Always Being Happy

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By Ed Traut

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

  • In tough times or challenges, it is difficult to rejoice.  
  • When we remind ourselves of who He is and what He has done, excitement and praise arises.
  • We rejoice not because of our circumstances, but even in them we know that He is great and rejoicing is a strength that God gives.

Prayer:  Lord I do rejoice today, I rejoice in Your salvation, I rejoice in Your goodness and who You are.  I rejoice in Your victories that have been and will come.  Hallelujah!  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

God is Not Unjust

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By Lynna Clark

Here is my simple prayer:

“He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him, and how you have shown your love for Him by caring for other believers as you still do.”

Hebrews 6:10

From Psalm 23

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By Rhonda Sassano

Hi friends!  I only speak for myself when I say that I’m a devout Christian who struggles with depression.  At the moment, I have 9 therapy sessions on my calendar over the next few months. “ TMI,” you say? I only tell you to encourage you that you are not alone.  

Depression seems to diminish my ability to hear the Father’s voice.  But wait… couldn’t it be that He just isn’t speaking and that’s why I don’t hear Him as much?  As much as I’d like to blame Him for deserting me in my time of need, well, been there done that with nothing good resulting.  No matter what I’m feeling or not feeling, hearing or not hearing, one thing I know is true:  GOD’S WORD.  And I choose to believe it despite my circumstances, in spite of emotions that frequently knock me down and threaten to drown me.  I cling as hard as I can to the l promise that He NEVER leaves me or forsakes me.  It’s a lifeline.  And even when I let go of the rope…I discover that He was the one doing all the holding.

Here’s my version of Psalm 23.  I hope you will speak it over your life today.

Jesus, You are my strong champion, my protector and defender.  No matter what comes my way, You are here, presently present, standing right beside me.  

You meet my every need in good time.  My need for rest, my need for strength, my need for health, my need for the peace only You can provide. 

Your love pursues my heart and overtakes me, restoring my confidence in You, and I remember that You are on my side.  

You keep me on Your path when I get distracted and try to disappear, not wanting to face my issues.  It’s Your love for me that motivates You to deal with them, because You love righteousness and You want to make my life a witness to those around me, and a testament to Your greatness and goodness.  

Even when it seems my life is over and there’s nothing left to do, You are with me.  I can choose to not be fearful but to hold Your hand and lean in.  You protect my heart as long as I stay hidden in You. You comfort me with the hope of eternity. 

When my enemies of fear and shame and guilt and sickness and depression and anxiety surround me, You are my champion and make me overcome them.  You call me into Your presence and feed me from Your Word.  What a bountiful buffet is there when I choose to partake of it!  Heal me today with Your precious Word… until my heart overflows!   Indeed, Your good mercy and great kindness go with me everywhere and I will live with You, walk beside you, and draw strength from You both now and forever. 

With joy,


“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”

Why Do Good People Suffer?

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By Ashlie Miller

The book of Job in the Bible is not usually the first book to consider reading when beginning a new year. However, for many Christians reading the Bible in chronological order, Job is often nestled as an interruption of sorts in the reading of Genesis. For those unfamiliar with him, Job’s life of integrity is put to the test by Satan as he plagues Job with numerous devastations (loss of properties, death of all his children, severe personal illness) – hardly the stuff for setting a positive tone on a new calendar. 

Often, we mistakenly think that “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” (it’s the lyrics of a hit song, after all). Maybe our responses to trials can bring that about, but it is not an iron-clad guarantee. So, then, why does a Sovereign God allow such suffering? Perhaps you’ve heard it posed this way: “Why do good people suffer?”

I cannot pretend to have all the answers to that profound question. However, I can share the stream of pondering I have had lately. Theologian John Calvin wrote, “Whatever be the kind of tribulation with which we are afflicted, we should always consider the end of it to be, that we may be trained to despise the present, and thereby stimulated to aspire to the future life.” We love the things of Earth so deeply, yet this world is broken and fallen and has been that way since shortly after its creation. Our Creator longs for us to know more than this world, to experience true communion with Him fulfilled in eternity. When we cling to the Earth too much – adoring and worshiping it with our time and resources – we look to it for fulfillment, which always leaves us wanting. Suffering reminds us Who alone satisfies, the One who deserves our adoration and worship. 

A friend reminded me recently of the song “God is Good” by Jonathan McReynolds:

“May your struggles keep you near the cross

And may your troubles show that you need God.”

