Take a few moments and consider the man God called to be Jesus’ father. God picked him. Consider it. Listen as David Jeremiah shares about the importance of Joseph. ENJOY!
White Lights, Color Lights, and the Brightest Light
By Ashlie Miller
“There are two types of people – those who like white lights and those who like colored lights. And they marry each other.” I read this in a Facebook post and chuckled at how true those words are. You may have your own strong opinions about the subject, but there is something about twinkling lights on a tree or candles in the window this time of year.
They remind many of us of the skies that first Christmas night. The New Testament book of Luke in the Bible tells us that when shepherds in the fields looked up, a multitude of heavenly hosts filled the sky and the glory of the Lord shone around them! No wonder the shepherds were filled with great fear. They were familiar with the heavens and had never seen anything like this night! Lowly shepherds, the least of the least being the first on the guest list to see the king born in a manger. Nothing had ever been proclaimed to them, and now – a loud, illuminating proclamation they would never forget.
Not only were heavenly beings lighting up the darkness above, but a new star, the Bethlehem star, was being intently followed by wise men who would only find precisely where the star was leading after a journey of a couple of years. But we know that “when they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” (Matthew 2:10). Wise men dabbled between pagan understandings of the sky with a lifelong search that had never been quenched. They followed a star, remembering something about the prophecies of those chosen people they had heard so long ago. That star! Who else saw this star, knew it to be something out of the ordinary, but dismissed it? Not these. They pursued it until it led them to worship.
Psalms 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Never was this more true than that spectacular night!
Yet, the glory was not merely above the clouds proclaiming through songs of angels nor something mysterious shining in the celestials. The glory of God had come down to earth as Emmanuel – God with us. We call him Jesus.
Today, God is with us in the person of His Holy Spirit, abiding in hearts that make room for Him. Yet, we still wait for Jesus to come and dwell among us again in a perfect home.
Many of us do not have the blessing of living in vast country spaces devoid of city lights or even streetlights. We cannot have a clear, unobscured view of the night sky in all its glory. Even if we did, nothing compares to the evening Christ was born. Yet, maybe with childlike wonder, we can drive to the neighborhood nearby adorned in festive light, a drive through that Christmas village, or even simply do as my youngest children and grab a cozy blanket and a pillow and lay under the Christmas tree, looking up into the colored or white lights above.
Close your eyes and imagine that first Christmas night and give thanks that the message came to you wherever you are.
Ashlie Miller and her family compromise with both colored and white lights. Her 7 year old’s favorite tree can do both lights with a fun switch that he has discovered.
Christmas Memories
By Doug Creamer
Take a deep breath…we’re almost there! I know we all have a few last minute things to do to get ready for Christmas, but I know we will make it. Soon it will be time to eat some delicious food at a beautifully decorated table. Soon it will be time to open the Christmas packages. Soon it will be time to read the Christmas story and savor the celebration of our Savior’s birth.
I have been reflecting back on Christmases past and thought I would share a few special memories. My Dad invited me to his apartment one year. When I arrived, he was playing “The Nutcracker” on his stereo. He had put Christmas lights and some ornaments on his Ficus tree. We had Christmas together and he had put some thought into our gifts. The memory of that day still burns bright and “The Nutcracker” music has become part of my Christmas traditions.
My mother has always worked to make Christmas a very special time. Even into my adult life she still manages to surprise me with thoughtful gifts. We don’t get to spend Christmas day together but we pick a day and it becomes Christmas for us. We both strive to make it a very special time together. I can hardly think about Christmas without thinking about my mother. She can be more excited than a kid.
My wife grew up getting a new Christmas ornament each year. We didn’t do that in my family. We started early in our married life giving each other Christmas ornaments. We now have quite a collection of beautiful, very special ornaments for our tree. That means that it takes quite a while to decorate and take down our tree each year.
When my sister and I got old enough to stay up late, we started attending the 11 PM Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church. There was a woman in our church who sang, “O Holy Night” every year and when she sang, Christmas came for me. My sister told me it was when a man in our church sang, “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” that Christmas came for her. Music can touch our heart in such deep ways.
We all know the Christmas story. The Son of God was born to a virgin whose husband believed and trusted God in the midst of unbelievable circumstances. They took a tough journey to Bethlehem right at the end of her pregnancy to obey the degree to register and pay their taxes. They arrived at Bethlehem to discover the inn was full of other travelers who had to register and pay their taxes, too. They were relegated to a cave or barn where animals took shelter, to give birth to Son of God.
