Bite Your Tongue

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By Ann Farabee

Bite your tongue


Intentionally bite our tongue?

I do not think so.

That could hurt.

A tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart.

A tongue has no bones, but it has eight muscles that work overtime.

Ephesians 4:32 – Be kind one to another.

Colossians 4:6 – Let our speech always be with grace.

Proverbs 16:24 – Pleasant words are sweet to the soul and health to the bones.

Ann 1:1 – Train up a tongue in the way that it should go.

Just kidding. I made that one up.

I am still working on training my tongue.

Do not let our mouths work faster than our minds. Hmm? That may take practice.

Have you ever had to eat your words?

I have.

They are not very tasty to say the least.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

I beg to differ. Words can hurt. So, let’s throw that old saying out the window.

The difference between using a right word and a wrong word is more like the difference in lightning and a lightning bug.

Everyone seems wise until they speak. Quite often, I wish I had kept my mouth shut.

We all need to be reminded of this: Our. Words. Have. Power.

I am sorry. I love you. I believe in you. I forgive you. Will you forgive me? You can do it. May I help you? Let me do that for you. You are right. I trust you. I am so proud of you. You are really special. I was wrong. You are doing a great job.

That is just a sampling, but we all get the idea.

Words challenge.

Words calm.

Words connect.

Words cheer.

Words confirm.

Words comfort.

Words. Change. Us.

Choose. Words. Carefully.

Maya Angelou, a poet who is well known for her autobiographical writings, beautifully stated: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” There are many people with clouds hovering over them – and no rainbow in sight. Let’s grab our dictionaries and start finding encouraging and positive words to empower others to see that rainbow!

Ready? Set? Go….

Thank you for reading my column!

Let me know how your tongue-biting goes…at

Reflection from Matthew 11

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By Rhonda Sassano

Matt 11:28-30 

Jesus, You said, “Come to me, (your name here,) you who are tired, exhausted, ready to give up because your burden is weighty, cumbersome, heavier than you can shoulder. Come to Me and I will give you rest.  Leave your burden here.  Give it to me.  I will carry it. Surrender all the worries and anxieties.  Tell fear to get out.  I am Your Hero.        

 When you make Me your priority and push aside all the distractions, you can hear My whisper.  Under all the voices that clamor for your attention, listen for Me. I will teach you.  Let Me teach you. I am humble; I wait for you to notice Me.  I am gentle and My heart knows you and loves you. There is rest to be found for your soul.  Rest is right here, at My feet.  In My presence. Like a well spring at your feet that rises and immerses you.  My words are life and breath for your spirit. SOAK in them. Soak them IN. They bring health and wholeness to your body and to your mind.  Choose My yoke.  Choose My words. Choose My way. My way is fulfillment.  Purpose.  Meaning.  Light.  No condemnation.  No expectations or guilt.  I give you ability and strength and creativity to accomplish all that really needs accomplishing.  In my perfect instructions, your spirit will revive and be refreshed in obedience.”

 I receive Your Words to me today, sweetest Jesus.  Speak to my heart and I will listen and obey.  

With joy, 


“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”

Of Bluebirds & Graduates

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By Ashlie Miller

Do you have a bluebird box? I received one a few years ago. I needed to research the best place to put it, so I just set it on the back of the mailbox post, and for the last few years, it has remained there. We have witnessed several visitors over the last three years.

Sometimes, a cautious peek reveals nothing more than a nest. At other times, there is a clutch of three turquoise eggs. Sadly, some have not made it to hatchlings. Perhaps another creature preyed upon them. But there are glorious times when little chirps reveal success, and we anxiously await the weeks leading to their departure. 

This year, my watchful youngest two and I were honored to observe the stages of parents and their brood. After weaving the nest, the parents perched in the nearby crepe myrtle with anticipation. Another peek inside the nesting box revealed tightly closed eyes and mouths opened wide, hoping for a bite that mom or dad had foraged and later gray, downy babies sitting contentedly inside, getting plumper. 

