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By Ed Traut

Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us?

  • No doubt, life has many challenges and even in challenging relationships.
  • So many things come against us, but we know this – God is with us and will help us.
  • We have absolutely nothing to fear if God is with us and for us and we must keep reminding ourselves of this. 

Prayer:  Hallelujah!  I am so grateful that You are with me and that I have nothing to fear and no one can be against me because You are for me.  I praise Your holy name.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

On the Struggle Bus

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By Ann Farabee

I am fairly certain I laughed when I first heard that term — struggle bus.

I totally and completely understood it immediately.

Being on the struggle bus means having a hard time facing difficulties, obstacles or challenges. As far as the bus part of the phrase, it means the person is stuck in a bad situation they cannot quickly escape due to traveling along a rough road full of problems.

People often use the term struggle bus because it humorously makes light of a challenging circumstance by referring to it as a bus filled with struggles that we cannot exit from until we reach our destination.

Alternative ways to express being on the struggle bus are: in a rut, in a jam, in a bind, in a pickle or in hot water. These phrases are not only pessimistic, but being in a pickle sounds scary.

When we find ourselves on the struggle bus, we need to either look for the next exit or push open the emergency exit door. I was just kidding about that one. Taking a leap out the emergency exit door of the bus in a non-emergency will not get anyone out of the struggle bus.

When I went on field trips on the activity bus with my sixth-grade students, there was nothing as tempting for some of them as desiring to pull the emergency exit door open. They would gather around it, look at it, talk about it, and sometimes someone would touch it. Since I had eyes in the back of my head, I would say, “Stop!” just in time.

What do we do when we are on the struggle bus — and need to get off?

*Find the first stop and exit. Getting off may be a little hard because those around you may not agree that you should get off there, even though you know in your heart that you need to exit.

An important aspect of being on the struggle bus is that the bus also has other strugglers on it. We can use that to our advantage. Talking to and listening to others is one of our greatest assets in life. When we do that, our problems can immediately feel minimized because we are transferring our troubles to a different location in our thoughts, as we help someone else with their troubles. The long-term goal is not to remain on the struggle bus, but while we are there, our healing can come as we minister to others who are also struggling.

When visiting France a few years ago, my husband and I were on a tour bus that was stopping frequently for us to see historical sites. We would get off the bus, walk to the site, enjoy it for a few minutes, get a photo, and head back to the bus. But — there were 50 of us and only 30 seats.

We were packed on the bus like a can of sardines and exited as if the can had been turned over and its contents spewed out. We had to fight to get off the bus and fight to get back on the bus. After several stops, most people chose to just stay seated. It apparently was not worth it to them to struggle to see the sites and make the memories.

It felt like a struggle bus, but instead of just accepting it and staying seated where there was almost no view, we clamored our way off and on that bus over and over and over and stood up the entire time at the front of the bus, since we no longer had a seat. Guess what? With struggles came progress. The struggle was so worth it!

Struggles develop our strengths, testimony, courage and wisdom.

According to Helen Keller, the struggles of life are one of our greatest blessings. They makes us patient, sensitive and more like Jesus.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

Pedestal of Imperfection

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By Ashlie Miller

Being a fan of anything is an intriguing thought – the idea that we have an innate desire to esteem or glorify someone or something – to put someone on a pedestal, if you will. Last week was a moment of obvious illustration – sports enthusiasts excited for the big game, music fans anticipating halftime, and celebrity worshipers waiting to catch a glimpse of him or her. We may not like to equate fanaticism as the same as worshiping something earthly, temporal, or worldly, yet worship it is. 

Elevating other earthlings as somehow untouchables worthy of so much awe inevitably leads to a letdown. There is no true reciprocity in this dynamic. Yet, we tend to be quite forgiving and understanding when the celebrity we follow makes horrible decisions or even, in some instances, moral failures. “They are just merely human, after all,” or “They are just like us!” we say to justify our continued obsessive followings. 

In the book of Job in the Bible, which I revisited last month, Job is called a “righteous man” at the beginning of the book. However, by the end, after trial upon trial and horrible counsel that lacked empathy from friends (and that is putting it nicely), Job is set straight by God for failing to understand God or demonstrating knowledge of His ways. It is a rebuke wrapped in love and followed by great blessing and restoration. Though Job was righteous, he was not perfect.

We often mistake the righteous for the perfect, don’t we? Many distance themselves from the thought of attending church or becoming a Christian because “there are too many hypocrites.” This may partly contribute to the fastest-growing religious group in our country – the Nones (non-religious). I wonder why we assume that Christians are perfect while on this earth. Christians come from the position of knowing they are not perfect and need a Savior, after all. 

