Promises of Spring

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By Ashlie Miller

The signs of spring are peeking through. The daffodils have already trumpeted their readiness for the new season. Wow, they have been everywhere lately – such joyful heralds of a coming season!

My iPhone plant identifier tells me that bird’s-eye speedwell, dead-nettles, henbits, and dandelions are trying to take over my yard. My husband calls our yard a “lawn” and tries to care for it accordingly, so I guess I better not let the kids blow the dandelions on it.

The children point out that the robins have returned to visit the birdhouse on the back of the mailbox. I notice a small cup in a tree made from pine needles, leaves, and other organic material, hoping to host another family of hatchlings soon.

Then, there is the overabundance of skunks, mainly on the side or in the middle of the road. Is this a sign of spring or evidence that land development has pushed away their predators? My son tells me he has already seen – and accidentally killed with a weedeater – some snakes in and near our backyard.

All these signs are whispers – or shouts! – that something good indeed is coming. We can trust that spring will again arrive because it always has.

We can also believe that the things God has spoken and promised in His Word to us through the Bible will also come to pass. I can look at promises made and prophecies pronounced to see a literal fulfillment timeline. It enables me to trust that those promises which have not yet come to pass also will.

That speaks peace to my heart, not only concerning world events but also to my personal needs. Many Christians have been reading an annual Bible reading plan that has led them through Genesis and Exodus early this year. There, we read of some of the covenants and promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Promises to make their small family into a great nation, even with wives who suffered from barrenness for a time. Promises to give them their own land, even when famine and slavery in a foreign land stood in the way. Yet, as we approach Exodus and look further down the horizon past Israel’s good kings – and not-so-good kings – and to the New Testament for The Great King (Jesus), we see the fulfillment of promises. Israel indeed became a great nation, settling in a promised land with the most excellent King that enabled the ultimate promise – hope for all nations and all souls.

Then, I can look at the precision and care for the small intrinsic details of my life and see God’s involvement as I look at the past patterns of His love. You may have your own stories of evidence of His sovereignty and care.

Observing the little sprouts on my lawn, birds chirping in the trees, and even skunks or snakes out and about, we can remember God is working as He always has to fulfill His plan in our lives.

Ashlie Miller refreshes her spirit by taking nature walks with her family, finding glimpses of grace and promise along the way. You may email her at

Hope in the Future

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By Doug Creamer

            Last week was the annual State DECA Competition. DECA is an association of marketing students. You may be wondering how I know that since I have been retired for five years. I still love DECA and I continue to return each year to help with the conference.

            Several thousand students show up each year in Greensboro to determine who will attend the International DECA Conference. Students compete in a variety of role-play events which also contain a written test component. Some students write research papers and then present their results as their competition. There are both team and individual events. Probably the best part is seeing high school students dressed up like professionals for the competitions.

            I attended the state conference every year except for the year we got snowed out. I always looked forward to going to the conference, even though it was a big responsibility to take students away for several days. They always had a positive competitive experience and a wonderful time away from home. I have tons of great stories, including many pranks the students pulled on me. There are so many memories that I plan to treasure for the rest of my life.

I help with the state officer elections each year. The election process determines who will lead the student organization for the upcoming school year. These are the best of the best students, and wow, do they make a big impression on me. These students must complete an application, take a written test, pass an interview with a nomination committee, and finally, win the electoral votes to become the state officers.

            I administer the test and help supervise one of the nominating committees. The committee is made up of students from across the state who take their responsibility to select the best candidates for their positions very seriously. It is a very interesting process to observe. The students act in a professional and mature manner. When they are done, I believe they have chosen the best candidates to be the next state officers.

            When I have all the candidates together to give them their test, I tell them a couple of stories about previous officer candidates. I hope my stories encourage the students and help them to relax before their test. This year I told the students why I continue to come back and work at the conference each year since I retired. I told them that I come to see the hope for the future in their eyes. I told them that I see the future leaders of our country in that room. I see incredible potential in their eyes. I feel peace in my soul because I know our country is in good hands. The news discourages me, but when I look into their eyes my hope is restored that everything will work out. That’s why I come back year after year.