Two weeks ago, as my youngest two and I made our way to the minivan, low-flying bluebirds swooped down upon us like fighter jets. We ducked for cover and ran for the van. How odd! We thought. We knew this was uncommon, so we sat and watched. Ah, the treasures that await the patient observer!

For the next 10 minutes, we witnessed parent birds encouraging the babies to launch from the nest. Leading by example, they would go through the quarter-sized hole, give a chattering pep talk, and then fly back out of their box. At other moments, perched on our house, they watched for the potential threat of the humans and predators –  darting close to the classic gold Honda Odyssey, keeping us at bay.

Finally, one little fellow found his wings. Clumsily, down onto the ground, he fell. But Mama and Papa bird chirped either encouragement or warning – which, I am not sure. Within seconds, little Junior was fluttering in the air. Success!

It could be because I have my first high school (and homeschool) graduate, but this lesson was timely. Mama and Papa prepared cautiously for our eldest’s arrival. Immature, still learning as parents, much less adults, we tried our best to provide and nurture him while he was young, to keep him fed through his teen years, and to comfort him in tumultuous times of misunderstandings, grief, broken relationships, and hard lessons. As he has finished his final homeschooling days, we must rest in our efforts to give him both caution and encouragement, probably leaning too much on caution at times because of dangers we see, have experienced personally, or allow to rule unnecessarily. We will have to continue to push him positively when things look too scary for him to face, sharing how we have done it and pointing out potential obstacles while reminding him that this great big world is awaiting his impact and contributions.

Thank you, Lord, for providing care for the little bluebirds. You see each one that falls. How much more do You love those You made in Your image? Help us to trust Your care and direction for our little fledglings. 

Now, pardon me, there appears to be another brood awaiting their turn growing up and preparing to leave the nest!

Ashlie Miller and her husband parent five in Concord, NC. You may contact her at 

Growing Thoughts

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By Doug Creamer

Growing Thoughts

            It has been a hectic and challenging start to the gardening season. The challenge has been trying to find some dry days to plant the garden. It seems when I have time, it rains. When I am busy with other things, we will have warm and sunny days. I got home today just hoping to get a few more things planted in the garden. There was some rain on the way and I wanted to beat it.

            Things were going along well when one of those pre-thunderstorm gusts blew in. I hoped and prayed for a little favor. I moved quickly. A few drops fell, but it subsided and I kept working. As I finished all I wanted to get done I looked up and saw the rain coming. I quickly gathered my things, and a few steps before I made it to the garage the rain started. I laughed even though I was a little wet and then looked up and said, “Thank you, Lord.”

            While I was working quickly to get everything done I noticed how peaceful it was out in the garden. My mind relished the peacefulness. I had a busy week last week…too busy! Weeks like that are not good for my mind and my thoughts. I catch myself thinking about things that don’t deserve the time of day. I also find myself unable or maybe unwilling to resist thoughts that I should avoid. So the peacefulness I find from being outside brings great comfort.

            Sometimes when I get to the end of one of those weeks I find my thoughts are jumbled. We have to remember that there are three sources for our thoughts. First, we create many of our own thoughts. We are working things out. We allow anxious thoughts or worry to roam freely and unchecked. The second place our thoughts come from is the enemy. He will give us lies about ourselves or sinful thoughts. Here is where we have to choose to entertain those thoughts of to take them captive.

            The final source of our thoughts is from God. These are obviously good thoughts and ones we should meditate upon. The trouble is that the noise of the world, the worries and cares of this life, our own thoughts, and the thoughts of the enemy are all in competition with the thoughts God is offering us. We are called to choose. The Bible teaches us in second Timothy that God gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-control. We have to take responsibility for our thoughts and to squelch the ones that don’t belong.

