Who Are You Thinking About Right Now

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By Ashlie Miller

What do you do when you think of someone you haven’t seen in quite some time? Do you reach out to them and let them know? Do you stop and pray for them? Thankfully, a friend who thought of me out of the blue stopped and prayed for me last week and then texted me to let me know. Though a good friend, she lives many hours away. We usually see each other at funerals these days, and we only text occasionally, yet she was thinking of me. 

The text read, “Thinking about you and praying for you.” She reminded me that the Lord knows my requests and hears me. Nothing on social media would have alerted her; I am private about my personal needs. We have not been in contact about ongoing struggles or prayer needs. How, then, could she have known? I believe it is because we share someone extraordinary – the Holy Spirit, who ministers to us as we pray and read God’s Word.

In the Kingdom of God, this is a common occurrence. Many Christians from all walks of life pray fervently – moms, dads, grandmas, singles, teens, and professionals. You may feel alone and think no one notices or considers you, but remember, you can be a part of a community of believers. The love that overflows from their relationship with God will cause them to notice others, pray for them, and perhaps help them, if possible.

Sunday morning, on my walk, my playlist reminded me of the song “Someone Is Praying For You”: 

When it seems that you’ve prayed ’til your strength is all gone

And your tears fall like raindrops all the day long

He cares and He knows just how much you can bear

He’ll speak your name to someone in prayer

Romans 8:26-27 reminds us: 

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Wow, the Spirit intercedes – prays – on behalf of the believers in Jesus!

As the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf, and as other believers are faithful to pray and read their Bibles, it is clear that the Holy Spirit can breathe the names of others who are struggling to fellow believers. But it’s not enough to just know this, we must act on it. When we trust that those random names were put on our hearts for a purpose, we can reach out, encourage, and even sometimes be tangible help to those in need. This is our responsibility as Christians, and it’s a privilege. Sometimes, the answer to someone’s prayer is us!

Ashlie Miller is a pastor’s wife and serves at Mission Bible Church in Charlotte. She and her husband, Chad, are parents to 5 children.

Unwelcome Critters

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By Doug Creamer

            We live at the end of a street next to acres of woods. It makes for a quiet location. We like the peacefulness and privacy that the woods provide. We also enjoy living in a good and safe community. One day I hope to have a nice path through the woods, something I can enjoy on a warm summer day.

            The woods provide lots of wildlife. We have a variety of birds that visit our feeders and bring us great joy. We also have deer who like to visit our yard when the vegetables are ready to harvest. We have seen possums both in the yard and trying to sneak in our garage. Naturally, we have an abundance of squirrels and rabbits.

            Our unwelcome visitor came just after the holidays. You may remember that we had a mild winter and this particular visitor should have been hibernating. But the warm weather had brought this critter out and then it naturally wanted a warm place to spend the cold nights.

            I have lived in this part of our county for over thirty years and have rarely smelled a skunk. This past winter we woke up at night with our eyes burning from the odor. One neighbor saw the skunk, another caught it on their doorbell camera. There was no mistaking we had one in the area.

            One day I discovered dirt had been dug out from under the concrete slab that holds our heater. Then I discovered that our water pipe had been dug up where it enters our home. Something was wrong. We called a professional who confirmed our fears…a skunk decided we have a nice warm place to sleep.

            I’ll spare you the details, but the professional took care of our problem…much to our relief. I was delighted when he gave us the all clear. I thought our critter woes were over. Then one day I was walking out the garage door and down our steps when I thought something ran past my feet.

            It’s here that I will confess that I need to see my eye doctor. I haven’t been to the eye doctor in a few years and my vision is not what it used to be. I got a flashlight and inspected the area in question closely and discovered nothing out of the ordinary. Problem solved, until the next time I went out the door and I saw the same thing again. Something was definitely there.

            I did a more thorough inspection of the area and found some sunflower seed shells. I looked further and discovered a sunflower I had saved had been nibbled on. I removed the food supply, thus ending the mouse adventures around my back door. I hope he moved out!