            When I turned to pick up the test to be distributed I was caught off guard by their response; they applauded me. I couldn’t hide the tear that escaped my eye, which only elicited more cheers. I encourage you to turn off the news and look around you at today’s youth. I know they aren’t perfect, but neither are we. There are some young people with some bright ideas, strong moral values, and a faith that is surprisingly refreshing.

            Some people believe the politicians are going to help turn things around. Some trust in the stock market and believe its success will transform the world. Some hope that social reform will change the world. There is only one thing that can turn our world around. While I find hope in our youth, I know that the only way to change is through faith in Jesus Christ. He is the one who holds our future in His hands. He is the one who will guide us and protect us. He is our provider. Our only hope for the future is for us to turn our eyes back to God and to lean on His wisdom and direction.

            I want to encourage you to turn your eyes and keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfector of our faith. The world may appear grim, but He is still in control. He loves us and has good things planned for our future. We must put our faith and trust in Him for all circumstances. He is the source of our Hope. He is the Prince of Peace. He loves us far more than we can understand. The future remains bright when we look into God’s eyes.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The First Day

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By Roger Barbee

 This morning, as if to announce the arrival of March, the temperature invited my wife and me to have our coffee on the screen porch.

Early risers because our aged hound, Nolan, wanted to eat, we drank our first cup of coffee in the fading dark of last night. No birds called yet because of the lack of light, but a soft breeze blew through the tall pines, sending a song of early spring.

We knew the morning was a brief gift of nature because, as the weather woman had promised last night, the soft breeze soon became a harsh wind that blew in colder air. We stayed and finished our first cup of coffee, but then moved back inside to the breakfast table. Even the cats came in with us.

However brief the time had been this morning,  it was a signal of porch mornings to come. On those mornings,  my wife and I will speak softly to each other, listen for and then watch the morning’s arrival, drink coffee, all the while sharing the blessings of our home. Cats will sit on our laps, the dogs will come and go, and life on the planet earth will happen on its scale of the unexplained.

Later in the morning, when I was wrapped up in its busyness, I thought of the monk Thomas Merton and his words, “Nothing has ever been said about God that hasn’t already been said better by the wind in the pine trees” realizing of what he knew about God and man’s thirst for an explanation of all things.

The Daily Mile

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By David Freeze

Since I reported that the Daily Mile is no longer a part of the day at Rowan Salisbury Schools, I have received many comments, every single one in favor of the program being restarted. Simply put, the Daily Mile is a worldwide program that gets the students and staff out of the classroom for 15 minutes a day, using that time for walking or running. Just long enough to chase the mile distance, 5,280 feet. Sounds simple, and it’s all free. No cost to any participant. Several weeks ago, I recounted all the successes the Daily Mile brought to RSSS through an article published in Salisbury the Magazine and endorsed by then Superintendent Lynn Moody.

As the person who designed and prepared the walking track at each school, I was involved from the start. The Duke Endowment covered the costs and Novant Health oversaw the funding payouts to make the tracks happen. Healthy Rowan encouraged the kids and staff, and the school administration mandated participation by teachers, administrators and students.

The students loved it. Hope Julian, daughter of Rebekah and Scott Julian, valued her time outside. She said, “The daily mile helped a lot during school because it made time to get outside and socialize with others. During COVID, we were not allowed to take our masks off in school and went to school about two days of the week so when we had the daily mile, it helped me catch up with friends, exercise, get fresh air and focus in school. Kids would walk and talk together, we would sometimes race and just have fun exercising. So many kids didn’t know what a mile was till we had the daily mile.

I also noticed it helped the teachers with having fresh perspectives when going back inside.

Now that I am in middle school, I really wish I still had the daily mile and I am so grateful that I had that when I was in elementary school. I know it helped me and others excel in school even though it was such a short time period out of the day.”

Allison Adams, the Rowan Salisbury Schools lead physical education teacher, said, “I believe that the Daily Mile is an essential part of the elementary student’s school day. As a parent of two elementary school students, I have seen firsthand how It gives students the ability to exercise during the school day. The Daily Mile is an activity which helps the student connect with classmates and build social skills. It encourages children to focus on the importance of lifelong fitness.