            It’s not an easy thing to do. The reality is that it’s challenging to take responsibility for our thoughts. When we are busy at our jobs or engaged in some activities that require our focus our thoughts work for us. It’s during those down times that our minds are free to ponder. Sometimes we are tired or maybe overwhelmed by life and it’s hard to muster the effort to control our thoughts.

            Last week when I arrived in church I felt like I had lost the battle in my mind. The week had been busy, but it had been good except for the battlefield of my mind. I felt God’s gentle reminder over the weekend that He gave me a spirit of self-control through reading second Timothy. I felt like I let God down.

            We sang a song during worship that encouraged us to lean back into God’s loving arms. I imagined Jesus sitting under a tree on a warm, sunny day. Then I imagined that I was leaning back into His loving arms. I let Him hold me. I told Him that I was sorry I had failed. I let His love and mercy wash over me. It was beautiful. His peace enveloped me. My body, mind, and spirit were captured by this incredible peace that I cannot explain and did not feel like I deserved.

            I want to encourage you to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and lean back into the loving arms of Jesus. Release your burdens. Give Him your cares. Surrender all the negative thoughts. Give Him your worries and anxieties. Now receive from Him the gifts of mercy, forgiveness, and His perfect peace. Receiving them means you have to open them and let them wash over you like a wave at the beach. He loves you! He sees you as beautiful! You are His brother or sister. You are family. He wants you to walk in His love, joy, and peace. Now, aren’t those much better thoughts? Let those thoughts grow! 

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Urgent Prayer Needed

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Hi Readers, I am sending this request out on behalf of David. He was working on his farm on Wednesday when he took a big fall and broke his back. He is in the trauma unit in Concord. Please keep him in your prayers. Ask that God guide the doctors as they work to treat David. We are believing for a full recovery! We believe that our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask, think, or imagine.

I will keep you updated….

Thank you!


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By Roger Barbee

            Had Robert Frost lived where I do on Lake Norman, would he have written a poem about pine trees and not one about birches?  Pine trees are not as limber as the birches that Frost writes about, so no young boy could be a swinger of pines because a pine would snap, sending the swinger to the ground in a rush, not a slow arch as with the birch.  However, since moving to Isle of Pines Road on the Lake, I have been thinking of Frost and his birches and their meaning for him. And pines.

            Now, if you move to a road named Isle of Pines, then you know for sure one thing about your new neighborhood.  However, as in all situations, knowing about it and living it are two different things. All summer I knew about this isle we were moving to, but in the past few weeks I have been living in the isle and learning about its pines and their ways. The abundance of pine cones and needles taught me the first lesson: There are more of them than of me, so I needed to develop a plan for co-existence, not battle.

            Our house was built in the late 1990s, but it appears that no previous owner worked with the pine needles, allowing them to take over areas next to the house and on the driveway. After planting the small butterfly garden in the back yard, I grabbed by trusty pitchfork and removed them to create a border next to our neighbor’s fence. I used a shovel to scrape away the layer of hard mulch and small roots that had spread across the edge of the driveway. This reclamation of space made room for grass and flowers and gave me a sense of ownership but not control. Each time I looked up to the green canopy of over thirty pine trees in our front yard, I realized my place in this isle of pines. 

            One cleared area between the house and the walkway to the back yard has been designated for a bloom of azaleas, and the small area next to the front entrance will be many pots full of shade loving flowers.  The long area following the driveway has been planted with fescue grass, but one large area next to our neighbor’s fence has yet to be planned. (A wild area perhaps). The remainder of the front is either struggling green or piled pine needles nestled at the base of their trees. There are no pine trees in the back yard until you get near the Lake, and we will work with those after we come to full terms around the house.