Have you ever considered how inadequate they must have felt? Can you imagine how Joseph felt not being able to provide a better place for his wife and God’s Son? They were first time parents and who do they get to learn and make mistakes with but God’s Son! While they are dealing with their internal battles of self-doubt here comes a group of shepherds talking of angels and begging to see their son. Was this really God’s plan for the birth of His Son?
Life comes at us from so many different directions. It can seem crazy, chaotic, and out of our control. We find ourselves wondering, “Where is God? Did He forget about me?” The truth is He never forgets about us. He sees every second of every day. He knows about our troubles and has made plans to meet our needs. Mary and Joseph received incredible gifts from the Magi to meet their needs. God will come through for you because He sees and knows you!
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. But some people are dealing with health problems, financial issues, personal struggles, worries, and the pain of missing loved ones. I want to encourage you to remember those around you who are struggling to find the joy of this season. Pray for them. Ask God to show you how you can lift their spirits and share your joy with them. Jesus came 2000 years ago to give each one of us peace and joy. But more than that, He came to reveal to us that God loves us and cares more about us than we can understand. No matter what you are going through, heaven’s gift is available for you. All you have to do is open your heart and receive it. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and God’s love, peace, and joy in the coming year!
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com
Mr John
By Roger Barbee
Morning rides on my stationary handcycle have led to many friendships. On one of those rides just after our move here four years ago, a man walked up and asked me, “How much of that [the riding on the handcycle] do you do?” As another friend says about our chance encounter, “A beautiful way it happened.”
Mr. John Davidson lives near us, and after his four years of naval service during the Korean War, he taught math in Statesville High School. Once when I inquired if he had taught algebra or geometry or calculus, he responded, “No, math! You know, like six times six equals thirty-six.” Math! A discipline too often ignored in today’s educational world. His wife also taught, and they moved to the lake in the early 1980’s and reared three children. Their home and yard reflects the disciplined order of his appreciation for math. While not stuffy or overly ordered, the yard, home, and outbuildings reflect attention to detail, such as the many stones carefully placed around trees, plantings, and the driveway. All is ordered but not rigid. You know! Six times six.
Mr. John, as I know him, recently sold his last sailboat. He first sailed on a Japanese lake while on R&R during the Korean War. His joy of sailing grew from that brief experience, and he was, until recently, an active sailor on Lake Norman. However, that great equalizer–age– made it necessary to sell his last sailboat, but his passion for the simple beauty of sailing still lives, and he is fond of telling stories of his sailing adventures. During one of my morning rides he walked by and upon meeting Ken, another neighbor who moved here from Rhode Island, he discovered their shared love for boating and that they had boated on the same New England lakes. The chatter that morning around the stationary bike was more than I could compete with, so I listened and enjoyed their talk.
While age has curbed his sailing, Mr. John’s age has not affected his operation of the ham radio, and each morning, very early, he is busy talking with his many friends across the globe. More than once he has tried to get me involved in this hobby by joyfully sharing the fun he gains from it. But that is what Mr. John does: He shares the joy he has gained from life.
So many events and encounters in life happen by chance. And as I age, I realize more and more how often we come to understand that whatever happens by chance is often a “beautiful thing.” At the moment whatever “it” was probably did not appear special, but as “it” moved with that great equalizer time, the beauty of “it” blossomed like a Christmas cactus that we can hold dear and, like young Mary, ponder in our hearts.
So, Mr. John, on your 92 birthday, know that I hold your friendship, wisdom, and keen sense of humor close. Your walking by that morning years ago did happen in a beautiful way.
Jesus’s Helping Hand
By Ed Traut
Mark 9:27 But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.
- Often when we are down, it seems there is no getting up.
- But when the Lord, our Master, stretches out His hand and we take it, everything changes.
- He lifts us. We don’t have to do it on our own. He is our helper.
Prayer: I praise Your holy name today, because You are my helper and You give me strength when I need a helping hand. I can always look to You. You will never let me down or disappoint me. Amen.
Ed Traut
Prophetic Life
Secret Santa
Steve Hartman always tells a great story, but this week he shares about a Secret Santa helping people right here in NC. You have to see the story to believe it. BELIEVE in Santa! (It’s okay!) The story will touch your heart…
Jesus Came for ALL the People
I gave the sermon last Sunday at our church. This has the whole service, music & the message. ENJOY!!!