            When I think about it, there are many unwelcome critters that come into our spiritual lives that we have to learn to fight and remove. The first to come to mind is temptation. We all face temptation because our enemy the devil knows just how to lure us away. Sometimes we just let him and we take the bait. We permit and perhaps even encourage temptation to live around us and fail to remove it. We are promised that there is no temptation that is too strong for us and that God promises a way of escape…but we have to choose it.

            Another way we all struggle at times is being discouraged. It’s normal to be discouraged for various reasons. We need to learn to turn to the Lord AND let others in to help lift us out and show us the light of hope. Other times we might find ourselves living with constant discouragement, overwhelming anxiety, or even depression. These mental skunks may require us to call a trusted friend, our pastor, our family doctor, or even a counselor to help us evict the skunk and to clean up our stinking thinking. God is with you and He will help you.

            I want to encourage you to take care of you. Learn how to fight and resist temptation. Walk away from situations that lead you down the wrong path. Find brothers and sisters who will stand with you and encourage you in your battle. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Finding the right person to listen and stand with you is critical to bring healing to your mind, body, and spirit. You are a precious son or daughter of God and He wants the best for you.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Danger in the Garden

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By Roger Barbee

As an amateur watcher and feeder of birds, I have had my disagreements with squirrels, the rodents that many folks, unlike me,  enjoy. However, after years of battle I have reached a reluctant peace with the varmints. The feeders are as much “squirrel proof” as possible, and I begrudge any squirrel the seeds on the ground under the feeders. A tree rodent, in my view, the squirrels have their place in nature. Just not in my garden hogging the bird seed.

But last evening was one of those early spring ones when budding life emerged from every shoot, limb, and blade. The dogwoods in our back garden offered early buds that would soon be white petals, and Carolina chickadees, blue jays, nuthatches, and titmice fed at the three feeders while the rufous-sided towhee shared ground morsels with the brown thrashers and a lone, grey squirrel. The returning pair of chickadees had already established a nest in their bird box on the far dogwood, and we had seen the thrashers bringing nesting material to the large azalea beside the back gate. The camellia in the berm had been taken by a pair of cardinals for season residency; and we sat on our screen porch enjoying the end of a grand spring day watching the fading sunlight rest on the far shore and the animals eating from the three feeders.

Then every bird was gone. An uncomfortable silence descended on the garden, covering it like a shroud. Every bird had flown to a safe limb or rushed into one of the two azaleas for refuge. The squirrel hopped to the dogwood truck, alert with its head erect, but near the ground and observant-poised like a statue. Following the stare of the squirrel, I saw the invader. The resident cooper’s hawk had lit in a dogwood in the berm, about thirty feet from the back feeder, bird bath, and poised squirrel. Not even the blue jays, who will attack a snake, stayed to battle with this intruder.

We watched the hawk, one who is a frequent visitor because of the bird feeders. It was a beautiful animal to us, but the birds had fled because their view of the hawk was different from ours. They saw death while we saw primeval beauty. We watched the squirrel, almost frozen to the tree trunk with its head erect, watching the cooper’s hawk across the fence. We witnessed a scene of nature’s way as the hawk glided to the top fence rail within a few feet of the squirrel who then wisely bounded into the thick foliage of the azalea. The hawk jumped to the ground and began hoping in its awkward walk toward the thick bush as if to peer inside the bush for a meal. It was then that the squirrel came out of the azalea and stood next to the dogwood.

If you watch nature enough, even in a small back garden like ours, you will soon enough see death. It may come from a predator, an accidental falling from a nest, or any other result that I have come to realize is “Nature’s beautiful way.” We sat frozen in the safety of our screen porch as the squirrel faced the attacker. Then, as if scripted, the squirrel leaped at the cooper’s hawk, who made one hop backward. The squirrel lunged again, and the death threat turned and flew away to other hunting grounds.