As Christians, we often find it easier to remember to pray for those who are constantly struggling but neglect praying for those viewed as righteous. We can hold those in church leadership on pedestals, giving them esteem and glory, assuming they do not need our prayers and attentive listening and discernment. When they do offer advice that reveals their limits of understanding God and His ways, we find ourselves in shock and disbelief, ready to “throw out the baby with the bathwater.” But righteousness does not equal perfection. Listen to a wicked man long enough; you will eventually hear something true or good. Yet, a wise man would not go on listening to him. Listen to a good man long enough, and you will eventually hear something wrong. Should a wise man immediately discount everything the good man says or has said? Maybe the other question is, to whom am I giving my attention and affection? How am I praying for those I value as righteous and worth listening to?

Much of our attention today as both Christians and Nones seems to be focused on celebrity culture – jumping to defend or hate a particular celebrity. Either way, it is a lot of attention, affection, and worship. I think Christians’ time would be better spent praying for our ordinary, righteous leaders than fixating on this world’s celebrity-obsessed culture. One can help us grow in understanding and love, while the other is merely consumer-driven affection.

Ashlie Miller is a pastor’s wife to Chad. They parent their five children in Concord, NC. You may contact her at

Feeling Under the Weather

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By Doug Creamer

            I’ve been feeling under the weather this past week. Some may say that I’m feeling under the weather because we haven’t seen any snow in over two years. There is some truth in that. Every time I think that the conditions are looking positive for some snow it all falls apart and we get rain. It has certainly been a discouraging time if you are a snow lover.

            While the lack of snow has me down, I have been under the weather physically this week. I am not sure if my allergies have gone wacky or maybe I have run into a head cold. My sinuses have been running like a river and I have sneezed my head off. I am thankful that I have had no body aches, no fever, almost no coughing, nor a sore throat. Out of an abundance of caution I took a Covid test and it came back negative.

            Basically, I just felt lousy. Normally when I feel that way, I just sleep. This time I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t feel drained. You know when you are under the weather how nothing seems interesting? I didn’t want to read. The internet couldn’t hold my attention. I didn’t want to do anything, either, including my regular chores around the house. I just wanted to sit.

            I watched a lot of TV. I watched several old movies, ones I have seen numerous times. I watched re-runs of TV shows. I definitely did NOT want to watch any news. I enjoyed the old shows and the characters. There’s something about watching the familiar that makes you feel better.

            I hate to admit this, but my prayer life was really not up to speed. One might imagine that I had lots of extra time on my hands so I could spend it in prayer. But sadly, that wasn’t the case. I had a hard time focusing my mind to pray even the simplest of prayers. I did try to keep my immediate family and my pastor and his wife covered in prayer, but beyond that little prayer was being offered.

            I did keep up on my Bible reading while I was under the weather. Hopefully, there won’t be a quiz on what I read because I am not sure much of it stuck. It is hard to concentrate when you are sneezing and blowing your nose all the time.

            All this brings me to a question. Does God ever get disappointed in us? Truthfully, I wasn’t praying or taking in His Word as I should have this week. I certainly wasn’t involved in serving in the body this week. I wasn’t keeping up with daily tasks or helping others. I just wanted to watch TV.

            Let me be abundantly clear here. If you have asked Jesus to be your Savior and you are doing your best to lead a godly life then you will NEVER disappoint God. You may argue that you sinned or failed God in some way. There is God’s forgiveness and mercy for you and His grace to help you live better for Him. God loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. The Bible makes it clear that God loves ALL people and wants a relationship with each person. Sadly, many people choose not to love God back. They choose to walk away from God and His love.

            If you want to know what disappoints God it’s when we allow hate and anger to destroy love. When we look at another human being and don’t see them through God’s eyes, that disappoints Him. No one is beyond salvation until their last breath. There is no sin that can’t be cleansed by the redeeming blood of Jesus. There is no opinion or perspective that Jesus can’t fix. There is no broken person that God can’t restore. No one has gone too far from God’s love and forgiveness.

            The good news is that being physically sick, spiritually sick, or feeling distant or disconnected does not disqualify you from God’s love. He can’t be disappointed in you. I encourage you to turn back to God now before it is too late. I encourage you to open your heart to God and receive His love and forgiveness. I encourage you to ask God for the gift and the power of the Holy Spirit who can give you the power to live a different life, an abundant life. I encourage you to look at your life through God’s eyes and see the beautiful person He made you to be.   

