Focusing Our Hope

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By Ed Traut

Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

  • Our hope (positive expectancy) is in the Lord and not in government, finances and all the things we know.
  • Renewing the strength would imply that our strength not only can but does get drained at times, therefore we ought to continually put our hope in the Lord.
  • So, we will not grow weary (tired) or falter when we put our hope in Him, expecting always for God to come through.

Prayer:  Hallelujah!  I raise my hands and praise and glorify Your wonderful name because I can put my hope in You and I do choose to put my hope and expectancy in You and I refuse to look at circumstances or situations, You have never failed me and I trust in You.  Amen. 

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

He Restores

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 80:19 Restore us, O LORD God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.

  • So many times it seems we go through so much and it seems difficult or incomprehensible to get anything back that is lost.
  • God restores – which means brings it all back and then better.
  • When God face ‘shines’ on us it is that He pays attention and focuses and will do what we ask.  Hallelujah!

Prayer:  I lift my hands today in praise and worship for Your holy name that You do cause Your face to shine upon me and restore all things.  I thank You for it because no one else can do it but You.  Amen. 

There is No One Like Him

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By Ed Traut

1 Chronicles 29:11 To you, O GOD, belong the greatness and the might, the glory, the victory, the majesty, the splendor; Yes! Everything in heaven, everything on earth; the kingdom all yours! You’ve raised yourself high over all. (NLT)

  • Regardless of how things seem at times we remind ourselves that there is only one God who is sovereign.
  • There is no other God besides Him or even like Him and He rules the universe.
  • We belong to Him; and rejoice in the greatness of our God in all situations.

Prayer:  I lift my hands today Lord in praise and worship of You, because You are Lord of all.  I am so grateful for Your love and that You are King and mighty God.  I yield to You and submit and trust You and know that You will make all things work according to Your purpose.  Use me for Your glory today I pray in Jesus name.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Healthy Conversation

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By Ed Traut

Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

  • Jesus said it is not what comes in but that which comes out that defiles, we ought to watch our words.
  • Our conversation should be filled with the goodness and grace and the kindness of God.
  • When we answer it should have the nature and the heart of God.  Let God give us grace and help us to speak correctly.

Prayer:  Lord I pray that You would put a watch in front of my mouth that I would be careful what I say, that it would be life giving and only be helpful to other that I will be seasoned with kindness and Your grace Lord and that I would not be mean and unkind.  Teach me Your ways.  I want to follow Your path and not the path of man.  I need You Lord and Your help and Your strength in Jesus name.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Being Happy

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By Ed Traut

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

  • So often it feels not to be rejoicing or excited when we have so many challenges but;
  • There is strength and power in praise and rejoicing.
  • To rejoice in God and the Lord, because He never changes, He is our strength.

Prayer:  Lord I choose and I live to worship You and to rejoice today, I lift my hands in excitement and rejoicing to You because You are God regardless of what I am going through or what surrounds me, You are my strength.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

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By Ed Traut

1 Peter 5:7  Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

  • Life has so many cares and so many challenges.
  • We go from one concern to the other, but God made it very clear for us to give it to Him – it is not always so naturally easy, but we must make a conscious effort.
  • We know He cares about us and that He can carry all of our burdens.  By His grace we hand them over to Him.

Prayer:   Lord I lift my hands in adoration to You today and praise Your holy name.  Thank You that You carry all my burdens and all my cares.  I cast all my cares to You today and I throw them onto You Lord, knowing that You will take care of them and You will take care of me. I praise You that You have always done this.  You are a wonderful savior.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

His Unfailing Love

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 36:7  How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.

  • There is no question – God alone is the source and the fullness of love in every way, shape and form.
  • His love is not only precious, but it absolutely never fails no matter what we do or how wrong we are.
  • All – that means everyone – is sheltered and entitled and have this wonderful love available to them regardless.  How great He is!

Prayer:  Lord, how I marvel this morning at Your wonderful love and I praise You and thank You for this great wonderful love that never fails.  Thank You that You are always patient with me and even now.  Let me be filled with Your love and to share it with others who don’t even deserve it I pray in Jesus name.  Amen.  

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Do Good for Others

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By Ed Traut

Proverbs 3:27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.

  • A deciding factor – when it comes to helping people you don’t need much more information than simply – if I can or able to do it.
  • Regardless whether the people appreciate it or not or it seems to be worth my while, if I can God will bless it when I do it.
  • It’s not Gods heart for us to withhold anything that we can do for others, even though it is not sharing in the same faith.

Prayer:  There is no one like You my King and I praise Your holy name.  I lift my hands up and rejoice in You because You are magnificent.  Fill me with this heart and love that You have and give me the ability and continual awareness to help other people and to be that example I pray.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Best Future Ever!

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 23:6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

  • When we commit and abandon our hearts to Him we can expect these things;
  • Goodness and love to be a natural way of life without having to be pursued, just happen naturally.
  • ‘Dwelling in Gods house’ is to always be with the Lord and continuously putting Him first and being a part of His kingdom, always in heart, mind and deed.

Prayer:  My Father I bless Your holy name today in praise and adoration and declare to You that I am Yours and totally devoted to You.  Thank You for Your kindness and mercy.  You are my shepherd and I do expect these things (goodness and mercy) to follow me.  Amen.  

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Jesus is the Head

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By Ed Traut

Colossians 2:19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.

  • It seems even when we are saved we can loose ‘connection’.
  • Jesus is the head and when we disconnect we do not have life – He said we are to remain in Him (John 15).
  • There is no evidence of growth or fruitfulness without being connected and even though we are born again we are to remain continually connected and watch that nothing disconnects us.

Prayer:  Lord I thank You that You have saved me and that I belong to You.  I pray that You help me stay connected and always in contact with You and not neglecting my relationship with You in anyway that I can be fruitful and grow all the time in You.  Without You I can do nothing!  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

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