The Daily Mile is inclusive, so all children are able to take part in some way. It encompasses all of our students; children with physical difficulties, special educational needs or mobility issues can all participate in The Daily Mile with support if needed. I believe that the Daily Mile should be done every single day, as originally intended.” Dr. Kelly Withers, RSSS superintendent, weighed in: “The Daily Mile remains a part of multiple school schedules. Our strategic plan wellness team, of which I believe you were invited to attend, will continue to eliminate barriers to wellness activities and create opportunities for students and staff to focus on their wellness and health within our school day with their recently named new leader. We appreciate the continued partnership with Novant Health and Healthy Rowan as they support all our wellness initiatives including the Daily Mile.”

A handful of schools are still doing some exercise, but the rest are making little to no effort, and none are doing the program as originally intended. Several principals have said there is no time for exercise. The wellness committee is now six months into their discussions and the Daily Mile has not been addressed. Both Novant Health and Healthy Rowan called with their disappointment that the Daily Mile is dying. I agree.

Check out Under testimonials, I read this. “As a physical therapist for 39 years, I prescribe movement for health and well-being. We have scientific evidence that movement increases mental function by increasing oxygenation to the entire body, including the brain. Exercise and movement increase productivity in every work place. It used to be routine, that children participated in P.E. (physical education) as part of a regular school day curriculum. Somehow, that has decreased throughout the United States… and now we have more and more challenges with childhood obesity, depression, suicide and behavioral classroom challenges. What if … participating in walking, jogging or running a Daily Mile could and will reverse these crises among our youth? Wouldn’t that be a simple solution? I am ‘all in’ on this one. Let’s get our youth moving!” — Lynn Schorn, physical therapist, Washington state

Look for upcoming running and walking events at


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By Ed Traut

Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth.

  • Salt is an inexpensive and freely available commodity, but so very needed. 
  • We make a difference.  Without salt life and things just taste bad and have no life.
  • We are to change and effect the world with our love, and kindness, and Christ-like way and often it takes all our strength because circumstances are so difficult.

Prayer:  Lord I want to be the salt of this world.  Teach me and help me Holy Spirit to be strong and to keep on being salty in every circumstance.  I love You Lord and give myself to You and I want to touch the world with Your power and Your glory.  Fill me with Your spirit I pray in Jesus name.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Sister Verse

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By Lynna Clark

I have two sisters who are twins. If I can get this wonky techno crapola from Gehenna to co-operate I’ll include a picture of them. But no promises. They are the best. My sisters that is. Each loves the Lord, diligently studies Scripture, and teaches God’s Word regularly. But best of all, when the rubber meets the road, they take care of the family. Our daddy is eighty-eight and probably the most healthy man you’d ever come into contact with. So strong, he is diligent about his healthy lifestyle. Until recently he was still walking three or more miles per day. He started noticing a change in his breathing. Turns out he needed an aortic heart valve replacement.

Wait… what?

It’s bad enough when someone his age needs a knee job. But heart surgery? The thoughts of it scared the life out of me. Another factor in the situation is that while my daddy is the picture of health for his age, I am not. I knew when plans were being made that I would not be able to help take care of him. I won’t lie. He can be a bit ornery, so I wasn’t terribly devastated. However, I worried about my sisters handling all that; especially since one of them lives in Virginia. Our local sister Janice stepped right up. She took care of all the preliminary doctor visits, all the calls and plans, plus she communicated the information to us. Since her husband had recently had heart surgery, she knew the right questions to ask and even understood the med-speak tossed around as-if we do this kind of thing everyday. She took him to the hospital on the day of surgery and sat with him through recovery. That alone was an all day sucker. Once he was moved into a regular room, she fed him dinner while he remained flat on his back. I can’t imagine what that looked like. Hopefully they didn’t have spaghetti. While Janice handled everything, Tamra our Virginia sister, and me held our breath and prayed. It was all we could do. So far, daddy seems to be fine and is supposed to go home today. Depending on his recovery time, Tamra and Janice plan to take turns helping him. Once again, I’ll be home praying as I really have no strength. As I thought on these things this morning, our sister verse came to mind.

“Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken.” -Ecclesiastes 4:12b
For years we’ve held to this as we’ve gone through things with our children, the loss of our mama, and other trials. Each of us has our part. This is the first time that all I could do is pray. Thankfully my sisters get that, and even speak often of the value of my prayers. Rather than resent me, they lift me up. I think that’s the gist of the sister verse: each lifting the other until the cord is strong. Having the Lord woven in makes it even stronger. I hope you have someone you can weave into your life along with the Lord.