Restoring the Merry in Christmas
By Ashlie Miller
February may be the shortest month on the calendar, but many of us would agree that no month flies by as quickly as December. My children may hold exception to that as they anxiously await Christmas Day, and those gifts wrapped in the Comics section of the Salisbury Post no longer taunt them. (Sidenote: The paper is actually sturdier than many rolls of gift wrap, and it is easier to determine if tampering has occurred.)
We know it’s coming. We have the entire year to prepare, yet by November, we often find ourselves bracing for an overly packed schedule, leaving little time to soak in the season. Tremendous efforts go into planning for merriment, and we often find ourselves rushing around to enjoy it. In the end, we are content with just being happy for a moment. Perhaps this is why the marketplace has mostly shifted gears from wishing “Merry Christmas” to hoping they can at least assist in making “Happy Holidays.” But that is for another column.
So, how do we make this season merry? Or should we ask if it is too late and if we should settle for happiness?
Many homeschool moms know the secret to thriving during the holidays, thanks to something called “Christmas schooling.” Themes abound for unit studies on the history of Christmas, celebrating around the world, exploring Christmas carols, or even The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Instead of teaching routine lessons to children with visions of sugarplums dancing about in their heads, we get hands-on experience with the best of the holiday season – making crafts, baking, packing shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse, and so much more. Our busy-ness is merry-making and sharing with others.
Refreshment in learning is not only for the children. Hillsdale College offers a free online study on The Christmas Carol this season, which I am enjoying. I often am awake very early – something I did not always see as a gift. Instead of lamenting an early rising, I have captured the time by the tree and a gas-log fire with video lessons. Along with Advent devotions and a yearly Bible reading plan, my morning is already a little more merry. Throughout my daily chores, I can put an old Christmas vinyl on the turntable or listen to a podcast featuring a seasonal radio drama.
Reconsidering our calendars can also bring refreshment. A night off is not a hole that needs to be filled. If you are planning to host an event, and someone in the home is sick, it is OK to cancel or reschedule after the holidays. Sometimes, a canceled event is a gift to others who love you but need an unscheduled evening.
And those things we planned to do but couldn’t make the time to enjoy? Those are great for the week after Christmas – an often neglected week in our culture – still considered the holiday season for many.
Can you make time to redeem the coming weeks with cheer? The choice is ours – we can survive the hustle and bustle with a Happy Holiday or slow down and reclaim a Merry Christmas!
Ashlie Miller has found many lovely resources for a season of enjoyment. Email her at mrs.ashliemiller@gmail.com for some suggestions or to share some!
He Came for ALL
By Doug Creamer
Most people put up their Christmas tree close to Thanksgiving. We have always waited until about mid-December to put ours up. I love to decorate the outside of the house and always try to have that done by Thanksgiving weekend. But the inside of our house hasn’t been transformed yet. I did bring in the tree the other day, but half the lights don’t work. I have to fix them before we decorate the tree.
I am looking forward to getting some of the knickknacks out. We have a few nativities that I enjoy seeing. My mother painted some of special things we put out for the holidays. I have a village that I hope makes it out this year; I never got around to it last year. While I love the tree, it is time-consuming to decorate. Each of our ornaments has its own box and it takes a while to get them out and especially to put them all away.
There is still so much to do and so little time to get it all done. I would like to blame a late Thanksgiving, but December always goes quickly. There is still some shopping to do. I need to send out Christmas cards. Few people send cards anymore, but I still want to keep in touch with friends. Somehow it will all get done before Christmas. The question that lingers is how.
My pastor always finds interesting Christmas sermon series to do each year. This year he is using one put out by the Chosen series called, “Holy Night.” Each week focuses on a different theme and it includes video clips from the movie. He invited me to teach last week. My lesson was focused on Jesus coming for all people.
On the surface it seems logical that Jesus came to save us all. The reality is that some churches do not open their doors to all the people. How would you feel if a prostitute came and sat on your pew with your family? Does she need God? Imagine someone reeking of marijuana coming into your church, how would you react? When Jesus says that all are welcome, would that include an alcoholic? Are people who have suffered through a divorce welcomed in your church? There are many people who have messed up lives for various reasons, was Jesus really including them when he said all are welcome?