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Blanket Chest

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By Roger Barbee

The six-board blanket chest offered by Laughlin’s Auctions appealed to my wife, Mary Ann. After the preview, she thought about the green painted chest with its flora design painted on front, and the stars, fish, and sailing ship skillfully decorating the top. She was especially captivated by the name and date around the escutcheon: Winifred Byrd, 1945. Since the auction was close to her birthday, she decided to place a bid, and after finding the perfect place for it in our morning room, she became a serious bidder. She won.

The chest would barely fit in our van, where it sat a few days until two strong men could carry it into our home. After some gentle cleaning with a damp cloth to remove years of grime, Mary Ann was pleased with her gift for herself and liked the chest even more as she studied it in our morning room; but she remained mystified by the name and date painted on the chest’s front. Perhaps it had been a gift for a young woman before her marriage.

The intrigue of the name and date swayed Mary Ann to begin a Google search. Since Byrd is an old Virginia family surname, she anticipated a quick result. As often happens, the result came quickly, but not how she had expected.

She found a 1947 birth notice of a boy born in Birmingham, Alabama, and his mother was named Winifred Byrd. Searching further, she found Winifred’s obituary which mentioned her divorce from Mr. Byrd and remarriage. That information led to an obituary for a man with Winifred’s new surname, which named a surviving brother, born in 1947, who had also changed his last name from Byrd to that of their beloved stepfather. Hoping he was related to Winifred Byrd; Mary Ann emailed him. He responded that yes, Winifred was his mother, and the man who had just died was his brother.

Robert, Winifred’s son,  told Mary Ann how his grandmother had had a blanket chest made for her two daughters. One, which had been made for his aunt, was stolen while he was a student at Auburn University. He had no knowledge of what had happened to his mother’s blanket chest until Mary Ann’s email. After their initial email exchanges, Mary Ann and he had several phone conversations.

He shared much about his life growing up and working in Birmingham, and Mary Ann told him about her maternal grandparents and their daughters who lived there before the war. Often, as dialogue on a plane or train ride reveals, two strangers discover how much they have in common. So with Robert and Mary Ann.

Too often family heirlooms are purchased by strangers because no surviving family member wants them, money disputes rattle the family, or something else rises. Fortunately for Robert, Mary Ann had won the bidding for his mother’s chest.

  Later this year Robert will come to visit,  and when he leaves Winifred’s blanket chest will return home with him.

Run to Help Charity

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By David Freeze

Winter Flight weekend, it’s finally here! Sunday’s 41st Annual New Sarum Brewing Winter Flight 8K usually gathers a big crowd and among them are some special stories. We have a few developing as I write this on Wednesday night. Winter Flight in all those years has had some incredible stories, some big wins and more than a few disappointments.

Chris Maxon is from Thomasville, a former All-American runner at Indiana Wesleyan University and All-Region at the University of Mississippi. He has a 28 minute and 55 second 10K at Ole’ Miss and recent highlights as a 24-year-old at the Greensboro Half Marathon and the top American at the Virginia Ten Miler in Lynchburg. Chris will attempt to break the long-standing 8K course record set in 1988 by Olympian Hans Koeleman at 23:35.

Murfeesboro’s Pete Gibson, a former Winter Flight winner, has had a resurgence as a 67-year-old and will chase his own strong 8K state age group record of 31:06 set two years ago here.

Robert Miller, the current state 5K record holder in the 50-54 age group from China Grove, will try to add the 8K record at Winter Flight. His 5K record is 16:22, set at the 2023 Main Street Challenge.

The women’s side is wide open, adding intrigue to who might have the best day. Gatsby Goode, a current high school senior at Northwest Cabarrus, will be running her first 8K after a sizzling senior season in cross country. She’s currently uncommitted for her college choice. Runners and walkers from four states are already committed to the event which includes a half-mile fun run for any age on the Shuford Stadium track, a 5K walk/run for community health and the Road Runners Club of America North Carolina State Championship 8K. The overall male and female winners, masters (over 40 years of age), grandmasters (over 50) and senior grandmasters (60 and over) will receive special state championship awards. Additional 5-year age group awards will be given in the 5K and 8K and all finishers in the fun run will get medals.

