seem to understand … but I know who holds the future…   and I know Who holds my hand.🎵  The hardest thing about the future is that … I’m old in the future. Well, older than I am now. I’m not crazy about the idea.  In my mind, I’m about 32, 33 maybe.  And I fully expect my body to still be 16! The face in the mirror is a stranger to me sometimes… but this week, I’ve been suddenly all caught up.  Recovering is not as easy as in the past.  And, I cannot expect it to be any easier next time.  

“Rhonda,” you say, “I thought this was supposed to be an encouraging piece… you’ve not been very encouraging thus far.”  You are absolutely right!  So I’m encouraging you:  stop aging!  Haha, just kidding.  Aging is part of life, meant to make us turn to the Father for help and hope.  And He never fails to give them both.  

I regarded the surgery as trivial.  But my friends and family took it more seriously and really held me up in prayer, to the point I could feel the prayers surrounding me.  And despite my best efforts to make light of the serious surgery, their deep concern for me has served as a point of hope for me: hope that I will make a full recovery, hope that Father is just as good as He has promised, hope that the future will be good, also… maybe somewhat painful, but still good.  🎵 All my life, You have been faithful… All my life, You have been so, so good!  With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God! 🎵

And life is worth the living, just because He lives…

“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”

After the Storm

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By Ashlie Miller

Unlike a walk after a good storm on the beach looking for treasure, a walk at home after a storm does not have the same level of excitement. Indeed, one assumes that a walk after some of our recent gusty storms would only be to assess the neighborhood’s damage. 

Because recent events and schedules prevented my early morning walks lately, I was excited to go on a walk after a previous night’s downpour. Usually, I look upwards and all around to notice plants and critters scampering about. However, I looked downward on this walk because I was introspective while listening to music. I almost looked through all of the fallen debris before me for a while, not seeing its unique beauty. But then, something caught my eye – some acorns on a small branch. Tiny, green, perfect. I began noticing other gifts from the recent rainfall scattered along my path – interesting chunks of moss, a persimmon, and small pieces from a tree limb covered in textured lichens. Instead of photos of flowers and trees, treasures on asphalt filled my Facebook stories that day.

I think I needed a good reminder that God was (is) taking care of me even in my storms. Despite how things may feel and the seeming evidence to the contrary, He is faithful in caring for me. These little treasures that had been violently tossed to the ground may have looked like storm litter, but to me, they were little reminders that there is still both provision and beauty on the path before me, even on the days I feel I can’t lift my head. 

Yes, I believe that Christians should lift their countenance upward toward the heavens. Our hope is on high. But a Christian can also weather turbulent seasons with a melancholy introspection that turns into a contrite heart and a hopeful spirit confident in Christ. God often sends encouragement to remind us of His faithfulness if our eyes are open to see and receive.

Perhaps a storm has come your way. I’m not speaking of a spring or harvest-time shower filled with the promise of bearing fruit (like Leviticus 26:3-4 talks about). These are torrential, blustery rains that spring up almost from nowhere. Unlike well-forecasted physical storms, you cannot see this coming, and suddenly, you find yourself in the middle. How can you send for reinforcements? You’re not even sure what you need or when the storm will pass. It is a stripping type of storm, leaving debris and litter scattered throughout your life, causing you to feel quite fragile.

But if you look carefully, there are whispers of care and glimpses of God at work. A friend sends something your way that seems trivial to them and unconnected to your sorrow, yet fills you with renewed hope. A long-forgotten message reaches your ear or eye; you know it is  Providential. An opportunity you would have never considered before the storm now is the answer to a prayer you would not have known to pray.

We are still in the middle of hurricane season. You may find yourself in a season of raging storms. Maybe you have a hard time looking up. If you do find yourself looking downward, don’t miss the beautiful gifts God has placed in your path to encourage you.

Ashlie Miller and her husband Chad have weathered many storms together with their family in Concord, NC. You may contact her at

Believing in Ourselves

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By Doug Creamer

            For the past two months I have had “extra” stuff I had to do after work and on the weekends. Life can be busy and sometimes crazy with just the “normal” stuff that has to get done. But when you add all the extra stuff that comes up, life can feel too busy. Looking ahead to September I feel a slight sigh of relief, as my calendar looks less busy.

            Some of the extra stuff was good, like family time. My newlywed niece came east to join her family at the beach for a week. There was a family gathering to celebrate the couple since some of us were unable to attend their wedding in Idaho. It was great to spend time with them. I also got the chance to meet my nephew’s new girlfriend.

            The best part of spending time with these four young adults is to see the fire and passion they have for life. Each of them has a heart to make a positive difference in the lives of the people God puts in their path. Their love and desire to serve God is evident in their eyes and their words. It was both a blessing and an encouragement to my spirit to spend time with each of them and to hear their positive outlook on life and the future.