All the grey squirrels that frequent our back garden look alike, so the brave heart one will remain anonymous. However, since witnessing such an act—whether foolish or brave—all squirrels have become more tolerable. While I still have some issues with their antics, even I cannot deny the act of that lone, grey squirrel against the cooper’s hawk.  So because of his act, each one will be more tolerated than before.

Sheriff Makes Running Work

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By David Freeze

Sheriff Travis Allen has become a regular at the races over the last few months. Here’s his story and why running is working for him.

Not a stranger to running, Allen said, “I would use running to lose weight or try to get fit, off and on but never consistently. While a young deputy, I would run in order to stay in shape for the SRT/SWAT team, but most of my running adventures would end in a few weeks due to injury from doing too much too early. But just putting in the ear buds and disengaging from life for a few minutes helps me keep getting better and healthier. I have Type 2 diabetes and running really helps that. Good Brooks shoes from Ralph Baker and compression socks have so far kept the knots and injuries away.”

A competitive person by nature, Allen loves the challenge and chasing goals associated with running. He said, “Running is much more enjoyable when done with others, and I have met several new friends that drive that competitive spirit. Running my own race, I just want to get better each week and catch the one in front of me. And then the next, but often I am the one getting passed. The races are a great way to support our local charities.”

Allen is 53 and started back exercising on Dec. 27 with speed walking. He now runs four days a week with about four miles a day, totaling 215 miles since his restart. Wanting to avoid injury and a return to the couch because of it, Allen said, “My goal is to run a sub-30-minute 5K by end of summer, knocking off 2 minutes and 30 seconds to make that goal. I don’t have any aspirations for longer runs until I lose a little more weight. If I lose about 25 more pounds, longer races might be in the future.”

Allen met Joel Whittington, another restarting runner, at the Will Run for Food 5K. He said, “I kept Joel and a woman in sight and reeled in the woman, but Joel kept adjusting his pace to stay ahead of me. I finally got him this past Saturday at the Mt. Hope 5K, after Joel had gone to his church and told friends he ran from the law and the sheriff couldn’t catch him. These are the types of encounters and new friends that make races so much fun.”

Competing against the clock and himself, Allen runs each week to beat his best time. He has recently been training on hills to maintain his intended pace. Allen joins Salisbury Police Chief Patrick Smith and previous Sheriff Kevin Auten as those who see the benefits of running and finding time to spend alone. Allen still is just a phone call away should any concern arise.

A lifelong resident of Rowan County, Allen was born and raised in the Woodleaf area. His family currently lives near Mount Ulla and the Millbridge community. After picking tomatoes as a teen at Wetmore Farms, Allen calls himself an old country boy at heart. His wife of 31 years, Michelle, is currently teaching at North Hills after about 20 years in the public schools. She has always taught art.

The Allens have four children. Daughter Kaitlyn is married and lives in Concord. At 28, she flies the Airbus for United Airlines. Oldest son Avery is a N.C. Wildlife officer assigned to Richmond County. Middle son Bradley is 22, married and living in Mooresville, is in sales. Youngest son Wesley is 16 and a 10th grader.

Allen said, “I hope the community enjoys me being on the roads and at the races. I enjoy the citizens of our county. Even if I can’t catch them.” I think he’ll catch more of them soon.

Up next week is the popular West Rowan Bible Teachers Association 5K and Fun Run at West Rowan Elementary School, starting at 9 a.m. on April 6. Proceeds pay for Bible teachers in the schools. Sheriff Allen is already training on the course.

Look for the WRBTA races and others ahead at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org.

A Remarkable Truth

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By Lynna Clark

Lynna wrote this for Easter… It comes from the story of the women finding the empty tomb….

Considering what the women had just witnessed, this little side note seems a bit far fetched. Matthew 28:8 says “they were frightened but also filled with great joy.” Yes Lord! I am afraid too. Please fill me with joy so that I can truly rest in You. For Your joy is my strength!