            However, I have learned quite a bit from the over thirty tall pine trees in our front yard. One day while raking, I heard the soft wind travelling through the canopy. It was one of the loveliest of nature’s many melodies. Even the shower of needles that followed was delightful. I have even come to appreciate the symmetrical style of the female pine cones while respecting their piercing points. I no longer startle at the sound of scampering squirrels as they race across the pine’s rough bark, but I did marvel on the day I found my first cone that had been gnawed by a squirrel leaving only its core with a tuft of immature seeds remaining on the top, causing it to look like some cartoon character. And who could not enjoy the bird sounds that erupt from the green canopy high above me. But, perhaps the most enjoyment I have learned from the pines is the way the sun’s light first comes to the topmost green and slowly makes its way down to the thick bases as if caressing the rough, brown bark.

            Unlike Frost, I never swung on birches, but as a boy I did climb pine trees. Despite their roughness, sap, and the lasting odor they left on me, I enjoyed their convenient limbs that invited a boy to climb to their lofty tips. The trees in our yard are so tall they have no lower limbs, but even if they did, I am too old to climb. Frost writes that there are worse things to be than a swinger of birches. I agree. And there are worse things than living with pines.

New Kid on the Block

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By David Freeze

    Local runners and walkers have noticed a rapidly improving runner the last few months. At 60 years of age, Shanna Matlock was already good when she started racing, but she’s knocked almost three minutes off her 5K time since March. Her sizzling time of 22 minutes and 58 seconds grabbed the first overall female win this past Friday evening at the TWAM 5K.

    In high school, Shanna didn’t try out for any sports because she thought she wasn’t good enough. She said, “I started dating this boy who ran some and I ran with him in his neighborhood occasionally. He would run a 5K and periodically I would go with him and try to run but I wasn’t committed. I never placed in any races because of that lack of commitment.”

   The last 15 years were different. Shanna started walking and then gradually became a very fast walker. People saw her walking and thought she was jogging. Her pace was that fast!

  At the beach, not on sand but on the road, she walks 10-12 miles a day. Shanna said, “I love walking and could walk all day. Now I walk one mile to get my legs warmed up and then run 5-7 miles and end it by walking one more mile. That is my routine at home or at the beach.”

    Last September was Shanna’s first 5K since high school. She said, “Much older, I ran the Run for the Word 5K in Landis for three reasons. The money being raised benefited a great cause, it was right in my hometown, and I wanted to see how fast I could run a 5K at my age. Able to run the complete distance, I was surprised at my finish time of 25:53. I accomplished what I set out to do and had fun achieving that goal! Since then, I have continued my walking/running 5K races and having fun. I run because it is FUN!”

    Shanna counts running as a fun way to exercise and meet new friends while listening to their running stories. She often runs new routes with steep hills for practice, but again just for fun!  Shanna added, “When I run the 5K races, my friends want to know my time. I just tell them I don’t know because I don’t look at my finish time. I just want to finish and have fun!”

   Always a Rowan resident, Shanna grew up in China Grove and lives in Landis with her husband Randy and son Spencer. She is a program leader for Discovering Yourself through Barnyard Adventures at Happy’s Farm, as well as a volunteer with other programs there.

     March 23,2024 was Shanna’s favorite moment in running. She said, “I ran the Mt. Hope Run for Missions 5K at Salisbury Community Park and invited my brothers and sisters, their children and grandchildren to come take part in this race. I wanted them to do it in memory of our dad because that day was his birthday and also in memory of our mom and dad’s anniversary on March 20th. My mom was a strong supporter of missions at South China Grove Baptist Church up to the day that God took her home.  My three brothers and their wives came out and took part. They walked or ran the 5K or cheered those of us on that were walking and running. My two sisters were not able to make it because of prior plans. My best friend, Rhonda Roseman, also walked and was a proud sponsor of the 5K. She had a secret surprise printed on the back of the shirts in honor of my birthday. That day was extra special because my family took part in that 5K with me! I just love the fellowship and camaraderie of family and running friends!”

   Shanna’s running goals are to have more fun running, make it across each finish line and to run a 10K race soon.