            I had another opportunity to spend some time with young people last week. My boss asked if I could help judge some fifth graders to determine who would get to attend Ron Clark’s Leadership Academy. The fifth graders were given multiple tasks to do while being judged by multiple groups of adults. Right there I would have flunked as a fifth grader. Not these kids! The students that I evaluated spent three minutes in another room learning a skill, and then they had to come into my room and teach that skill to a sixth-grade student they had never met. These fifth graders walked into the room with poise and confidence. Most walked up to me with great eye contact and introduced themselves. They asked me my name and shook my hand.

            Then they proceeded to teach the skill that they had just learned. Obviously, they performed the task in varying abilities, but they all did a very good job. I was hugely impressed by these young people. How could these fifth graders develop such confidence? I believe that the school bought into a program that will change the trajectory of all the students’ lives. They are teaching skills like how to get along with others, how to include everyone and leave no one behind, how to help others live up to their potential, and how to be a great team member, knowing that each member plays an important part of the success of everyone.   

            This school is teaching fifth graders how to be great role models for the younger students. Can you imagine the impact that will have on their community? There are some future corporate leaders being molded in that school, movers and shakers, people who will become shining examples for their employees and the companies they lead.

            I wish I had the confidence these young people have when I was in fifth grade. Can you imagine the difference we could make if we had that kind of confidence in our faith? What would happen if we could lead lost people to Jesus through our confidently shared example? Imagine the impact if every person stuck in sin would encounter the love of God confidently shining through us.  

            We have the light! We have the hope they need! We know the way! We have the truth inside of us! We know and have experienced the love and acceptance of God; how might our communities change if we let that flow through us like rivers of living water? We need to believe in ourselves like those fifth graders. The lost need to see the love of God in our eyes. They need to hear our positive outlook in a future filled with hope and promise.

            I want to encourage you to believe in yourself and in the testimony of God’s work in your life. He has revealed Himself to you and proven His love and faithfulness to you. Now we need to let our lights shine in the darkness. We need to believe that our testimony is worthy to be shared. We have trusted God and seen Him come through for us. When we confidently share our story, it will touch and change lives in ways we cannot imagine.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Reading Old Journals

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By Roger Barbee

                                                Reading Old Journals

Reading old journals can be an unsettling or a rich experience. Having thought of some of my journals from the mid-1990’s and later that I had shoved into a drawer of a file cabinet residing in a closet, I decided to pull them out and organize them in chronological order. I realized that I would need to read them, not too closely, but close enough to get the flavor of whatever day, month, and year in which I had written. I opened the first one remembering that Rick Bragg writes in All Over But the Shoutin’ “…dreaming backwards can carry a man through some dark rooms where the walls seem lined with razor blades.”

Reading the first journal that is over twenty years old opened a window to a life half-forgotten. Reading my thoughts of events and people in my then life, most entries surprised or pleased me and a few read as if they were of someone else’s life. Yet one entry was not about me but something I had thought enough of to copy into the journal without naming where I  had found it. Fortunately I had cited an author, whether correct or not.

A July 2000 entry read “Found this” and was followed by what I had copied from somewhere– “Walker’s Decalogue by Howard Zahniser.” Like so many entries, I did not remember anything about this one and not knowing anything about Howard Zahniser I did a quick Internet search and read about his brief but impressive life. His accomplishment as the primary author of the Wilderness Act which Congress passed in 1964 reveals his love and appreciation for wilderness. In his 2016 essay about Zahinser’s  achievements, Max Greenberg for the Wilderness Society paid tribute to him in these words, “He was just a dogged man who did the good, hard work of preserving our natural heritage for generations to come.”

However, what I was most interested in was the “Walker’s Decalogue.” Whether Zahinser had written it, or I had been mistaken in my journal entry of 2000 became secondary. Regardless of its authorship, here is what I had written in my journal, and I am as awed by it now as I obviously had been when I copied it.                                                        

Walker’s Decalogue by Howard Zahniser

1.         Don’t pack your troubles in your rucksack

2.         Don’t grouse at the weather

3.         Don’t miss opportunities of friendship with man or beast

4.         Don’t walk half a yard in front of your companion

5.         Don’t overfeed your body

6.         Don’t starve your mind

7.         Don’t overwork your legs

8.         Don’t lose your temper if you lose your way

9.         Don’t leave anything behind you but a good impression

10.       Don’t take anything away but pleasant memories

Now, I grant that a reader could argue that the decalogue is too negative because of the Don’ts, or a reader could argue for subtraction or addition to the ten. However, I ask the reader to see the decalogue as positive suggestions for a metaphorical journey since we all, whether out on a hike or just travelling to work, are on a journey. In fact, our lives are packed with journeys such as a trip to a grocery, or a drive to visit a friend, and any number of longer/shorter journeys whether we walk, ride, run, fly, or float-we are sojourners.