“Near the cross” – a place of repentance, forgiveness, and comfort.

There is much to learn in suffering. Much we will never grasp on this side of eternity. We certainly do not want to make the sweeping (and wrong) accusations as Job’s friends did, assuming his trials were retribution for a sinful life. Sometimes, godly people suffer for God’s glory and man’s humility. 

Suffering can remind us that our temporary affection for Earth will never be fully satisfied and, therefore, should create a longing for something eternal and permanent. In proper humble response, suffering can develop humility and a reflection of our place in the grand scheme of things – humans in need.

Trials can produce good things in us – far too many to mention here. Remember that often, in addition to our personal growth, the hard times are a gift of grace – to bring us closer to the cross, closer to a Creator who is also a Savior. In God’s wisdom and love, He allows us to know Him as more than Creator (which is incredible) and experience Him personally as Redeemer, Restorer, Deliverer, and Comforter, to name just a few.

Ashlie Miller is a pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mom to five children in Concord, NC. Contact her at 

Examining Our Foundations

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By Doug Creamer

            Last weekend’s cold weather gave us a low-key weekend. It was nice to slow down. After all the running around from the holiday season, a slow weekend felt good. We got some things done, but it was at a much slower pace. There was no pressure. I spent some extra time reading and catching up with some friends.

            Going slow is not a pace I want all the time, but it is one I can appreciate. I like having things to do. I like checking things off a list. That sense of accomplishing something was drilled into me as a kid. “What did you get done today?” There is nothing like looking around and seeing all that you got accomplished. I love that feeling in early spring when I have worked hard outside all day and I can see a big difference.

            As I age, I am enjoying a balance between getting lots done and having a nice slow day. There are always times when we have to work hard on our jobs and around the house, but it is also nice to move at a slower pace. It’s like getting a snow day in the middle of winter. You can go play in the snow and then come in and watch a movie by a warm fire. Then the next day you can get back to working at full-throttle.

            Most people like getting a snow day. I have studied all the weather models and there doesn’t appear to be any snow on the horizon. You know how things work around here. We had a really cold weekend, then we warmed up, then…maybe snow…well, we can hope.

            If and when that winter weather decides to head our way, we will all have to prepare and get ourselves ready. You know the routine…head to the store and get bread and milk. Then we look out our windows and watch it…rain! You knew that was coming, right?

            Preparing for winter weather and hurricanes is similar. We prepare for the possibility that we might lose power and hope for the best. If we lose power we are back to the basics. No one likes the experience, but we find a way to get through.

            Winter’s slow days give us the opportunity to make sure our foundations are solid. I think it’s important to examine our spiritual foundations, as well. Winter gives us time to do any necessary repairs. We want to be prepared for the new growing season. We want to make sure we are building on a solid base.

            I believe good spiritual health starts with an intake of God’s Word. Some people might think that you can read the Bible like you read a novel. We need to meditate on it, search for promises that relate to problems we are facing, and learn God’s ways, which are not our ways. God’s Word is a love letter to us and a handbook on how to live life.

            A cornerstone to our relationship with God is communication. We have to talk with God. Communication is a two way process. We have to listen for His voice. He will speak to us but we have to get quiet and listen. I think we are all good at listing our requests to Him in prayer; it’s the listening part that probably needs some work.

            A third critical element to keeping our foundation strong is being in fellowship with other believers. The pandemic has caused so many to get out of the habit of gathering. No one can stay strong spiritually without connecting with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I need you and you need me. We need to connect with our fellow believers through our local church. I know it is cold and flu season so we need to be careful and respectful of each other so we don’t share some nasty bug, but we have to find ways to connect in order to strengthen and encourage each other.

            I want to encourage you to look over your foundation and see how you are doing in the areas of reading His word, talking with Him, and being in fellowship with other believers. God wants you to be strong and ready for any storms or challenges you might face. When life gets rough we need to remind ourselves that God is with us and that we can depend on His promises. It’s also nice to know we can depend on each other. God will see you through the storms ahead. In the meantime, I am watching for our next chance of snow!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

A Christian Craftsman

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By Roger Barbee

If you exited I-81 and drove on Stoney Creek Road towards Edinburg, VA you would be forgiven for not noticing his garage, a non-descript two-bay one with its back wall built on the bank of Stoney Creek. Its plain and  hidden presence defined him, but not his work.