    Look for upcoming events including the Ed Dupree 5K on May 18th at East Rowan High School. Most likely, you’ll see Shanna too!

God’s Favor

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By Ed Traut

Genesis 39:23  The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.

  • We can not often choose our circumstances and are sometimes even bewildered on how we even landed in such a place.
  • No matter what, God will always bless and prosper us if we will look to Him.
  • God will give us success in every single situation.  We belong to Him and His favor is on our lives.

Prayer:  My Father I thank You for Your goodness and Your mercy and that You watch me night and day and that You give me success.  I will not react or be concerned about tomorrow or my circumstances. I will prosper because You are with me and I will be a shining light and testimony to all by Your grace.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

A Long Time in Coming

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By Rhonda Sassano

A Long Time Coming

Yesterday, I was out for a walk with my baby granddaughter.  It was a beautiful day and we were traveling along the Greenway, a trail that runs alongside a shallow waterway that is marshy at points and occasionally deepens into a little brook that gurgles and splashes.  My thoughts turned to all the changes that are occurring in my life right now.  There’s a bunch!  And changes are challenging enough by themselves; add depression to the mix and ka-POW, we might have a situation!  But with a little startle, I realized I hadn’t felt ‘depressed’ in a couple weeks.  Had it really been that long, I wondered?  Maybe more like a few days in a row?  But no, as I thought back over the last 21 days, the truth was that I had NOT had any sense of desperation, any hopelessness, any thoughts of suicide.  Although I had wanted to give into the urge to ‘call someone’ and just cry a few times, those passed when I chose to focus on the Lord being all I needed, reminding myself, even propelling, my thoughts to His love and care for me. 

What had made the difference, I mused.  All my situations were the same or worse.  All the changes were still moving towards me at an alarming pace. I had no more answers than before.  There was only more … comfort, more strength.  More determination to “do it right this time.”  I asked the Holy Spirit to show me what was the hinge point, what started the turnaround.  A children’s song came to mind, “We’re following the leader.”  I started to sing it softly, and the words began to rewrite themselves in my heart.  Soon, it was this:  “I’m following the Shepherd, the Shepherd, the Shepherd.  I’m following the Shepherd, wherever He may lead.”  And the next verse went like this:  “When I don’t know what’s happening, what’s happening, what’s happening.  When I don’t know what’s happening, I will trust in Him.”  Now the tears started.  And a third verse came with a little struggle, “When I can’t see around the bend, around the bend, around the bend.  When I can’t see around the bend, His hand is holding me.”  And then my heart was straining to express all my gratefulness for His faithfulness!  I certainly hadn’t made it easy for Him to love me these last several months, and I’m positive He waited in vain for me so many times to just hand Him my heart!   (And the last verse I have forgotten, but it ended with “my trust in Him will be.”  Yes, more tears 😉

But the song, affirming though it was, didn’t answer my question.  I decided the answer would come in time, and it did. 

About two months ago, my therapist told me she couldn’t see me anymore.  Apparently, her company had made some changes and some clients were being … pushed out.  I had already been waiting for two weeks for an appointment when she notified me of the change.  I was NOT happy about this one bit!  But having zero choice and zero options, I turned to the Lord.  It was in a very desperate moment that a very big “hinge point” happened.  It was not realized at the time, but looking back, with the Holy Spirit’s nudge, I can see it now.  What was it?  I decided to lay on the altar and be still.  I put reminders in my phone, every waking hour, that read “IAFNIWFNIACWN”  What in the world???  (Sorry!  I love acronyms, and my phone is easily seen by everyone in my family, so… ;-D)

It stands for this “I ask for nothing I want for nothing I am content with now.”

The searing pain that gripped my heart every time those alarms went off!  But I diligently repeated the phrase over and over again. Not just at the reminders, but every time I wanted to buy something I couldn’t afford at the moment.  Every time I longed for my own house.  Every time I missed a friend I couldn’t go and visit.  Every time I wanted to spend more time with my daughter or my grandbaby.  Every time my wake-up alarm declared “Get ready for work” and every time I didn’t have opportunity to create or meditate or do any of the things that are helpful at keeping depression from taking over.  