In Him Only

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 44:8 In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.

  • We remind ourselves daily what a mighty God we have.
  • All that we are, all that we can ever hope to be, is all because of Him.  He is our strength and we rejoice and boast and give Him all the glory.
  • We give Him praise continually, which brings glory to Him and that others may know of our great, wonderful Lord that we serve.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit put His praise continually in my mouth everyday all day and remind me of how great my Lord and Savior is, because He is a mighty God regardless of how things look around me.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Are We Overwhelmed?

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By Ann Farabee

  • Cancer
  • • Sick
  • • Too busy
  • • Hurt by criticism
  • • An inmate
  • • Love an inmate
  • • Stressful job
  • • Feel inadequate
  • • Discouraged
  • • Marriage problems
  • • Lengthy to-do list
  • • Grieving
  • • Children are struggling
  • • An addict
  • • Love an addict
  • • Can’t pay the bills
  • • Depressed
  • • Brokenhearted
  • • Feel like a failure
  • Real people, real problems, real pain. These are samples of actual prayer requests I have received recently.
  • We are often faced with overwhelming circumstances. Sometimes, our best just doesn’t seem to be enough. We begin to wonder if the light at the end of the tunnel has been cut off. Someone asks, “Are you OK?” Our minds scream, “No, help me!” but our mouths form the words, “Yes, I’m fine.”
  • The word overwhelmed is a bit redundant. “Over” can mean overwhelmed and “whelmed” can mean overwhelmed. In that case, could overwhelmed mean “doubly” overwhelmed? Yes, I think so, because that is how I have sometimes felt — buried, drowned, swamped, submerged, flooded, inundated x 2.
  • Psalm 77:3 says, “I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained and my spirit was overwhelmed.”
  • My God, I remember what You have done for me in the past. You sent grace, mercy and love. But now? I need You more than ever. I hate to complain, but I am troubled. Why do I feel that my life and circumstances are out of control? My spirit is overwhelmed.
  • Psalm 61:2 says, “From the end of the earth will I cry to thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
  • Yes, Lord, I feel that I am in the most remote place on earth. So, I am crying out to You! My circumstance overwhelms me and overwhelms my heart.
  • Lord, I see You — up there! You are the rock. The summit seems inaccessible from down here — it seems like an ocean between us and the pathway is so rocky and uneven. I’ll try, even though I am exhausted from my journey. Show me the way, Lord. Lead me through my raging sea of circumstance — move me above my circumstance — to the rock that is higher than I.
  • Psalm 78:53 says, “And he led them on safely, so they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.”
  • Lord, You are leading me safely to higher ground — to the Rock. You say there is no need for fear, so I will not be afraid.
  • Really? You mean that my enemy will become overwhelmed by the sea instead of me? That sounds “doubly” overwhelming — transferred from me being overwhelmed to making my enemy overwhelmed. Yes, my enemy — those things that have been controlling my thoughts, giving me doubts and keeping my eyes off my Jesus. Lord, thank You for tossing my overwhelming enemy into the sea.
  • God may not remove our circumstance, but He has given us the power to not only go through it, but to live above it. “Above” means over it, and not touching it.
  • (That made me smile as I typed it.)
  • If you have read my previous columns, you may be aware that I am a teacher, so here is your homework:
  • • Grab a permanent marker.
  • Go outside and pick out a special rock.
  • Write on it: OVERWHELMED.
  • Pray over that circumstance that is overwhelming you.
  • • Remember, you can’t. God can. Let Him.
  • • Then, draw an X totally across the word you just wrote — OVERWHELMED.
  • • Under it, write this new word: OVERCOMER. Yes, it is an overcomer’s rock and…. we all know that overcomers rock! Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker.
  • Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.