For years I had lived in the Shenandoah Valley before I noticed the two-word sign stating the presence of his garage. An entrance door next to the two bay doors opened to a small, cluttered office from where he operated the garage. Opposite the door sat his desk on which his computer competed for space with parts catalogues and his ever-present coffee cup. The well-used coffee maker sat on a shelf behind him– always ready to serve anyone who asked. One or two chairs sat for the customers who wanted to wait and read the Daily, but since he was always between shop and computer, it was best to stay moving with him. That way you could gather information about the problem with you car and if you sat you may miss a comment of his about life and its challenges. For instance,  had his son not told me once when I asked where his father was, I never would have known of the prostate cancer. He was, his son told me,  just doing what must be done with another challenge of life. His strong faith gave him that type of serenity, even in the face of cancer.

He and his son worked in the bays making repairs, and the father had the confidence to hire a young high school graduate to help with the work of their busy garage. He believed in the boy, but he also trusted his son and himself to be teachers of what vocational school had left out of the boy’s education. The novice is now a mechanic, and like all of us, he benefitted from time spent with the master of engines and life.

No television was mounted on a wall, but one had a display of his grandchildren in 4-H competition at the county fair.  A hall tree in the corner behind the door was full of hanging, clean uniforms for the three workers.  However, the office was warm and inviting if you wanted function over form. It was designed for work and conversation. If you wanted glitter, you would have been better served elsewhere.

An educator, not a mechanic, I know enough of my cars to  know when I needed someone like him.  Whenever I called for an appointment, he would get me in quickly if I sounded frantic, but if not he would ask, “Can you come over at….” making it sound as if I were doing him a favor by coming by. Every time he serviced a car of mine, I went away feeling great about the work but most of all about the conversation we had shared. It also seemed that any vehicle could be repaired there. Once when I went,  a large John Deere tractor was parked in front of one of the doors. Too large to fit in one of the bays, it was being repaired outside.  But no matter, good, honest work could be performed anywhere.

He and I are almost identical ages, close to three-quarters of a century old. But I never called him by his given first name. For a multitude of reasons, Mr. seemed the best address for him. It was a deference that I made out of respect for such a Christian and craftsman. As our relationship grew, he came to accept my referring to him as Mr., and it was an unspoken understanding between two older men.

It’s been over three years since we moved from the Shenandoah Valley, but I still can see him behind his cluttered desk checking his computer to order a part. I still hear the gentleness in his voice and its belief that if he does not know how to correct a problem in a car, his son  will sort it out and find the solution. His confidence was not arrogance, but belief in something larger than himself.

A few days ago a friend told me of his being in Winchester Hospital with COVID-19. This morning, January 25, 2021 at appropriately 7 AM he died as his wife and two children  loved and comforted him.

The American poet H. B. Alexander writes, “In beauty there is an eternity of promise which death cannot subdue,…”  Mr. (Gary) Markley’s beauty and promise is a gift that COVID cannot erase.

Who is Allowing the Daily Mile to Die?

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By David Freeze

I wrote a column in 2018 and several since about one of my favorite projects ever! Working with partners that included Healthy Rowan, Vulcan Materials, Novant Health, DL Bost Trucking and the United Way, 11 walking/running tracks had been installed at elementary schools in Rowan County and the Daily Mile was underway. During the next year, five more schools would have their tracks and their programs underway.

Healthy Rowan had initiated a program with complete support from Rowan/Salisbury Schools administration to get the kids and staff out of the classroom for 15-20 minutes of activity. The goal was to walk/run a mile a day on a measured track with huge benefits.

This paragraph reprinted from my column of Aug. 5, 2018, just ahead of the school year: Most of the pursuit of the Daily Mile happens outside on gravel walking/running tracks of distances from a tenth to a quarter of a mile. Teachers and administrators have scheduled 15 minutes to cover 5,280 feet. One of the first to get started was Landis Elementary Principal Brooke Zehmer. She said, “The Daily Mile is an important part of our day at Landis Elementary! It offers students and staff time to stretch, move and get energized for the rest of the day. Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for people’s activity levels, mood and ability to attend to tasks, and the Daily Mile is a simple but effective way to ensure our students and staff get the exercise needed for optimum health.”