After about 4 or 5 weeks of “IAFNIWFNIACWN,” at a new revelation, it became “IAGFNIWNEIACWN.”  “I am grateful for now, I want nothing else, I am content with now.”  I made it a point to stop and focus my heart on these words, a paraphrase of “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” This phrase, in particular I think, propelled me forward onto a new platform of strength and joy.  I know for certain that the determination to keep doing it, to maintain the push, was not my own.  Just like the Holy Spirit overtook my own spirit in an extreme moment of deepest hopelessness, He had overtaken it consistently and gave me the wherewithal, if not the desire, to press into these prayers. 

Know what?  Prayer works.  Scripture works.  It took some time, and I didn’t even notice the change… but when I found seeds of truth, I planted them instead of throwing them out because they didn’t fit what I felt.  And listening to the Holy Spirit, I kept them watered and pulled the weeds and moved them out of the extreme heat, and basically put in the work.  Now, a mere handful of weeks later, I’m living a harvest of peace, joy, and strength I didn’t know were available to meAND I AM BEYOND GRATEFUL! 

No.  Joy and peace and strength do not fix everything.  Staying on the altar doesn’t either.  But there is an…  an unexpected fulfillment in complete surrender.  Hard to explain, but not hard to sense. 

So in the realization that depression wasn’t taking me over any longer, I cautiously looked around for it.  I saw it, over in the corner, kinda trying to hide.  A small blob of dirty goo.  As I stared at it, the blob started to inch a little closer.  I quickly looked away!  Glancing back, the blob had ceased to move.  Whew!  Ignoring it works!  But I knew I needed to think about it. 

I asked the Holy Spirit to help me figure out how to keep it small, to the side, NOT in control.  Not ever again.   Gratefulness came to mind.  Relationships.  I could see walls of plexiglass starting to surround the blob.  Creativity.  Meditation.  Those formed the other walls and now the blob was completely encased.  The plexiglass is not perfectly transparent, and the more layers I add, the less the transparency.  So I will be added more layers until the blob is completely concealed!  

Except for the top.  “What about the top?” I asked the Holy Spirit.  “No, no top,” He said.  “You can still reach in anytime.”  But Blob can’t get out without your help.”  Woah.  “You mean…” I started.  “Yup.  If you keep doing what you’re doing:  ignore it, declare gratefulness, pursue relationships, make time for creativity even in a small way, and spend time with Me, Blob will never have power over you again.”  Emotion started to rise, and then abruptly stopped when I acknowledged the weight of this responsibility.  “Is this healing?  I always thought healing came from You, Lord, not from me.”  And then I knew.  Not one good thing that is in me is from me.  Every good thing, and I mean EVERY good thing in me is from HIM.  And I receive it with joy and gratefulness.  Blob, you might always be a “thorn in the flesh,” but His grace is sufficient (to keep it a reminder and not a controlling factor,) to maintain my focus on Jesus, on Who He is, on who I am IN Him and because of Him.  I can be part of what He is doing in my life and in the lives of those around me by His strength and His empowerment.  I don’t live for me, for my desires, for my selfish victimness that wants pity and control.  (uh huh…the flesh lives on.)  But every day, Paul says, “I beat my body into submission…”  Staying on the altar is the only way to keep my flesh submitted to my spirit, which is in a divine, unexplainable, inextricable amalgamation with the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Jesus Himself…  hallelujah!  With that combination, the only option for me is a win-win!  And it is for YOU, too! 

Appreciation for MOM!!!

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Steve Hartman shows us the importance of showing appreciation. He focuses our attention on a very important person in our lives….our Moms. I know it is a day late, but make sure your Mom knows how much you appreciate her.

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