Back in Jesus’ day, the shepherds were considered very low class members of society. They smelled badly. They spent most of their time in solitude watching sheep. Many couldn’t attend synagogue regularly because someone had to keep watch over the sheep. Sadly, they were considered drunks and sinners and because people thought that about them they lived down to their reputation. Many of the upright and regular attenders of synagogue would turn their backs on and look down upon shepherds. They thought that even God wouldn’t notice them.
Sadly, there are people in all our communities who might feel the same way. They haven’t attended church regularly. They have struggled with making bad choices in life that led them into bad places. They question whether God could possibly love and care about them. They aren’t shepherds but they feel like outcasts in society. Do you believe that Jesus came for the lost and the destitute? Is there a possibility that someone could be too far gone for God?
If you asked the shepherds who were out watching their sheep close to Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born, they would tell you a different story. They were the first ones who received the news that the Messiah was born. When they heard the Good News that the angels shared they rushed into town to find the new born baby. Once they found him, they told everyone who would listen that the Messiah had come. The world may have discounted the shepherds, but when God invites all to come and seek Him, He means ALL.
Do you feel disconnected from God? Do you feel like the shepherds, that you are on the outside? God is giving you a personal invitation to come. YOU are included when He says ALL are welcome. I want to encourage you to come; you are invited into the family of God. The Bible teaches us to come just as we are. You don’t need to clean up your life, you just need to come. He accepts everyone and welcomes ALL. You are included! Let Him help you with the messes in your life, just come. Come and receive. Come and adore Him. COME!
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com
By Roger Barbee
He was one of the many young Americans who was part of the planned invasion force of Japan in 1945. Because of the fierce defenses shown by the Japanese on Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the United States military leaders rightly anticipated a similar defense of the Japanese homeland. The young American soldiers assembled for the invading force stoically faced death. One of those young soldiers on the Liberty ships sailing across the Pacific Ocean, Mr. Graham, was all of 20 years old.
Mr. Graham and I met at a local restaurant shortly after my wife and I moved to Mooresville. We had gone exploring for a good restaurant and found one that we liked. We had a good meal, and as I passed his table at which he was sharing dinner with his daughter, he reached out and asked me had I served in the military. Had I been in Vietnam? When I told him no, he apologized for bothering me, but explained that my wheelchair had caused him to think that I was perhaps a veteran. My wife continued her walk to our car, but I was struck by his manners and grace, so I stayed in the isle chatting with the dignified gentleman as his patient daughter looked on. Before I left to join my wife, we discovered that he lived at the end of our road. With that “sign” our friendship was born.
Because of his age, Mr. Graham has moved into an assisted living complex. But each week his caregiver Marilyn drives him to his house at the end of our road to check on it, and he always stops to see me. If I am not outside in the yard or shop, he calls to inquire of my health and location. He never stays long, but his visits are packed with news, street chatter, and complaints of my religion and politics, all in good humor but loaded with a bit of salt. Over the four years during such visits, Mr. Graham and I have shared much. I know about his oil business here in Mooresville, how much he paid for his house in the early 1980’s, his religious beliefs, his four sons and one daughter, how he wishes he had been a better reader, and more. When he first told me about his wife of seventy years, Louise, a moist longing came to his eyes, and he grew silent after telling me her name. But my friendship with this 96-year-old man is also held close because he is one of the many, unnamed heroes of our country.
Mr. Graham, regretfully not a reader, probably has never heard of Wiglaf or the poem in which he demonstrates characteristics shared with Mr. Graham and his generation. In the epic poem Beowulf, the great king of that name grows old, and his kingdom is threatened by a fierce, fire-breathing dragon. He and his followers enter the lair of the dragon, but no longer the warrior he was, Beowulf suffers a mortal wound. All but one of his followers flee the lair, but Wiglaf remains to fight by his king’s side, and he slays the beast as Beowulf dies.
Because of President Truman, Mr. Graham and the other young men would not have to invade Japan. But all the other soldiers on Liberty ships along with him, willed themselves to do what was being asked. They were prepared to invade Japan, but as is written in Beowulf, “Fate goes as Fate must” and they were spared that peril.
At an age in 1945 that today causes parents to worry if a child drives on an interstate, Mr. Graham and his generation walked into the lair of the enemy, just as did Wiglaf. Not because they wanted to, but because duty to a cause larger than they demanded it.