Hope from Psalm 109

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By Rhonda Sassano

”Oh Father, make yourself real to me like You promised me You would. Because of Your constant love and Your heart-melting kindness, come be my hero and deliver me! I’m so broken, needy and hurting. My heart is pierced through and I’m so wounded. I’m the example of failure and shame to all who see me. They just walk by me, shaking their heads, glad I’m the one suffering and not them.  It’s the internal voices in my own head that beat me mercilessly, that mock me and insist I’m unworthy and  unloved and unloveable.  How can I escape my own thoughts?  No matter where I hide, they find me, sneaking up out of the blue and stabbing me til blood pours out.   

You have to help me, O Lord God! Idols are everywhere, and it is so convenient to allow them to distract me from my pain…  but afterwards, nothing has changed.  My heart still hurts, my circumstances are just as overwhelming.  

I cannot live here.  

No.  No longer.  No more.  Not again.  

Savior!  My true hero, come to my rescue and save me, for You alone are loving and kind.  You truly care for me and want to know my deepest wounds and ugliest scars… You felt each injury.  But Your gaze is healing ointment that burns, but purifies.  Like fire that sears but cleanses. When Your breath blows over it, the ash dissipates and a new heart is revealed, soft and pliable, the hardness gone.  I will be so changed that everyone will know it is You that has won my victory, and they will all say to the Lord, “This is Your work, only You could do this!”

I will give my thanks to you over and over, and let everyone hear my lavish praises. 

For You stand right next to me, a broken one.  You are undeterred by my weakness, and unashamed to be my Champion.  You delight in my desire for You.  You are my saving hero and You rescue me from all my accusers, even from me.  


“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”

A Song or a Groan

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By Ashlie Miller

Do yourself a favor and read the paper while sitting outside today. If you are close to such spectacular sounds, sit and listen to the high trill of birds. As I sat down to begin writing on my porch, the overlapping chatter of many songbirds filled the air.

Growing up, I remember hearing that birds sing to praise the Lord. Many of their calls are for basic, daily survival. However, we can observe their behavior and see that everything created can bring glory to God. As it says in Psalm 148:7-10, “Praise the Lord from the earth … small creatures and flying birds!” God made things for His glory and praise. Isn’t it remarkable that in Him receiving glory, we can enjoy the beauty and wonder of creation?

Birds sing continuously and loudly. From the early hours of first light, I can hear them rousing the neighborhood with their melodies. In the midday, I hear their symphony while I enjoy my lunch. Depending on the bird, their songs soften or increase in the evening. They are simply doing what they know to do – communicating for various reasons and needs – resulting in an echo of songs that resonate in our hearts.

We, too, can attend to our everyday activities as an offering of praise and worship when done with the joy, purpose, and acknowledgment of the work God has given us to do at that moment. We can worship continuously by ensuring that everything we do is done with all our heart as serving the Lord (see Colossians 3:23, 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Often, I am tempted to do things with a grumbling spirit, which Philippians 2:14 warns us about. I can groan and complain as I rage clean the house – “I guess if I want it done, I’ll have to do it myself!”… “Either no one sees this mess, or they think someone else will clean it up!” Or I can be thankful that I have a large family to serve, that I can serve them another day, and that one day they will be getting similar opportunities to serve selflessly. Do I always succeed? Not nearly. But I can grow a little at a time.

Imagine a day when Christians will eternally worship on a renewed earth using our abilities and interests in unfettered, non-distracted, uninterrupted ways! Our gifts and talents will resonate with beauty, adoration, and glory more purely to God – to work as we were originally intended all those years ago in the Garden of Eden as God dwells with us.

But until that day, much like the birds flitting about, singing, and chirping to our ears’ delight, I pray my daily mundane is more than a monotonous tone of duty and instead reflects gratitude and satisfaction in completing a task with joy. May it sound as lovely as a songbird and less like unsuccessful attempts to stifle grumbling.

Ashlie Miller is slowly growing past rage cleaning as she puts away the dozens of glasses and cups left out each day by her 5 children.  You may contact her at mrs.ashliemiller@gmail.com.

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