I had plenty of chances to drive by Landis Elementary since 2018 and the new track was a source of constant activity, just as it should be. Here were just a few of the recognized benefits for the kids per Alyssa Smith Harris, then the Healthy Rowan executive director and now the Rowan County Public Health Director. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, pediatric obesity has been on the rise in children ages 2 to 18 in North Carolina since 2012. The 2018 North Carolina data shows 15 percent of 2- to 4-year-olds, 30.9 percent of 10- to 17-year-olds, and 16.4 percent of high school kids are obese. Not only that, N.C. ranks 16th for adult obesity, and 7th for obesity in teenagers.

Smith Harris said then, “It’s commonly known that obesity can contribute to Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adults, but it has other implications for children. Not only do kids with obesity often experience bullying and lower self-esteem, but they also experience bone and joint development issues as well. We want to set our kids up to live the longest and healthiest lives possible. It’s unfortunate that the obesity epidemic has become “background noise” to so many because it seems like a daunting and overwhelming issue. One piece of the solution is simple – for all of us, not just kids, to become more active in our daily lives.”

Smith Harris added, “I am most excited about “The Daily Mile” because I feel it truly shows the mission of Healthy Rowan – to promote collaboration across agencies to improve health outcomes in Rowan County. The Daily Mile provides accountability that builds on long-standing partnerships from organizations that built the walking tracks for schools. It gives a sort of formalized encouragement for schools to utilize these spaces throughout the school day. I see the program as an excellent outlet for youth to engage in physical activity, but also an opportunity for students to spend time with their peers and teachers outside of an academic setting. One of the more exciting things we have heard about the program is the opportunity for kids to play with friends, to challenge themselves to run a little faster each day, and to have an outlet to get the “wiggles” out. My hope is that children learn that being physically active makes your body and mind feel good. And that they keep that with them throughout their lives.“ There is plenty of data that exercise improves self-esteem, lessens absenteeism and enhances alertness back in the classroom.

With the cooperation of all the above listed partners, we were able to build each of the walking/running tracks and maintain the gravel needs through 2022 when the program began to disappear. At last count, only about four elementary schools are continuing some version of the Daily Mile on a regular basis. No maintenance is being done on the tracks. There is no explanation for the decline. A new wellness committee has been formed to assess needs. I hope they figure out who allowed this valuable program to die, and get it reinstated without delay. There are no worthwhile excuses.

Just three weeks away is the 41st Annual New Sarum Brewing Winter Flight 8K, 5K and Fun Run. Look for it and other upcoming events at

More of Him

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By Ed Traut

Psalm 84:2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.

  • When we love Him and pursue Him, we only want more.
  • After spending 40 days and 40 nights with God, Moses prayer was “teach me Your ways that I may know You”.
  • May God give us that same yearning and desire for Him and all that is associated with Him.

Prayer:  Lord my heart does long for You and I pray by Your spirit an even greater desire and greater longing and focus on You that I will not only love You more, but have a hunger and thirst for Your righteousness and Your ways I pray.  I belong to You, but want to be even more committed to You.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

A Simple Prayer

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By Lynna Clark

“I know LORD that our lives are not our own.

We are not able to plan our own course.

So correct me LORD,

but please be gentle.”

-Jeremiah 10:23,24

Encouraging Psalms

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By Rhonda Sassano

 ”Jesus, you find so much beauty in us, your people! We are lovely sanctuaries of your presence.  Deep within us are these intense desires and daydreams of living in union with you. When I’m near you, my heart and my soul sing and worship with joyful songs of you, my true source and spring of life! O Jesus, my King and my God, even the sparrows and swallows are welcome to build a nest among your altars to raise their young. What pleasure fills us when we choose to live every day focused on you, as we worship in your presence! 

How enriched are we who find our strength in the Lord; within our hearts are the highways of holiness! Even when my path winds through the dark valley of tears, I can dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. You give me  a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. I grow stronger and stronger with every step forward, and You, Jesus, will appear before me on the mountain. Hear my cry, O God of Jacob, listen to my loving prayer. God, I acknowledge that your wraparound presence is my only defense. In your kindness look upon the faces of your anointed ones. For just one day of intimacy with you is like a thousand days of joy rolled into one! I’d rather stand at the threshold in front of the Gate Beautiful, ready to go in and worship my God, than to live my life without you in the most beautiful palace of the wicked. For You, Lord God, are brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! You Wrap  yourself around me like a shield, You are so generous with your gifts of grace and glory. Those who walk along your paths with integrity will never lack one thing we need, for You provide it all! With great excitement and faith, we choose faith and forever trust in you!“

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭84‬:‭1‬-‭12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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