But the biggest story of all is likely one that tells about what happens to Winter Flight proceeds. Every dollar of those proceeds goes to Rowan Helping Ministries. From July 2022 to June 2023, Rowan Helping Ministries served 67,082 meals in Jeannie’s Kitchen and distributed 998,377 pounds of food provided to 3,194 households through their three food pantries. A total of 36,447 bags of shelf-stable food items went to 1,067 students unsure of where their weekend meals would come from. RHM prevented homelessness for 944 households in crisis to prevent evictions and utility disconnects with over $528,000 in financial assistance vouchers. The shelter provided services for 727 men, women and children while 287 shelter guests successfully moved to permanent housing. Two hundred and twenty-four unsheltered guests received services such as showers, primary medical care and behavioral health services, and 147 attended group mental health sessions. Educational opportunities were provided to 413 guests with classes that taught valuable life skills such as resumé building, financial planning and stress reduction.

Rowan Helping Ministries Executive Director Kyna Grubb said, “We are honored to be the longstanding community partner that receives funds from Winter Flight. Proceeds from this historic run come just in time as families in our community need emergency assistance with their heating bills. Additionally, Winter Flight builds awareness of the services we offer and increases our reach to people in need. We are grateful for our partnership with Salisbury Rowan Runners and for all the ways they support Rowan Helping Ministries.”

So, what can you do to help? Come to the races, there is something for everyone of any ability. Registration continues at by searching Winter Flight, and also from noon to 1:45 p.m. at Catawba’s Shuford Gym on Sunday, Feb. 4. You can donate at runsignup without running the race, just click on the donate button. Each race day participant gets one of the special Meredith Abramson designed commemorative hoodies. Forty-nine Salisbury and Rowan sponsors support the event.

My recent column about the demise of the popular Daily Mile program in Rowan Salisbury Elementary Schools drew some powerful comments. I have been assured that Novant Health, Healthy Rowan and Vulcan Materials, along with many parents and school staff, are ready to support the program. After meeting for five months, the new Rowan Salisbury School’s Wellness Committee has not addressed the issue. It seems the time has come. We’ll continue to follow the issue of who is killing the Daily Mile. Our kids need that 15-20 minutes of daily exercise. More information on Winter Flight and over upcoming events is available at

A Perfect State of Mind

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By Ed Traut

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

  • The devil has always targeted our joy, so we purpose to stay joyful.
  • We pray continually, giving thanks regardless of the circumstance because thanksgiving opens the heavens.
  • It is Gods will for us to be joyful and to be happy.  Let us not allow the enemy to steal from us. We will keep our focus in Him and our expectancy in Him.

Prayer:   I lift my hands in praise to You and pray to You my wonderful Savior.  I thank You that You help me to continue to live a life of joy which is Your joy in me.  I give You thanks Lord for all that You are and all that You do, regardless of what I see around me.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Where Are We?

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By Ann Farabee

‘Where are you?’ The words jumped out at me as I opened my Bible. Those three words from Genesis 3:9 kind of stopped me in my tracks, even though God was talking to Adam and Eve.

Having family members or friends ask me this question is a show of love because they want to know my location. Having God ask me this question is a show of love because He wants me to know my location — and clearly see my situation.

I knew exactly where I was that morning: I was not where I needed to be.

When I read that question, my heart longed to cry out, “God, I’m right here with You! Good morning! Thank You for another day! I know this is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!”

Instead, I stared blankly at those words. They seemed enormous.

I knew God was asking me the question: Where are you?

Where are we?

1. Up close? In His arms? Allowing God to be part of each moment of our day. Trusting and resting in Him completely. Allowing Christ into every room of our life.

2. Close? But, not close enough? Still pray. Still serve. Still do daily devotions. But…know in our heart that our busy life leaves little room for the relationship with God that we need. God loves us more than we love ourselves and He longs for fellowship with us.

3. Heading to a faraway land? Been in a close relationship with the Lord, but know we have slipped away? Hurt, bitter, discouraged or paralyzed by our circumstance? It is not about religion. It is about a relationship — with Jesus. He misses us and wants us to move up close.

4. In a distant country? We may believe, but have never accepted Jesus into our hearts. Jesus came from heaven to earth to die on the cross for our sins. He rose again on the third day and conquered death, so that we could live eternally with Him in heaven. Accept Him into your heart. Believe on Him. Confess Him as your Savior. The distance will melt away.

I have been in all these places. But, it is my heart’s desire to stay in that No. 1 position: Up close and in His arms.

Sometimes, I have to redirect myself to get there. But, when I draw near to Him, He draws near to me.

There is nothing sweeter on Earth than fellowship with my heavenly father.

So… where are we?

Psalm 51

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By Rhonda Sassano

Hello again!  I hope you find strength and hope and healing in the words below, taken from Psalm 51.