Any list is bound to engender a discussion for favorites, and I admit to being partial to Don’t number 4 because every journey is made better when shared with another traveler.

Piedmont State Parks

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By David Freeze

Piedmont Region

   Back on the road, I had a wonderful visit to Morrow Mountain State Park on Monday, August 12th. Nearest to Badin, the park of 5,881 acres was established in 1939. At the opposite end of the parking lot from the visitor center, I found a wonderful heritage museum that contained plenty of facts about the area’s history and the park’s early years. With interactive displays, the museum is unmanned but still first rate.

     The park has plenty to see and do, including an Olympic size pool, 30 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails. An old quarry where Civilian Conservation Corps workers took argillite rock for the park’s buildings, walls and bridges can be seen on the Quarry Trail. My favorite trail was the Fall Mountain Trail. Moderate and 4.1 miles long, much of the trail is along a beautiful segment where the Yadkin River becomes the Pee Dee River and then Lake Tillery. The river is wide and reminds me of the great rivers I have cycled past. With plenty of hardwoods along the trail, this would be a phenomenal fall color hike.

     With 54 miles along 11 hiking trails and 33 miles of bridle trails, I was very impressed. The Mountain Loop Trail around the top of Morrow Mountain offers fantastic views of the river and the surrounding forest below. Also, most notable were the reconstructed Dr. Francis Kron house, office and greenhouse. Dr. Kron was the first formerly trained doctor in the piedmont and also supplied veterinary services while making his own medications. He bought his land in 1834, established his practice and then played a big part in establishing Stanly County where the park is located.

      My first visit very early on the morning of Wednesday, August 14th was the Eno River State Park. The river is the star of this 4.319-acre park. With plenty to see and I do, I kept hanging around for more on a morning when time was short for me. I stopped at the old visitor center first and found a map and immediately walked most of the 1.5-mile Buckwater Creek Trail that followed the river upstream. I met a local who told me what to see as he walks this same river trail every morning. While challenging over rock steps and stairs in a few areas, I enjoyed the river trail and a nice section of rapids past some big rocks. Just before leaving, I noticed a large group of kids loudly enjoying the water around the rocks and the rapids.

       I next found the new visitor center near Few’s Ford and talked to a very interesting attendant who gave me the park stamp and asked if I had seen the suspension bridge. I had not and immediately headed that way, then found the impressive piece of engineering. I watched a man walk across it fast and the thing was jumping up and down, but when I walked across it was steady and only slightly moving. Very cool!

      Another unusual find not far from the visitor center was a cabin built in the early 1800’s, yet a very well done and unusual “cabin” it is! Usually in this historic era, a cabin was very small and rustic. Located near the popular Few’s Ford crossing, the large Piper-Cox cabin is still going strong after 200 years.  Before bridges were common, travelers usually crossed rivers at places where the water level was low while the underlying surface was rocky to lessen the chances of getting wagons stuck.

    Water powered milling was popular along rivers during that era and 32 mills operated along the Eno. Several including grist, flour and sawmills operated at one time in the Few’s Ford area. Full of history, the park also has canoeing, kayaking and rafting along with fishing from its banks. Camping is only in back country sites and requires a permit. Other river access points within the park are Pleasant Green, Cabe Lands, Pump Station and Cole Mill. The park has an extensive and varied list of 18 hiking trails of lengths from .5 miles to 7.5 miles.

     My final visit this past Wednesday was the Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area, but still on the list of 42 state parks. It is managed by the nearby Eno River State Park where I got the passport stamp. Rising more than 350 feet above the Eno River, the mountain summit is said to be the highest point between nearby Hillsborough and the Atlantic Ocean. The park is the smallest I’ve seen at 190 acres and is named after the Occoneechee Indians who lived on the Eno in the early 1600s. Many of their descendants remain in the area. The park does not have its own office but does have two metal boxes with trail maps and other information.

     The park has four hiking trails between .10 and 2.2 miles. All are rated moderate to easy, and most have something to do with the mountain summit. There are abundant flora and fauna, much of it usually found on higher mountains. Rhododendron and mountain laurel, as examples, are usually found at much higher altitudes, as are brown elfin butterflies. Two well-stocked fishing ponds are on-site.

    19 state parks done, 23 more to go.


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By Ed Traut

Psalms 119:165 Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

  • So many of us look and long always to have peace, but God Himself is the author of that peace.
  • When we love His ways and pursue all that God is peace comes naturally and we can walk in it.
  • When we follow the ways of God and His principles and His teachings we walk continually and do not stumble.

Prayer:  I praise Your Holy name Lord for all that You are and I thank You for the peace that I experience and enjoy.  I do pursue Your law and Your way and Your principles.  They are my life and my source, I belong to You.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

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