For a triple braided cord is not easily broken.

Lion and Shepherd

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By Rhonda Sassano

Jesus, You are more than worthy! You are the Great I Am.  You are the Lion of Judah, and You are the Great Shepherd, even while You are the Lion, because You are our fierce protector and defender.  At the sound of Your Name, darkness trembles! Fear vanishes! Disease dissipates! And I stand strong, every foe vanquished.  Yes.  You are my Great Shepherd.  I want nothing.  I have more than I need. I don’t ask for anything because You already know and have set a plan in motion to take care of me. I choose to rest here in trust and hope, soaking in Your luxurious love for me. Your love brings me to a quiet brook of peace.  This is where you restore my soul and revive my weary heart. I surrender to Your plan.  Help me want for me only what YOU want for me. Help me be still and wait with joy and anticipation to see what You will do on my behalf. You set me on the path to Life, and it is only You who keeps me on that path, because You’ve written your word on my heart and birthed righteousness in my spirit. Now I long to please You, to walk beside You, to hold Your hand. Even when the path grows dark and murky, when blackness settles around me and hides You from my view. Even when discouragement and fear and doubts threaten to overwhelm me, You are still right beside me, leading me through to the other side.  Your authority is my strength and my peace.  The comfort of Your love removes fear. I am never lonely because You are always near. You provide a never-ending, bountiful feast for me, so that I am content with now and don’t worry about the future. You fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and delight in working on me and through me and with me to touch and bless others. As I hear Your Word today, I receive it with joy and thankfulness.  And I ask the Holy Spirit to bring me opportunities and help me recognize opportunities to share with others how Your goodness and mercy overtake me, and how they can join us in eternity with You. 

Keeping Up With Coats

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By Ashlie Miller

Convincing a child to wear a coat in the South is no easy task, especially on a cold but sunny day. Persuading a child to keep up with their coat while at school or co-op is nearly impossible! Hoodies and jackets fill the lost and found box or closet. Many organized mothers with foresight carefully label the inside of their child’s jacket. Those of us who collect hand-me-downs may have a label of a friend (or even a stranger) inside our jackets.

Joseph from the Old Testament in the Bible often could not keep up with his robes and garments. You may remember him as Joseph and the coat of many colors. His many brothers loathed that cloak and hated this favorite son of Jacob. When the opportunity arose, these brothers maliciously sold him into slavery to a caravan of merchants, tore his coat, dipped it in blood, and deceived their father about Joseph’s whereabouts.

Later, while serving in Potiphar’s household, the trusted and again favored servant, Joseph, is set up by the wife of the house, longing to have an affair with him. In the act of escaping her clutches, he leaves his garment in her hands – another opportunity for deception lying in the hands of Joseph’s enemy.

The first garment revealed Joseph’s identity as the favorite son. His later garment revealed his identity as a trusted servant. In both cases, the cloak was taken from him, yet his true identity and integrity remained intact.

Upon salvation, Christians “put on a new self” (Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10); we are transformed from the old to the new (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ clothes us in His righteousness, an identity we willingly embrace at salvation, even if we struggle later to think it is up to us to keep it on through our own merits. Isaiah 64:6-7 tells us that our best efforts towards righteousness (being made right with God) are like filthy rags. It reminds me of the times I let my children choose their clothing for an outing, and they come out with their stained play clothes, thinking they have made a lovely choice. It just will not do.

Thankfully, Isaiah 61:10 shows us the great love of our Messiah, clothing us in “garments of salvation…covered with the robe of righteousness.” Since perfect righteousness is the requirement for salvation (which we are inept at producing and maintaining), we hold fast to the promise of John 10:28-30 that Christ gives us eternal life. No one can pluck Christians out of God’s hand. Better than not losing your coat at school, we have a sealed identity wrapped in something no one can take. Though we may stumble and fall, our repentance reveals that His righteousness remains.

I am so grateful I do not have to keep up with my eternal “coat” myself. Christ has set His name on it and keeps up with it for me! His love is so great that I want to live purely for Him, not to stain my garment intentionally, but even when I fail, He keeps it spotless in His eyes.

Ashlie Miller sorts through coats for five children, sometimes finding jackets belonging to other children. Thankfully her husband, Chad, is type A and does a good job of hanging up his jackets.

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