”Father, I know that You delight to set Your truth deep in my spirit. You can use every challenging situation to make me aware of my deep need for You…  So I invite You: come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom. Find all the dark corners where I shove the things too painful to be recognized.  Show me what needs purifying, every small thing that my conscience refuses to acknowledge.  The places You have allowed to be crushed within me are deeply painful, agonizing even. 

Let Your love wash over me until my heart is pure, free, and completely convinced of Your unending affection for me.  When I am satisfied with Your sweetness, I know my song of joy will return. I will rejoice again when I find Your healing touch, and I determine to receive it from every hand that extends it.  I realize You have orchestrated persons and situations in my life to bring me to this place at this time, at this point in my journey.  Increase my courage to embrace the healing in every way it comes, even if I don’t understand or it seems like too much discomfort.  I want to be, and I will be, made holy and new.  

Erase all my guilt by Your saving grace. Keep creating in me a clean heart, a spirit that loves to do Your will.  Help me fill my mind with true thoughts about You, and with holy desires, ready and eager to please You.  

No matter how many times I fail, You never reject me! You never take back from me Your sacred Spirit! Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough You bring to me. Hold me close to Your heart; create a willing spirit in me that obeys whatever You say.

O God, my saving God, deliver me fully from every doubt, and even the sin that seems unforgivable. Then my heart will once again be thrilled to sing the passionate songs of joy and deliverance! Lord God, unlock my heart, unlock my lips, so that I can overcome with my joyous praise! 

Strengthen my determination to live out this truth:  The source of Your pleasure, sweet Father, is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to You. The fountain of Your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before You. You will not despise my tenderness or abuse or scorn or mock me, as I bow down humbly at Your feet. 

And when I am fully restored, You will rejoice and take delight in the continuous offering of my life as a sacrifice of righteousness, given in love, from my heart to yours.”

If you struggle with depression, fear, anxiety, or discouragement, I would count it an honor to chat with you in person.  Find my information here:

With love and joy,



“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”

Sunflowers in February

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By Ashlie Miller

If you are giving or receiving flowers this Valentine’s Day, roses are likely to be the star of the bouquet. Perhaps there are tulips, carnations, or even lilies. When did you give or receive your first rose? Was it a single rose or a bouquet? Was it well received?

I can remember the first dozen roses I received. It was intended for Valentine’s Day, though I received it a day later. It was not from a beau or someone I wanted to express interest in me. A boy at my church sent them to my school, a Christian school for elementary to high school grades. The florist delivered my flowers to the elementary wing of the school – to a little girl in kindergarten with the same name as me. I learned about it because her father called my house that evening asking if I knew someone with the sender’s name and if he would have sent me roses. In mortification, I wanted to slam the phone! Luckily, this timid high schooler dodged the bullet of blushing red upon receiving roses at my high school in front of my classmates. Still, I did not want to face this boy at church or even tell him thank you. I was not thankful. I was pretty rotten.

Maybe I would live through this embarrassment and one day forget it all. Fast forward two years later – my senior year. I finally have a boyfriend who shows up on Valentine’s at my school because their team was playing my school in basketball. Again, I receive roses, assuming they are from this first boyfriend. I’m wrong. It’s the same young man from my church (he is a young man at that point – 18 years old). I am not angry this time. I’m not as embarrassed. I even find it a bit comical, but I do not reveal the gift to my boyfriend.

You can probably guess what happens – a year later, I am dating the serial rose giver. I finally tell this fellow that roses are not even my favorite flower. Sunflowers are my botanical of choice. Poor but desperately in love, this young man orders sunflowers in February and has them delivered to me while he is living in another state. Bear in mind this was over 25 years ago. Flowers came from local florists – even sunflowers. You can imagine the cost of this delivery in the middle of winter! What a statement!

I am not saying that the sunflowers are what won me over and made me his wife, but it certainly didn’t hurt. He had found the gift that was precious to me – what uniquely made me smile. I didn’t ask for or expect it from him, but he found the way to my heart. He had taken the time to get to know me.

I want my worship and love for God to reflect that intimacy – spending time with Him regularly, delighting in getting to know Him better each passing day, and understanding my identity in Christ better. I desire my worship to be uniquely from me, not an attempt to replicate what everyone else around me is doing. 

In our intimate, regular fellowship with God, we discover He also knows what delights our hearts. Although there is common grace and gifts that are good for us all, what a loving, adoring Lord who seeks to display His presence in our lives with gifts customized precisely for us.

Ashlie Miller is married to her husband, who often brings her sunflowers and sometimes roses but always brings her delight in his gifts. He’s raising their sons and daughter to do much of the same. You may email Ashlie at 

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